High Blood Pressure|Hypertension| English   #healthmaantra

High Blood Pressure|Hypertension| English #healthmaantra

High Blood Pressure|Hypertension| English #healthmaantra


High Blood Pressure|Hypertension| English


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   • High Blood Pressure|Hypertension| Eng…  

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   • हाई ब्लड प्रेशर|हाइपरटेंशन|उच्च रक्तच…  


Health Maantra

Health Maantra is a health and wellness programme for all age groups. We focus on your health – physical, mental and spiritual-by providing resources so you, your family and friends can live a healthy and enriching life. After all, Health is Wealth. Our You-Tube channel and website www.healthmaantra.com will familiarize you with the science of diseases-their symptoms and even prevention. Our videos explain the medical terminology most people struggle with. They suggest what tests can diagnose, how to prepare for medical procedures that may be recommended by your doctors. Health Maantra’s 360 degree approach to wellness includes informed lifestyle decisions from nutrition, natural beauty to healthy relationships, and amazing retreats to de-stress and relax.

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Please watch: “(COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | English”
   • (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary …  


12.969 -> Hello and Welcome to Health Mantra.
14.549 -> When you go to a doctors...what’s the first thing they do....Check your blood pressure.
19.259 -> But why….
20.259 -> They do so because most patients who have High Blood pressure don’t have any symptoms,
24.95 -> but the implications of living with sustained high blood pressure can be very serious.
29.619 -> That’s why it is often called a ‘Silent killer’.
33.3 -> More than 1 in 5 adults worldwide have High blood pressure – a condition that causes
37.67 -> around half of all deaths from stroke and heart disease.
41.78 -> But What exactly is High Blood Pressure ?
45.36 -> High blood pressure is a condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your
49.269 -> artery walls is high enough to cause severe health problems.
53.239 -> The higher the pressure in blood vessels, the harder the heart has to work in order
57.04 -> to pump blood.
58.47 -> The normal blood pressure of an adult human body is 120/ 80 while a person is said to
63.629 -> have High blood pressure if the reading reaches at an alrming level of 140/ 90 or above.
70.51 -> Now, what causes High Blood Pressure ?
73.65 -> High blood pressure either tends to develop gradually over many years or caused by an
78.3 -> underlying condition like Kidney or Thyroid problem or use of certain medications such
83.19 -> as birth control pills, decongestants and over-the-counter pain relievers etc.
88.02 -> Let’s see if you are you at a risk of developing High Blood Pressure ?
92.94 -> If you have a family history of High Blood Pressure, if your schedule lacks physical
97.06 -> activity, if you are having food containing too much salt and fat, if you are overweight
102.62 -> and consume too much alcohol or if you have Diabetes, then you are at a high risk of developing
109.29 -> High blood pressure.
110.76 -> Now, what will happen if you do not treat High blood pressure ?
116.4 -> If left uncontrolled, high Blood pressure can lead to heart attack, kidney failure,
121.08 -> blindness, rupture of blood vessels and cognitive impairment.
126.22 -> If you are being diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, What is the treatment ?
129.89 -> For some people, certain lifestyle changes are sufficient to control blood pressure like-
135.4 -> restricting salt intake to less than 5 gm of salt per day, including larger portions
140.68 -> of vegetables and fruits in your diet, limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets, limiting
146.18 -> alcohol consumption, stop smoking and practicing 30 mins of moderate intensity workout.
152.43 -> For others, these changes are insufficient and they need medication, prescribed by a
157.59 -> medical practitioner to control High blood pressure.
161.48 -> Remember, if you're between 18 to 39 years, you are likely to have your blood pressure
167.34 -> taken as part of a routine checkup.
169.47 -> If your BP is normal, enjoy your life, if not… adjust your daily routine and diet
174.5 -> to manage the blood pressure levels.
176.4 -> And if the Blood pressure is severely high, immediately seek medical intervention from
181.099 -> a physician.
182.48 -> For more interesting videos like this, subscribe to our channel Health Mantra.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFJa5k_UQXs