Dr. Mehmet Oz Reveals Which Foods Are Good For Heart Disease, Chronic Pain | TODAY

Dr. Mehmet Oz Reveals Which Foods Are Good For Heart Disease, Chronic Pain | TODAY

Dr. Mehmet Oz Reveals Which Foods Are Good For Heart Disease, Chronic Pain | TODAY

Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of “The Dr. Oz Show” and author of the new book “Food Can Fix It,” reveals the health benefits of certain foods. Olive oil and avocados, for example, contain healthy fats that are good for heart disease, and salmon and salad can be good for chronic pain, as can cinnamon and caffeinated beverages.
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Dr. Mehmet Oz Reveals Which Foods Are Good For Heart Disease, Chronic Pain | TODAY


0.03 -> the healing power of food and how you
2.34 -> can harness it to help with everything
3.78 -> from heart disease to aches and pains
5.73 -> dr. Mehmet Oz host of the dr. Oz Show is
7.95 -> the author of a new book club food can
9.809 -> fix it the superfood switch to fight fat
11.91 -> defy aging and eat your way healthy dr.
14.549 -> oz good morning this seems like a good
15.719 -> description you've written a lot of
17.31 -> books you haven't written one and you
19.26 -> said more than a decade why now
20.91 -> well the books I wrote they're called
23.189 -> the you books and we had seven New York
24.42 -> Times bestsellers and I loved writing
25.8 -> them but I kept feeling over the last
27.57 -> few years that signs still have to catch
29.25 -> up fundamentally in doctors all know
31.26 -> this and things I'm gonna talk about
32.099 -> here will fix me that problems we're
33.989 -> struggling with you want your doctor to
35.34 -> help along the process but doctors are
37.23 -> knowing now more and more because we
38.64 -> have hard science to prove it that foods
40.2 -> are for you remarkable ability to cope
42.3 -> with the biggest killers and the biggest
44.01 -> ailments that we all have as Americans
45.329 -> so this isn't a substitute for your
47.039 -> doctor but this can really help and you
48.51 -> have something you've got food fixes and
50.579 -> it's an acronym can you tell it real
52.11 -> quick what it is what's right behind you
53.489 -> so it's five things fixes the acronyms
55.89 -> fat so with benefits eyes ideal proteins
58.949 -> acts as extra fruits and veggies e
60.89 -> energizing carbs and s special occasions
63.449 -> triggers give me one second yeah to
64.799 -> point out that when you walk into a
66.06 -> grocery store
66.659 -> remember this everybody you're walking
68.4 -> into a pharmacy all of these elements
70.47 -> are in foods and that's important to
72.72 -> know but it's also sacredness to food
74.4 -> and there's elements of food that you
75.96 -> haven't thought of the temperature the
77.159 -> food the mouth you always affect how
78.63 -> your body reacts to it and we have some
80.49 -> good examples here let's start with the
82.049 -> heart the fats with benefits so heart
85.049 -> disease is probably the big the best
86.49 -> example I can give you how foods can fix
88.47 -> it you can sprinkle eggs your
89.85 -> cholesterol drug on kielbasa that
92.189 -> doesn't really work as well as you might
93.78 -> think so fat your benefits are healthy
95.85 -> fats they're omega-3 fats they're bendy
98.369 -> fats okay and you want those fats in
100.11 -> your heart they allow your arteries to
101.34 -> work better they also elevate the good
103.11 -> cholesterol and don't hurt your bad
104.549 -> cholesterol so you can get the oils but
107.07 -> I like the real version stuff until you
108.479 -> have olive oil or the olives and a ma B
110.369 -> which is probably a great protein source
112.02 -> for a lot of folks as well God you get a
114.54 -> Mikado's grant healthy fats in it all
116.1 -> the nuts and then that butters listen
117.75 -> people get worried about this they don't
118.92 -> go get that they actually hopes you get
120.99 -> some nutrients you love a lean protein
122.52 -> ideal proteins this is a chicken dish
124.74 -> that we have a recipe for this that my
126.84 -> wife designed but here's the deal this
128.31 -> has 40 grams of protein folks 40 grams
130.259 -> my protein powder 40 grams of protein 3
132.81 -> grams
133.44 -> it's that easy to make the I do proteins
135.93 -> don't have much fat you also say
137.52 -> experiment with foods that are unusual
139.62 -> this looks like jicama I have no idea
141.27 -> with these other things misty and Cole
143.58 -> Rob here's the thing about vegetables
145.41 -> and I tell you it's the foundation of
147.42 -> food can fix it you have to eat lots of
149.37 -> veggies experiment don't get bored with
151.14 -> the same old deal
151.89 -> you're right cabbage try a little call
153.48 -> Rob you probably haven't come up but
155.85 -> jicama is a great crunchy vegetable
157.23 -> gives you a good mouthfeel made its name
158.64 -> huge source of vitamins in your diet ok
160.8 -> why now we're talking chronic pain wine
163.11 -> well I'm just sorry I got excited when I
165.33 -> saw a glass of wine tell me about this
166.71 -> so let's move into any element of that
169.89 -> 100 million Americans suffer from pain
172.05 -> couple things that bought pain first off
173.7 -> if you eat foods that inflame your body
176.1 -> you will have more pain so this is a
177.84 -> dish a trans class example you may think
179.49 -> salmon and salads good for your heart it
180.96 -> hasn't been good for paying to because
182.7 -> reduces the immune response to your
184.47 -> sinus pain any kind of orange in general
187.98 -> again you wouldn't look for the source
189.21 -> of the pain so deal with that and don't
191.22 -> use narcotic well please listen
192.69 -> narcotics do not work for chronic pain
194.67 -> that well that not the way to go foods
196.47 -> do work why it has resveratrol in it it
199.5 -> might be partners that's not the alcohol
201 -> it's not getting drunk it's eating
202.65 -> together and bonding and get mess to the
204.33 -> sacred value of food coffee ends up
207.42 -> being a very good painkiller and just a
209.52 -> few seconds you can benefit you think
210.9 -> about this over-the-counter pills that
212.85 -> you buy for pain yeah often have
214.29 -> caffeine in them it potentiates by about
216.51 -> 40% the other elements of the pill if
219.06 -> people who are subjected to having pain
221.34 -> in their lives caffeinated beverages can
223.23 -> reduce the pain if it's persimmons there
225.09 -> cinnamon helps with inflammation because
226.41 -> it helps your liver react better the
227.64 -> sugar you can add it to the coffee it's
229.019 -> a great one-two punch sugar is one of
230.82 -> the worst things for pain
232.17 -> look you call this the ten-second pain
233.91 -> reliever they had done Studies on this I
235.83 -> don't understand better yeah it's water
237.3 -> hot in drinking water not be your first
239.25 -> thing because if you're truly dehydrated
241.5 -> pain is one of the ways your body says
242.97 -> hey you need more water go get it for
245.1 -> the cold water helps especially oh it's
247.17 -> better okay and then food helps your
248.489 -> mood from people we you know we dig into
251.07 -> a tub wage games we see him store key
252.87 -> texts about us yeah so food is supposed
254.489 -> to be emotional supposed to hit hook us
256.14 -> up the thing to remember about foods is
257.88 -> you can create food habits that are
259.739 -> actually healthy emotionally so you
261.479 -> might go for potato chips or that ice
263.13 -> cream I mentioned or you can go if you
264.33 -> want sweet with an apple
265.79 -> this case with some peanut butter if you
267.56 -> want something crunchy in your mouth
268.67 -> gets chickpeas but put some spicy things
271.43 -> on it the mouthfeel that you want if you
273.32 -> want creamy go for the yogurt blueberry
275.36 -> mix you can with a little vanilla you
277.1 -> can make food work for you don't see it
279.38 -> as a bad thing there's a motion hook to
280.91 -> you foods supposed to drag you in our
282.77 -> our humanity is in part because our
285.14 -> foods brought us together historically
286.97 -> we have to remember the power of food
288.62 -> allowing us to fix ourselves and if we
290.33 -> use it correctly with the rest of the
291.8 -> medical arraignment you're good to go
292.85 -> when we're back tomorrow with more on
294.38 -> that dr. oz thank you though today feds
296.3 -> thanks for checking out our YouTube
297.77 -> channel subscribe by clicking that
299.54 -> button down there and click on any of
302.42 -> the videos over here to watch the latest
305.69 -> interviews show highlights and digital
308.09 -> exclusives

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n7pw8ieic