What are the best healthy breads?
What are the best healthy breads?
To help decipher the labels to make a healthy choice, look for whole grains listed first on the ingredient list
0.08 -> all right we often hear that bread is a
1.92 -> guilty pleasure carb heavy and full of
5.04 -> empty calories
6.96 -> and that it leads to weight gain i am a
9.28 -> big fan of those carbs
11.28 -> but put a little butter on top right
13.679 -> it's so tempting but then you know you
15.92 -> eat one slice and then it becomes four
17.84 -> yeah it does and then you feel like
19.359 -> you've negated your workout right as
21.279 -> consumer investigator lauren verno
23.199 -> though explains consumer reports looked
25.199 -> at more than 50 different breads that
26.88 -> contained whole grains and they found
29.279 -> some that really aren't that bad for you
32.48 -> the wall of bread in your grocery store
34.559 -> can be daunting there seems to be more
37.2 -> and more healthy ones to choose from
39.12 -> you'll see labels like multi-grate made
41.12 -> with whole wheat grains and seeds and
43.04 -> more to help decipher the labels to make
45.52 -> a healthy choice look for whole grains
48 -> listed first on the ingredient list a
50.16 -> whole grain has all three parts it was
52.16 -> grown with the bran the germ and the
54.559 -> endosperm and is more nutritious than a
57.039 -> refined grain which doesn't include the
58.96 -> two outer layers whole grains are high
61.52 -> in fiber which generally makes you feel
63.52 -> fuller more good news whole grains are
66 -> linked to a lower risk of heart disease
68.08 -> diabetes certain cancers and other
70.32 -> health problems but labels can be
72.479 -> confusing for instance breads labeled
75.28 -> multi-grain or 12 grain can contain a
78.24 -> mix of grains even white flour breads
80.96 -> labeled 100 percent whole grain or 100
83.68 -> percent whole wheat won't have other
85.92 -> flowers like white mixed in less than
88.4 -> half of the breads that we looked at
89.84 -> that were labeled multi-grain oat made
92 -> with whole grain actually contained just
94.24 -> whole grains in addition to a high
96.079 -> proportion of whole grains consumer
97.68 -> reports experts say the best healthy
99.759 -> breads have minimal additives two or
102.56 -> three grams of fiber per slice less than
104.799 -> 150 milligrams of sodium and two or less
107.84 -> grams of added sugars nuts and seeds are
110.079 -> an added bonus in bread they add flavor
112.399 -> crunch healthy fats and fiber here's
114.799 -> some breads consumer reports raised a
116.799 -> toast to 365 whole foods market organic
120.479 -> ancient greens will upgrade your
122.079 -> sandwich it has 16 grams of whole grains
124.88 -> in a slice and is low in added sugars
127.04 -> and sodium your morning toast will be
129.2 -> better with nature's own 100 whole wheat
132.319 -> it has less than a gram of added sugar
134.319 -> per slice
135.68 -> a slice of dave's killer bread organic
137.84 -> power seed has more than a serving of
140.319 -> whole grains with 19 grams spread with
143.12 -> peanut butter for a protein packed snack
146.08 -> and for anyone wondering whether
147.36 -> homemade bread is healthier the answer
149.599 -> is that it certainly can be consumed
151.599 -> reports points out that avoiding that
154 -> extra sugars and additives and look for
156.48 -> a recipe created specifically for whole
159.2 -> grain flour i'm consumer investigator
161.599 -> lauren verno channel 4 the local station
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SulM6-A02zY