Whether it is a romantic, platonic, or familial relationship, keeping a healthy bond with others is important in order to live a happy life. However, the factors that determine a healthy relationship are many. What do you consider are signs of a healthy relationship?
Is your relationship stronger than you think? Check out our videos on the signs of a strong relationship: • 7 Signs of a Strong Relationship
References: “7 Signs of a Healthy Relationship.” The Family Centre, www.familycentre.org/news/post/7-signs-of-a-healthy-relationship. Fields, ―Dr. Tiffany, et al. “Why Physical Touch Matters for Your Well-Being.” Greater Good, greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_physical_touch_matters_for_your_well_being. “Healthy Relationship – 7 Signs: LivingWell Medical Clinic: Grass Valley.” LivingWell Medical Clinic, 4 Feb. 2021, livingwellmedicalclinic.com/2020/7-signs-of-a-healthy-relationship/. Kennedy, Madeline, and Sara Rosen. “Think You’re in a Healthy Relationship? Couples Therapists Share 10 Must-Have Qualities for Long-Lasting Love.” Insider, Insider, 26 May 2021, www.insider.com/healthy-relationships. Migala, Jessica, et al. “9 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship: Everyday Health.” EverydayHealth.com, www.everydayhealth.com/sexual-health/signs-youre-healthy-relationship/.Raypole, Crystal. “Healthy Relationships: 32 Signs, Tips, Red Flags, and More.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 13 Dec. 2019, www.healthline.com/health/healthy-relationship.
0.16 -> hey psych2goers welcome back
2.399 -> are you wondering whether you have
3.919 -> healthy relationships with the people in
5.839 -> your life whether it's romantic platonic
8.72 -> or familial relationships building and
11.36 -> maintaining a healthy bond with others
13.28 -> is a key aspect of living a happy life
16.64 -> whilst the determining factors of a
18.8 -> healthy relationship may differ from
20.48 -> person to person there is a multitude of
22.88 -> traits that are common indicators
25.199 -> with that said here are eight signs of a
27.76 -> healthy relationship number one
30.4 -> adaptability
31.92 -> as with emotions human personalities are
34.399 -> subject to change and fluctuations as
36.559 -> life happens
37.76 -> have you ever thought someone in your
38.96 -> life was changing
40.96 -> well
41.68 -> whilst they are still themselves they
43.68 -> may portray an alternate version of
45.28 -> themselves through time and experiences
47.6 -> according to therapist lindsay anton
50.399 -> being aware and accepting of this is
52.879 -> important as one thing healthy
54.8 -> relationships largely share is
56.48 -> adaptability
58 -> in order to achieve a balanced power
59.84 -> dynamic both partners in the
61.44 -> relationship must be willing to
62.719 -> compromise for each other and adapt to
64.879 -> changes
66 -> number two
67.04 -> encouragement
68.72 -> all of us have had various dreams and
71.04 -> goals although our goals might not
73.2 -> always align with other people's goals
75.28 -> people in healthy relationships
76.72 -> acknowledge the importance of constant
78.96 -> encouragement
80.32 -> even if you don't relate to or fully
82.4 -> understand the goal of someone in your
83.92 -> life offering encouraging words and
86 -> support might just help make their day
88.72 -> number three
90 -> comfortability
91.6 -> do you ever notice your body physically
93.92 -> relax as soon as you're in the presence
96.079 -> of someone who is very close to you
98.159 -> this might involve inhaling deeply and
100.159 -> then sighing and relief as soon as you
102.079 -> enter the safe comfortable space with
104.479 -> them
105.52 -> feeling at ease is a telltale sign of a
107.759 -> healthy relationship if you feel tense
110.079 -> around someone you'd like to get closer
111.92 -> with try communicating with them as
114.399 -> opening up might help the relationship
116.159 -> progress and it might in turn make you
118.159 -> feel more comfortable with them
120.079 -> number four
121.36 -> trust
122.64 -> a huge sign of a healthy relationship is
125.36 -> trust
126.56 -> imagine you get a text from your partner
128.239 -> saying that they're going to the same
129.599 -> party as their ex
131.36 -> if you feel calm and unthreatened by
133.599 -> this it suggests a trusting and healthy
135.92 -> relationship
137.04 -> similarly if you trust your friends and
138.959 -> family to have your back it suggests a
141.04 -> healthy dynamic
142.72 -> if however you don't trust these people
144.64 -> in your life this is something you can
146.48 -> work on by communicating and being open
148.8 -> and honest with them
150.48 -> number five physical intimacy
153.28 -> intimacy doesn't always mean sex plenty
156.319 -> of research has shown the importance of
157.84 -> physical contact for well-being and it's
160.4 -> therefore no surprise that healthy
162.16 -> relationships often involve cuddling
164.4 -> kissing hugging or even just being in
166.8 -> the physical presence of one another
169.36 -> if you find yourself being physically
170.959 -> drawn to a friend partner or family
173.12 -> member there's a good chance that you
174.72 -> have a healthy relationship with them
176.879 -> equally however if you don't feel
179.12 -> comfortable being physically intimate
180.64 -> with someone it's important that the
182.319 -> other person respects this and doesn't
184.159 -> make you feel pressured in any way
186.4 -> number six
187.68 -> boundaries
189.04 -> one of the fastest ways to break down a
191.04 -> relationship is crossing one another's
192.8 -> boundaries
194.08 -> on the other hand recognizing and
195.84 -> respecting the other person's physical
197.44 -> and emotional boundaries is essential in
199.599 -> forming a healthy relationship
201.68 -> there are three components involved in
203.599 -> creating boundaries for yourself
205.84 -> identifying what your boundaries are
208.08 -> communicating them to others and
210.08 -> sticking by them if people treat these
212.879 -> boundaries seriously that's great
215.28 -> if they don't it might be worthwhile
217.36 -> having a serious discussion with them
219.36 -> and if nothing changes you might need to
221.76 -> consider moving on
223.36 -> number seven
224.84 -> happiness this might seem obvious but
227.92 -> healthy relationships will provide both
230 -> parties with joy and happiness
232.64 -> dopamine and serotonin are feel-good
234.879 -> chemicals which are the hormones
236.64 -> released from our brain when we interact
238.4 -> with someone we love do you feel happy
240.959 -> spending time with those around you do
242.799 -> you look forward to seeing them if so it
245.28 -> sounds like you have healthy fulfilling
247.28 -> relationships
249.04 -> and number eight communication
252.08 -> this is another huge sign of a healthy
254.48 -> relationship whether it's resolving
256.479 -> conflicts vocalizing each other's
258.639 -> desires or inquiring about the
260.88 -> well-being of one another
262.8 -> clear communication is a fundamental
264.72 -> sign of a healthy relationship
266.72 -> in any relationship there will almost
268.72 -> certainly be disagreements from time to
270.56 -> time but what matters the most is how
272.639 -> you both work together to resolve the
274.32 -> conflict in a transparent and respectful
277.04 -> manner
278.08 -> so there we have it eight signs of a
280.96 -> healthy relationship
282.4 -> do you relate to any of these signs
284.479 -> there are more signs than just the ones
286.56 -> we've listed today so please let us know
288.72 -> if we've missed any in the comments
290 -> section below
291.28 -> if you don't relate to all of these
292.96 -> signs that's completely fine
295.28 -> it takes effort from both sides to
297.12 -> create and maintain a healthy connection
299.28 -> and if you feel as if there is room for
300.88 -> improvement start with communication if
303.6 -> you liked today's video please like and
305.52 -> subscribe to psyctic if you haven't
307.039 -> already and share this with others who
309.039 -> might also find the video helpful we'll