Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Non Modifiable Factors
Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Non Modifiable Factors
What are the non modifiable risk factors of heart disease you can’t control? Factors such as age, sex and ethnicity all play deciding factors.
0.8 -> What are the non-modifiable
risk factors for
2.8 -> Cardiovascular disease?
5.2 -> Cardiovascular Disease can be
caused by a variety of risk
7.367 -> factors we cannot control.
10.066 -> The older you are the more prone
you are to chronic conditions
12.467 -> like heart disease or stroke.
14.9 -> However, Men have a higher
risk of Cardiovascular Disease
17.8 -> earlier in life while Women are
more at risk after menopause.
22.4 -> Women may also experience
different symptoms of a heart
24.6 -> attack that may go unrecognized.
27.7 -> You may be more at risk
depending on your ethnicity.
30.867 -> People of Asian, African and
first nation descent have higher
34.7 -> rates of Cardiovascular Disease.
37.7 -> Your ethnicity may also
influence your diet,
40.266 -> which can put you at
an increased risk for
41.967 -> Cardiovascular Disease.
44.834 -> If you have a first degree
relative who has had
46.834 -> Cardiovascular disease or a
stroke before the age of 55 for
49.867 -> men and 65 for women, your risk
for heart disease doubles and
53.934 -> regular screenings with your
doctor are recommended.
57.266 -> But there is good news!
58.867 -> Up to 80% of premature
Cardiovascular disease
61.266 -> can be avoided and more
effectively managed by
63.3 -> taking these proactive steps.
65.567 -> Quit Smoking, be physically
active, eat well,
69.1 -> achieve a healthy weight, manage
your stress and any anxiety or
72.567 -> depression and see your doctor
about managing your cholesterol,
75.9 -> blood pressure and blood sugar
levels. For more information
79.3 -> on Cardiovascular disease,
please visit our website.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRioi_6Yh18