Time Is Everything : 27-Year-Old Makes Full Recovery From Stroke, Thanks to Quick Action by Doctors

Time Is Everything : 27-Year-Old Makes Full Recovery From Stroke, Thanks to Quick Action by Doctors

Time Is Everything : 27-Year-Old Makes Full Recovery From Stroke, Thanks to Quick Action by Doctors

Like many people his age, Robert Taunton enjoys an active lifestyle. When the 27-year-old is not working as a project manager for a general contractor, he enjoys dirt biking, Jet Skiing and tinkering with cars at his El Sobrante, Calif., home. But just a few months ago, he survived a stroke. Thanks to the “Insane” speed with which he was treated by his care team at Kaiser Permanente Richmond and Redwood City Medical Centers, Robert made a full recovery. For more stories like Robert’s, visit http://k-p.li/carestories.


0.667 -> Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the country.
3.804 -> It's the fifth leading cause of death,
5.205 -> and it actually can happen to anyone.
6.874 -> Kaiser Permanente Northern California
8.108 -> has 21 medical centers that are all stroke centers,
10.878 -> and we work across medical centers to deliver care in a
13.68 -> systematic method for those who need a higher level of care,
16.55 -> who needed an intervention that isn't provided
19.353 -> at most medical centers.
20.921 -> The challenge facing everybody in this stroke community
22.623 -> is how do we identify people like Robert
25.092 -> and deliver the care in an expedited fashion?
28.228 -> At Kaiser Permanente, we've developed the
29.796 -> Stroke Express Project.
34.301 -> Robert benefitted from this new treatment program in that we
38.205 -> were able to very quickly treat him for his acute stroke.
41.975 -> When I first experienced something was wrong,
44.177 -> when my coworker came into the break room at work,
46.046 -> and I realized that he asked me a question;
48.382 -> I realized I couldn't understand what he was saying.
50.384 -> At that point, I tried to answer him and I couldn't speak either.
53.053 -> My coworker then called 9-1-1 right away.
56.056 -> The ambulance service showed up and I heard them radioing in
59.192 -> that it was a stroke.
61.328 -> Kaiser Richmond, Isaac speaking.
62.729 -> We got a pre-notification call from the ambulance,
65.499 -> the EMS service, that they had a 27-year-old patient, Robert.
69.336 -> ETA is 10 minutes. Possible stroke.
72.005 -> They were concerned with him having acute stroke.
75.008 -> They were able to give me his medical record number
76.543 -> and I could look at his chart.
77.811 -> Specifically for the stroke alert, it's an amazingly
80.113 -> complex system that all has to work very well,
83.016 -> very quickly to get the care as fast as possible.
86.42 -> We need to have the pre-notification.
88.021 -> We need to have the CT scan ready.
89.556 -> We immediately contacted the tele-neurologist to have
92.159 -> the video cart up and ready for when Robert would arrive.
96.029 -> I remember the look in his eyes, how scared he was.
100.434 -> When Robert rolled into the emergency room,
102.369 -> he had stroke-like symptoms.
104.871 -> The stroke neurologist is available via teleconsult
108.575 -> in a two-way monitoring fashion where the neurologist
113.046 -> leads the stroke code.
114.781 -> Can you name the objects that you see there?
117.384 -> And was able to perform rapid interpretation
120.02 -> of all the data at hand.
122.222 -> Once we collected all this information,
124.057 -> we treated him with a clot-busting drug, or tPA.
127.794 -> And we also notified our Redwood City colleagues who
130.864 -> would perform an intervention on him later in the day.
134.334 -> Time is everything.
135.902 -> We needed to save his brain by applying these concepts
139.373 -> rapidly and efficiently so that we'd optimize his outcome.
144.778 -> It was kind of surreal in the sense there was all this
147.414 -> going on for me.
148.582 -> They were such a well-oiled machine.
151.184 -> After I was done speaking with the teleneurologist Dr. Fox,
155.322 -> I alerted the rest of our team and we started to get ready
158.225 -> for Robert's arrival.
160.727 -> The techs started to get the Angio Suite ready
164.031 -> with all the equipment that we were going to need.
166.466 -> What we did for Robert is a minimally invasive procedure
169.469 -> where we placed a small tube or catheter in the artery
173.073 -> starting in the leg
174.541 -> and navigated up right to the blockage in the brain.
177.911 -> And then we deployed a device called a stent retriever,
181.214 -> which captures the clot and makes it possible to pull it out
185.485 -> and restore flow to the brain.
187.788 -> Patients that are having a severe stroke,
190.057 -> the sooner we get the artery open, the better they do.
194.094 -> And my right hand went up as soon as they got the last bit
198.065 -> out and that's when I knew that I was going to be all right.
201.001 -> Kaiser Permanente Stroke Express Program
203.236 -> has allowed us to treat twice as many patients
206.606 -> with the lifesaving medication tPA.
210.043 -> And in addition, it has allowed us to half the time of
214.081 -> door to needle for tPA treatment.
216.383 -> But yet we have been able to maintain a low
219.319 -> complication rate.
220.587 -> So if you happen to present to a Kaiser Permanente emergency room
223.49 -> with a stroke like Robert did, you'll have access to a
225.725 -> system of stroke care that includes primary stroke centers
228.562 -> and comprehensive stroke centers.
230.831 -> And irrespective to the type of stroke,
232.399 -> the complexity of the situation,
233.567 -> you'll get the best care possible.
235.602 -> If everything hadn't come together the way it did,
237.871 -> I could be paralyzed on my right side permanently,
241.975 -> so I'm very happy for all the doctors and the teamwork
245.779 -> and everything that went so smoothly for me...and so fast.
249.983 -> I'm back to dirt biking, jet skiing, wakeboarding,
253.653 -> working, all that.
255.322 -> It seems like it's such a trivial thing
256.523 -> like to thank somebody, but that's all I could offer
258.158 -> because it's my utmost thanks, you know.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOntPn1UFNM