Stopping Statins: Pt1 - Is it Safe After an Ischemic Stroke?
Stopping Statins: Pt1 - Is it Safe After an Ischemic Stroke?
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1.22 -> so today we're gonna talk about stopping
4.14 -> statins I have a friend he's about 60
11.07 -> now his father died of a heart attack
13.71 -> when he was 51 my friend had a plaque
17.52 -> and had some problem it had slowed it
21.449 -> down
21.9 -> he actually reversed it and decreased
29.22 -> the size of that plaque and hardened it
32.61 -> so he felt like he was in good shape and
35.28 -> he was ready to stop it he told me he
37.35 -> did and in less than a year guess what
39.739 -> less than a year off the statin his
42.03 -> plaque had softened again and started
44.73 -> growing so we're gonna talk for a few
47.01 -> minutes about stopping statins actually
49.14 -> there was a study that just came out a
51.539 -> couple of months ago in the Journal of
53.64 -> the American Heart Association talking
56.19 -> about people that have stopped Stanton's
58.559 -> post plaque so we're gonna do a brief
62.37 -> series on stopping statins because
67.439 -> there's a lot of maybe conflicting
71.67 -> information in the literature maybe not
73.53 -> if you understand the mechanisms behind
76.38 -> statins but first a quick introduction
78.659 -> I'm Ford Brewer with preb Med heart
80.88 -> attack and stroke prevention we hope you
82.979 -> get a couple of healthy decades in your
86.759 -> life that you wouldn't have had now what
91.049 -> are the reasons for stopping statins
92.909 -> well there are a lot of them and I've
94.74 -> got a few of them listed here oh one of
97.229 -> them is the side effects
98.72 -> obviously fatigue muscle soreness
102.439 -> malaise and that's a medical term for
104.909 -> feeling bad increasing blood glucose
109.649 -> statins can move you down that diabetic
112.53 -> Highway if you're already insulin
114.09 -> resistant and etc there's just a bunch
116.49 -> of other reasons to think about that and
119.969 -> to want to get rid of them I need to
122.219 -> switch to another statin that's another
125.64 -> reason for example maybe you've been
128.97 -> watching these videos and realize that
131.67 -> you're on the wrong statin
133.48 -> maybe you're on something like lipitor
135.34 -> and your insulin resistant and it's not
137.62 -> giving you any anti-inflammatory impact
140.129 -> other reasons cost fear now you just
144.989 -> actually I talked to most of my patients
150.04 -> are baby boomers and the baby boomer
151.9 -> generation just does not like
153.73 -> medications it's not so much a fear
156.069 -> thing it's just an emotional thing about
157.92 -> we want to be whole and healthy and
161.86 -> natural and anything like a medications
163.959 -> a bad thing so how about another reason
168.31 -> you know believe Rory Collins and the
171.04 -> cholesterol treatment traumas I'll go
174.88 -> over that slide in just a minute or are
180.37 -> another reason you've seen too many
181.75 -> youtubes on the dangers of statins so
185.98 -> yes there's a lot of reasons to stop
187.66 -> statins and we're going to go into a
189.13 -> study that just talked about that with
192.91 -> tens of thousands of patients that stop
196.75 -> their statin post-stroke you remember I
199.18 -> mentioned Rory Collins in the
200.7 -> cholesterol treatment trial lists
203.049 -> there's been a debate going on for at
205.72 -> least six years between the British
208.15 -> Medical Journal and Lancet those are the
211.09 -> two major medical journals medical
216.37 -> science journals for England
218.04 -> Rory Collins is in The Lancet Group it's
222.04 -> been a debate about whether Lant
223.81 -> British Medical Journal has been
225.22 -> publishing things that say statins are
226.84 -> dangerous for you and Rory Collins and
229.6 -> his group are saying yeah they're
231.25 -> dangerous but they're not as bad as
233.25 -> going statin free real quick basically
238.63 -> what he's saying they did a
240.06 -> meta-analysis and he's saying look yes
242.739 -> myopathy can happen in a lot of a
247.09 -> relatively good number of people they're
251.049 -> saying take ten thousand people either
252.94 -> low risk or high risk and I can't
255.76 -> remember if they followed them for five
256.989 -> years or ten years I don't think that's
259.87 -> significant given the numbers that were
261.25 -> talking about but I believe it was five
262.51 -> years and they're saying look you're
264.909 -> gonna see myopathy now this is not just
267.16 -> tenderness or or fatigue this is serious
270.67 -> myopathy which can kill you you're also
273.88 -> going to see increasing insulin
275.83 -> resistance they listed it as new onset
279.79 -> diabetes soon maybe an academic
282.64 -> discussion but there most researchers
285.7 -> would say it doesn't start diabetes when
288.79 -> you don't have it anyway you get a lot
291.25 -> of that moving you down the diabetic
293.59 -> highway you know also get hemorrhagic
296.26 -> stroke or at least that's what they
298.27 -> thought then back a year ago I think
302.62 -> that most of us are beginning to get
304.51 -> comfortable that they really don't so
309.06 -> worst case scenario a hundred ten
311.86 -> hundred and fifteen bad outcomes from
318.51 -> statins in 10,000 people well way the
323.95 -> other side that same ten thousand people
326.53 -> if it was a low-risk group would suffer
328.47 -> 500 heart attacks or strokes fatal by
334.42 -> the way
336 -> cardiovascular death if there were a
338.29 -> high-risk group it would be a thousand
339.76 -> so that's what Rory Collins and his
341.56 -> group are saying and if you cruise
344.32 -> through the YouTube and the internet a
346.57 -> bit you'll see a lot of that debate
348.67 -> still going on but let's talk about this
350.86 -> study that we just saw or that I
352.84 -> mentioned in the American Journal of the
354.91 -> American Heart Association back in
358.45 -> August of oh seven they basically said
361.24 -> look oh it cut off but they're saying
369.7 -> look it's dangerous to to stop your
373.78 -> statins after a stroke I'm just gonna
377.95 -> mention one other study to show that
379.87 -> this is not maybe not as simple as it
383.77 -> seems this was a study done in oh four I
389.74 -> think yeah oh four where they stopped
393.49 -> statins and look at the headline here
395.8 -> stopping statins in the short term is
397.81 -> okay for stable patients
400.82 -> I'll talk about this study a little bit
402.86 -> later but let's go through the recent
406.04 -> study the one published in the Journal
408.47 -> of the American Heart Association August
411.86 -> 2nd of 2017 util utilization of statins
417.85 -> beyond the initial period after stroke
420.5 -> and one year risk of recurrent stroke so
427.33 -> just to get to the punchline and then
429.71 -> dig a little bit deeper into the details
433.84 -> so the results were that they saw
437.8 -> significant increase in stroke recurrent
441.44 -> stroke in patients that stopped their
443.87 -> statins among the 45150 one ischemic
451.19 -> stroke patients meeting the criteria
454.09 -> during the day 92 day 180 period 7% were
458.99 -> on reduced therapy 18.5 were not on any
462.14 -> therapy compared with maintained statin
467.81 -> intense therapy discontinuation of
470.93 -> statins was associated with an increased
475.31 -> hazard of recurrent stroke the
478.01 -> probability meeting the 95% probability
484.03 -> criteria in other words it's less than
487.19 -> 5% probability that this would happen
489.89 -> just out of random chance and actually
492.08 -> we'll go over the actual numbers and
494.96 -> you'll see that the probability was less
496.58 -> than one hundredth of one percent so
500.93 -> their conclusion was look
502.42 -> discontinuation of statin therapy
504.23 -> between three and six months after an
508.55 -> index stroke is going to increase your
511.51 -> probability of having another stroke so
518.14 -> let's let's get a little bit deeper into
522.11 -> the details here this is one of the this
526.91 -> is some of the numbers one of the tables
528.62 -> out of this study
533.14 -> basically what they're showing is the
536.86 -> dip is recurrent stroke and ischemic
544.51 -> stroke now one of the problems with this
549.1 -> study is they didn't clearly define
551.05 -> what's the difference between a
552.31 -> recurrent stroke and an ischemic and a
554.02 -> secondary ischemic stroke but basically
556.24 -> what they showed is you're more likely
558.94 -> to have a stroke here's the numbers let
561.91 -> me see if we can read them at fourteen
564.25 -> [Music]
565.56 -> hundred and seventy four strokes among
568.12 -> the thirty-three thousand six hundred
570.13 -> and twenty-three people who were on who
575.05 -> maintained the stroke the statin therapy
577.26 -> for those that discontinued the statins
580.57 -> that was eight thousand three hundred
582.25 -> fifty-three again a lot fewer 33,000
585.52 -> continued at eight thousand stopped
587.17 -> among the 33,000 that continued at 1500
591.52 -> strokes
592.09 -> among or 4.4 percent among the a
596.08 -> thousand that stopped there were 517
602.5 -> strokes or 6.2 percent again the
605.08 -> probability of that difference is less
609 -> than one hundredth of one percent so
614.16 -> short story is I'm not recommending any
618.19 -> my post stroke patients to stop their
621.16 -> statin there's two problems with this
624.88 -> study though and I may have mentioned in
629.41 -> some of my previous videos I used to do
633.22 -> a lot of epidemiology at Hopkins and so
635.59 -> got very deep into looking at studies
638.88 -> this study is there has some of the same
642.91 -> problems that a lot of other scientific
646.93 -> studies have it's the exclusion criteria
649.75 -> issue first of all this this was in a
653.74 -> Taiwanese registry for strokes it was a
658.09 -> retrospective study meaning they took
659.92 -> information from strokes that had
663.97 -> already occurred and tabulated it
667.12 -> now let's look at the exclusion criteria
669.61 -> the first one is 32,000 were excluded
674.279 -> doing two due to having a recurrent
677.41 -> stroke within a hundred and eighty days
679.089 -> after discharge well I sort of thought
682.36 -> that was part of the study now I'm
686.639 -> thinking that maybe what they're saying
689.68 -> is look stroke you often get one stroke
694.509 -> after another in rapid succession and in
698.079 -> fact it's true a quarter of strokes
700.48 -> happen in people that have already had
702.43 -> one so they were saying let's be
705.639 -> conservative and rule that group out
707.499 -> that's probably reasonable but they
710.439 -> didn't discuss it and again that's where
712.839 -> you get into problems with these studies
715.499 -> they may have perfectly good reasons for
719.17 -> exclusion criteria but unless they
721.839 -> describe them
722.829 -> it's impossible to tell and here's where
725.74 -> you start to see that come out to light
727.779 -> is where the rest of the scientific
729.759 -> medical community starts debating the
734.05 -> quality of that study and the quality of
736.3 -> the logic they'll often start bringing
738.37 -> out what were the exclusion criteria
740.439 -> other exclusion criteria excluded to
744.699 -> follow up less than 180 days that makes
746.889 -> sense excluded due to receipt receiving
749.49 -> hemodialysis well hemodialysis is a
754.959 -> major destabilizer so it's totally clear
759.279 -> why why they would do that 66,000
762.759 -> excluded due to not having antiplatelet
765.819 -> or anticoagulant within 180 days again
768.819 -> reasonable because if you didn't have
772.8 -> antiplatelet treatment that's much more
775.689 -> likely to be the reason for having a
778.36 -> recurrent stroke than statins 120,000
784.629 -> excluded due to not having Stan or a
788.05 -> low-dose statin within 90 days after the
790.569 -> discharge again we have to give the
795.029 -> authors the credit that they knew what
798.249 -> they were doing in they had good logic
800.589 -> behind it I'm not totally hearing it
804.009 -> though
804.989 -> bottom line like I said before their
809.86 -> problems with every study this study's
812.499 -> really good research it has its own
815.23 -> problems but I'm not planning on
818.499 -> recommending any of my post-stroke
821.47 -> patients to stop their statin here's
824.499 -> some questions though why did this why
826.779 -> did this happen why do we see two
828.79 -> studies one which says it's okay to stop
831.369 -> your statin and another one which says
832.779 -> it's not well let's go back and think
835.059 -> about it I think the these two studies
836.829 -> and the results coming from them are
838.239 -> totally reasonable and compatible and
841.179 -> expected the study showing safety was
845.829 -> with stable patients the study showing
849.249 -> hazard was with patients that had had a
852.009 -> recent stroke so this all gets to this
854.379 -> concept my interpretation is plaque
858.249 -> instability is systemic I did a video
862.299 -> recently about that one vulnerable
865.929 -> plaque the theory of the vulnerable
867.879 -> plaque and in fact there have been
869.86 -> companies and startups which were all
872.619 -> based on the assumption that you could
874.36 -> find that one plaque that's creating
877.299 -> danger for the patient that theory is
882.069 -> those companies didn't make it and that
885.429 -> or they morphed into something else and
887.319 -> that theory I think is rapidly dying and
893.439 -> here's why
898.86 -> plaque instability is systemic
901.98 -> therefore if there's no such thing as a
904.72 -> single vulnerable plaque where there's
906.939 -> one unstable plaque there's a whole
909.579 -> arterial tree full of unstable plaques
912.72 -> likewise if your plaques are stable and
917.559 -> healthy relatively speaking they're
921.009 -> going to remain that way so in a study
923.379 -> of people that are stable and healthy
925.209 -> yes it's okay to stop your statins for a
927.61 -> short time period
928.49 -> anyway it certainly appears to be but if
932.089 -> you're unstable already and you've got
934.07 -> evidence of a hot plaque in there you've
936.14 -> got more hot flecks that are waiting to
938.839 -> do damage again thank you for your
942.5 -> attention
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO1X725DZBo