Can COVID-19 increase your risk of a stroke?
Can COVID-19 increase your risk of a stroke?
Can COVID-19 increase your risk of a stroke?
0 -> [Music]
0.32 -> well we're almost two years into the
2.08 -> pandemic and of course there's still a
3.84 -> lot left to learn about coving and even
5.92 -> though omicron is typically milder than
8.08 -> other strains like any virus it can
10.32 -> still be dangerous even after symptoms
12.48 -> fade away that's exactly what happened
14.4 -> to a rochester woman after recovering
16.56 -> from a mild case of omicron she suffered
19.199 -> a near fatal medical emergency and now
21.279 -> she has a warning for others about the
23.199 -> dangers of covet and stroke
26.24 -> in january rochester mother of three
28.64 -> carolyn jones caught covid she says her
30.88 -> symptoms were mild just fatigue and
34.8 -> i did have a very sore throat an earache
37.92 -> no cough fever or chills just over a
40.48 -> week later the symptoms were gone and
42.32 -> the stay-at-home mom was up cleaning and
43.84 -> doing dishes when her husband went to
45.68 -> check on her it was clear something was
48.079 -> very wrong i wasn't able to talk i
51.28 -> wasn't able to
53.12 -> really even move on my own carolyn's
56.079 -> husband called
57.68 -> she says she remembers being rushed to
59.52 -> the hospital and remembers the crowds of
61.359 -> doctors and nurses a ct scan discovered
64 -> a clot in her brain carolyn was having a
66.88 -> stroke this would have been consistent
69.119 -> with the
70.08 -> near-fatal stroke dr john wapham is
72.799 -> director of neurointerventional surgery
74.88 -> at ascension providence rochester he
76.799 -> says there's growing literature
78.159 -> supporting the idea that covid can cause
80.159 -> blood to thicken increasing the risk of
82.24 -> stroke getting the culprit infection
83.84 -> people are increased risk to clot off a
85.68 -> vessel either in the heart or in the
87.119 -> lungs or in the brain even for time
89.439 -> after the covet symptoms are gone and
91.6 -> women seem to be at greater risk of
93.119 -> these clots even young healthy women
95.119 -> like carolyn hormonal changes including
97.28 -> pregnancy birth control hormone
99.04 -> replacement or even a history of
100.799 -> migraines increase the risk of stroke in
103.2 -> women carolyn's clot affected the left
105.36 -> side of her brain responsible for
107.2 -> expressive and receptive speech a clot
109.759 -> there can have devastating lifelong
111.6 -> consequences dr wampum says the areas in
114.24 -> green are parts of carolyn's brain
116.159 -> starving for oxygen and blood carolyn
118.88 -> was rushed into emergency surgery we
121.2 -> bypass the heart of course go up into
122.88 -> the large vessels of the head and neck
124.719 -> and then gain access in this lady's case
126.719 -> on the left side of the head with a
128 -> retriever or a device like this that
130 -> surgery was a success carolyn survived a
132.72 -> major stroke that doctors say often
134.48 -> leaves people unable to speak and
136.08 -> paralyzed on the right side of their
137.68 -> body she's grateful to the doctors and
139.68 -> nurses who provided care and for the
141.52 -> support of family and friends after this
143.76 -> unexpected setback following covet
145.92 -> recovery it was a miracle
148.08 -> i also really want people to know that
150.64 -> that the blood clots are an issue with
152.959 -> covid
155.44 -> and carolyn says she's heard about blood
157.2 -> clots with covid but was thinking of the
159.12 -> arms legs or even the lungs just not the
161.28 -> brain and doctors say the reason carolyn
163.28 -> had such an amazing outcome was early
165.84 -> identification her husband saw the
167.68 -> symptoms of a stroke and called 911
169.84 -> right away starting the process of
171.519 -> treating that clot so it's important to
173.44 -> know the signs of a stroke remember be
175.76 -> fast balance problems eyesight issues
178.72 -> facial drooping arm weakness speech
181.2 -> difficulty and that all means it's time
183.44 -> to call 9-1-1 because every second
186 -> counts when you have a stroke yeah you
187.84 -> need a response so quickly and tell the
189.84 -> people at 9-1-1 that you think it's a
192.239 -> stroke absolutely so important
194.879 -> good reminders and thank you carolyn for
196.64 -> sharing your story
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNm6MlLTKyQ