How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally, No Side Effects!

How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally, No Side Effects!

How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally, No Side Effects!

“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present: How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly \u0026 Naturally, No Side Effects!

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9.26 -> hi folks on mom's from physical
11.58 -> therapist Brad hi Nick physical
13.469 -> therapist yeah we're the most famous
14.67 -> physical therapist on the Internet
16.139 -> in our opinion of course Bob today we're
17.88 -> going to talk about how to lower blood
19.08 -> pressure quickly and naturally with no
21.15 -> side effects obviously this is a huge
22.89 -> problem in America and probably over
24.66 -> although the whole world right now sure
26.519 -> I mean with diabetes and all people are
30.269 -> being overweight right a lot of high
31.769 -> blood pressure
32.52 -> the studies show 46 percent of you know
35.579 -> and people in American adults have
38.28 -> hypertension or high blood pressure
39.95 -> that's almost half that's almost half in
42.6 -> our math world by the way if you are new
45.09 -> to our Channel please take a second to
46.559 -> subscribe to us we provide videos on
48.329 -> stay healthy fit pain free and we upload
50.789 -> every day also if you get a chance go
52.77 -> over to the Facebook and like us Bob and
54.539 -> Brad because again you're lucky all this
57.539 -> week we're giving out positive I there
59.25 -> you go no charge like us yeah can you
61.62 -> feel it all right so what is considered
65.61 -> high blood pressure now Brad well they
67.11 -> just changed these numbers tell 130 over
70.2 -> 80 so that's a lot more stringent right
73.29 -> 140 over 90 right right which always
76.74 -> kind of wonder how they just change
78.15 -> things but whatever that I read a book
80.22 -> on that so I felt better after reading
81.93 -> the book on how they did that so one way
83.759 -> or another I'm actually good I used to
86.82 -> be high Oh with the weight loss you
89.189 -> dropped or what happened with
90.65 -> cardiovascular exercise aerobic exercise
93.299 -> jointed those I'm talking about 20 years
96.45 -> ago oh I see I was in my 20s and I had
99.979 -> northernlion high blood pressure okay
102.119 -> yeah so I decided to get after cuz my
104.28 -> dad had it my you know it's in my family
108.02 -> so we're gonna talk a little bit about
110.009 -> that too it so with HTN or high blood
113.61 -> pressure you actually increased risk for
116.1 -> stroke and also heart attacks obviously
118.56 -> right and there's other things that fall
120.57 -> in with it as well but those are the two
122.34 -> big ones that really gonna change your
124.53 -> life if you have either one of those so
125.969 -> you really you really do want to keep
127.439 -> your blood pressure under control
128.25 -> without a doubt right it's not
130.38 -> just to take lightly sure so so high
133.98 -> blood pressure same as hypertension
135.27 -> right same thing uh you know as as
138.57 -> therapists and or in a medical field HT
140.61 -> and as well yeah that's abbreviation
142.62 -> yeah so you not the rate so much but the
145.56 -> number one thing all these we got for a
148.74 -> little ball most five different
150.05 -> approaches to this they're out cost very
153.33 -> much at all a little time a little
154.71 -> effort but there's no side effects for
157.11 -> example if you take high blood pressure
159.42 -> pills it'll decrease your blood pressure
161.49 -> but like my mother I was just telling
164.07 -> you about she takes that pill but then
166.05 -> she also has to take another pill
167.76 -> because of the potassium changes in her
170.97 -> society taking so much fluid out of the
173.52 -> system it starts taking out some of the
175.38 -> things you don't want to be taking right
176.76 -> so there you know it just just not take
179.85 -> one of the answer right so like with
182.82 -> myself I started to do aerobic exercise
186.24 -> 20 years ago and sure enough within you
189.63 -> know a few months my blood pressure came
191.19 -> down now I'm typically 120 over 70 75
194.7 -> every time I go in so try to you know
197.37 -> I'm try to include some cardio in your
199.32 -> life right all the dog and that can be
201.3 -> just fast walking sure I mean it doesn't
203.43 -> have to be anything real fancy now this
205.89 -> study I just found really kind of
207.75 -> surprised me especially if you don't
209.31 -> like aerobic things or spending that
211.77 -> much time that's it's not fuel this is a
214.02 -> simple one isometrics now in Australia
216.72 -> some researchers took a group of people
219.54 -> and they also did is isometrics to the
222.42 -> forum they a grip okay and they had a
225.24 -> program three times a day for eight
228.6 -> weeks so basically they are they
230.34 -> squeezing and just holding right okay
232.38 -> it's an isometric net right and they did
235.08 -> this like I said three times a day for
237.48 -> three weeks and they came down the
240.03 -> average came down seven millimetres of
242.27 -> seven points of systolic blood pressure
244.92 -> isn't that crazy
245.88 -> hey it's from doing handler right so
247.92 -> that's spending 30 minutes a day doing a
250.35 -> rover you know they're spinning minutes
251.76 -> something you can do at your desk and
253.29 -> sure and and you talked about the reason
257.22 -> that happened is because it
259.54 -> it contracts the blood vessels and they
262.06 -> want to open up even more and a lot more
263.65 -> blood through right that's the theory
265.57 -> that in their study they they mentioned
267.49 -> that you can trap
268.87 -> yeah it's squeezes or compresses of
271.12 -> blood vessels then after them when the
272.71 -> muscles relaxed sort of the vet vessels
275.35 -> and when you the vessel gets larger the
277.6 -> pressure comes down you know it's just a
279.64 -> fire hose right so I so metrics this you
283.36 -> could also do planks you know which it's
285.94 -> a real common because that'd be
288.55 -> isometric for much of the body right I
290.65 -> mean the arms legs and you could do the
292.18 -> isometric chair where you go up to the
293.86 -> wall sure I'd sit then you're working
295.39 -> larger muscle groups typically I do my
297.76 -> isometrics for eight to twelve seconds
300.4 -> typically eight to ten because once you
303.19 -> get past that there's only so long an
306.01 -> isometric has been efficient and you
308.8 -> know three sets of that would be that's
310.33 -> a good idea to do you know it's just sit
312.31 -> up against the wall and you getting the
315.34 -> full-body right everybody's gonna walk
318.91 -> and the worst-case scenario is to get
320.65 -> stronger it doesn't decrease your blood
322.48 -> pressure you're gonna get stronger the
324.46 -> next one the Journal of hypertension
327.31 -> sure the whole Journal this is gonna be
330.31 -> probably no surprise for anybody but
332.59 -> they suggest meditation yes calm
335.77 -> yourself down get you you know your
337.96 -> breathing correct right it's amazing how
340.45 -> these things can can increase your
342.22 -> stress and increase your blood pressure
343.72 -> all right
345.31 -> not the meditation but oh no no life in
350.32 -> general yeah out there you know things
353.38 -> happen at home at water you're looking
354.91 -> at me strange but yeah we I mean overall
357.91 -> again you know our belief as therapists
360.82 -> and you know physicians position is that
364.15 -> please first do no harm right and so we
366.67 -> want to pick things that are not gonna
368.05 -> hurt you right and this is the same
369.94 -> thing now I used to do some meditation
371.95 -> when I was in Aikido it's a Japanese
373.75 -> form of martial arts and I would be
375.67 -> absolutely amazed that we focus on her
377.71 -> breathing and relaxing how completely
380.29 -> relaxed I'd walk out of there life was
382.72 -> good yeah and I you know we talked about
385.57 -> how about just breathing exercise I do a
387.31 -> lot of breathing in the car sure I mean
390.87 -> structured breathing Reagan where your
393.16 -> focus on diaphragmatic breathing that
395.169 -> kind of thing so they say recommend
397.9 -> start out at five minutes of meditation
399.34 -> per day and then work up to 20 that's a
402.16 -> long time
402.88 -> it is funny but I'm thinking you're
404.8 -> gonna get benefits even at that five to
406.72 -> ten I was really booked by Tim Ferriss
408.31 -> and he was talking about all these
409.72 -> famous people and and almost every one
411.85 -> of them meditated sure it's very very
413.919 -> common among the successful right I mean
416.289 -> so so another another benefit up lower
419.32 -> your blood pressure increase your
420.759 -> success overall whether it's with your
422.38 -> family or work or whatever the next one
426.37 -> is from you know fourth cup oh right
430.57 -> this is done by some British researchers
432.37 -> for a cup of tart cherry juice
435.63 -> concentrate with a half a cup of water
437.949 -> Wow okay but they're mixed together
440.02 -> right and drink that daily and they
442.81 -> found a decrease of systolic of seven
446.139 -> points or seven millimeters or more
447.639 -> significant right you know they are
450.66 -> theorizing the the polyphenols in this
454.419 -> red juice has a number of antioxidants
458.289 -> and a number of wonderful nutrients so
460.99 -> it's gonna have other benefits for you I
462.76 -> mean everything's about inflammation now
465.669 -> everybody talks about you know you have
467.47 -> anti-inflammatory you know that result
469.84 -> in cancer and all the these illnesses so
472.21 -> I mean you want to get your
474 -> anti-inflammatory yep the arthritic
475.78 -> problem right right so there you go in
478.51 -> the next the Journal of circulation
480.639 -> there you go decrease sugary drinks I
483.94 -> think this is like a no-brainer for most
486.61 -> people if your and this study they the
489.43 -> average they people who drink an average
491.8 -> of 27 ounces of sugar per day went down
495.849 -> to one can per day and their blood
498.669 -> pressure dropped nine and a half points
500.409 -> and I've saw Brad and I were talking
502.659 -> about before
503.229 -> I've seen many studies on this in fact
505.27 -> there was one that showed kids who drink
507.82 -> sugary drinks their blood pressure and
510.01 -> cholesterol were higher yeah so I mean
512.56 -> it's it's happening at a young age
514.39 -> already so you really want to jump on
516.099 -> this but I mean they're really not good
518.26 -> for you right
519.16 -> and not only that they got sugary drinks
521.11 -> and they throw a whole bunch of caffeine
522.52 -> and you got the power
523.66 -> super duper drink on these big tall cans
526.45 -> and it's you know take go to the store
531.7 -> and take that whole section and throw in
533.56 -> the garbage
534.07 -> it could be and it's to finish off some
537.52 -> general things I think everyone is aware
539.47 -> of salt if you eat a lot of salty foods
542.17 -> that ever the salt increases the water
544.36 -> volume in your in your system when that
547.36 -> happens the blood pressure naturally
548.74 -> goes up so I member for a while they
550.84 -> were kind of going back and forth on
552.13 -> that but you know I just personally my
554.05 -> wife she was trying to lose some weight
555.43 -> so she eating or drinking a lot of broth
559.24 -> sure and that's just full of salt her
562.24 -> blood pressure like skyrocketed finally
566.38 -> I'm like she had gone and I go woman you
568.48 -> know that broth does she stop that and
570.7 -> it came right down that was something
573.16 -> she bought at the store yeah yeah I'm
574.99 -> sure you could make your own broth right
576.73 -> maybe not as salty but this should put a
579.28 -> blood pressure cuff on when you're
580.6 -> drinking it well there's lots of numbers
582.22 -> go off that'd be kind of fun yeah well
585.49 -> anyways potassium increase your
587.92 -> potassium and keep that instead to
590.05 -> increase your but yeah instead of taking
592.66 -> the pills like they do when they have
594.19 -> you take the high blood pressure pills
596.17 -> just take it naturally sweet potatoes
598.57 -> potato your potatoes I say potato you
601.93 -> say potato our avocados dried African
606.88 -> those are three good sources there's a
608.83 -> number of other things you can do some
610.27 -> research on that yourself even just get
613.96 -> lower the processed foods and so when we
616.57 -> say quickly by the way we mean you know
618.64 -> within you know a couple weeks or a
620.32 -> couple months you should start saying
621.73 -> some benefits here which is rather
623.29 -> quickly especially since you're not
624.76 -> taking you know what I mean this
626.38 -> medication not only that these are going
628.36 -> to give you other positive right that's
630.52 -> you're gonna get stronger you're gonna
631.93 -> have better circulation you're gonna
633.55 -> have better cardiovascular
636.36 -> less sugar in your life that's obviously
638.74 -> right it's it's all good stuff and I you
641.41 -> know if you work on this then you can
643.81 -> eliminate taking the pills that some
646.36 -> people need sounds good Wow Bob this
648.64 -> really relates to weaken just to fix
650.65 -> anything except for
652.79 -> working on it we're gonna come
656.48 -> consolidate all our broken heart videos
659.189 -> and we're gonna really come up probably
661.47 -> everyone's offline by now we can just
663.48 -> we're gonna get this fear number be a
665.85 -> good human being there you go thank you
667.709 -> thanks
676.29 -> you
