Reducing the Risk of Stroke With Regular Exercise
Reducing the Risk of Stroke With Regular Exercise
Ana Vallejo, a speech language pathologist at the South Texas Health System Clinics Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, demonstrates several exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home to help reduce the risk of having a stroke.
4.96 -> stroke is a leading cause of death in
6.799 -> the united states and it's a leading
8.48 -> cause of long-term disability that's why
11.2 -> prevention is key and while we can't
13.44 -> change certain risk factors like our age
15.28 -> or genetics we can exercise to reduce
18.16 -> our risk joining me now is anavaya
20.32 -> hoshis with south texas health system
22.24 -> clinic's outpatient rehabilitation
23.92 -> centers to tell us about some exercises
26.64 -> that we can do right in the comfort of
28.56 -> our own home to make sure we get our
30.4 -> heart rate up and get our bodies moving
32.399 -> anna how important is it to get that
34.96 -> exercise
36.32 -> it's very important tom to maintain a
38.239 -> healthy healthy lifestyle what you want
40.399 -> to do is 30 minutes to 60 minutes three
43.6 -> to five times a week you can do that
45.6 -> within the safety and comfort of your
47.28 -> own home and the key is to to really get
49.76 -> your heart rate going a little bit that
51.28 -> you want to kind of feel it you do you
53.039 -> want to feel that heart rate go up but
54.879 -> it should be comfortable enough to carry
56.96 -> a conversation you want to be able to
59.12 -> speak some sentences without over
61.12 -> exertion all right and you have our
63.199 -> first exercise that we're going to be
64.64 -> doing now and i understand it's going to
66.479 -> be bringing back to my high school band
68.24 -> days right
69.439 -> yes you can follow me if you'd like what
71.36 -> you want to do is stand with your feet
73.84 -> shoulder width apart
75.6 -> nice and tall so what you want to do is
77.6 -> just gently bring up one knee
79.68 -> and then bring up the other so we're
81.52 -> just marching you are marching in place
83.2 -> just like that if you feel any in
85.28 -> coordination or feel like you're losing
86.88 -> your balance feel free to hold on to
88.479 -> something okay like that for safety and
91.28 -> bring your knees up the higher the
93.36 -> better
94.32 -> up all right and down show off here that
96.32 -> i can raise my knees pretty you can you
98.32 -> will feel a gradual increase of your
100.72 -> heart rate
103.119 -> and you should be able to carry on a
104.64 -> simple conversation without losing your
106.56 -> breath all right this is a great one and
108.56 -> about how many of these should you be
110 -> doing then um i would space it out
112.24 -> between 10 to 15 minutes take a break
115.04 -> maybe another 10 to 15 minutes and then
116.88 -> take a break
117.83 -> [Music]
119.119 -> so we focused on the lower body it's now
121.119 -> time ana to work on the upper body what
122.88 -> do you have for us now what you want to
124.719 -> do is grab something that is weighted
127.759 -> you can use your water bottle if you'd
129.28 -> like if you don't have access to weights
131.52 -> at home you can use something like this
134 -> a can of fruit or vegetable is also a
135.84 -> good option so obviously we want to fill
137.92 -> it to the top put as much weight in
139.44 -> there as possible yes all right okay so
141.68 -> you're going to keep your legs and your
143.84 -> feet shoulder width apart you will hold
145.599 -> it here and very gently at your own pace
148.4 -> and right you're going to lift okay
150.879 -> and lower at the same time you will be
153.44 -> breathing in and out
156.319 -> okay
157.2 -> shoot for 30 seconds
160.8 -> and challenge yourself count
162.879 -> and raise that count at every interval i
165.36 -> think i can do more weight than this i
167.12 -> need like three gallons of water
169.28 -> absolutely absolutely and if you'd like
171.68 -> to alternate
173.28 -> you can move the bottle to one hand
175.76 -> okay okay you can bring that up
178.4 -> and down
180.159 -> good
181.44 -> and then you can gently transition to
183.44 -> the other side
185.04 -> and up
186.48 -> and down and the key is here just to
188.48 -> make sure that you're feeling your heart
189.92 -> rate absolutely and your heart rate will
192.159 -> slowly elevate control your breathing in
194.4 -> through the nose out through the mouth
196.4 -> up
197.36 -> and down
199.76 -> all right anna it's now time for our
201.36 -> final exercise demonstration so what are
204.319 -> we doing next okay tom so what you want
206.64 -> to do um you do want to incorporate some
208.72 -> stretching and some slight flexion of
210.64 -> the waist so what you want to do is put
212.64 -> your feet shoulder width apart all right
215.12 -> okay keep your knees
217.68 -> tight
218.64 -> okay hands at your side or in front of
220.56 -> you and you can gently reach down keep
222.64 -> your back straight and gently reach down
224.959 -> and you want to touch your toes
227.04 -> and then all the way back up all right
230.239 -> you want to be sure and do that slowly
232 -> so that you don't cause any discomfort
233.76 -> to the back
235.76 -> and straight up and when you do this
238 -> you're basically just kicking your your
240.799 -> behind back right you're not trying not
242.879 -> to bend your knees yeah try not to bend
245.04 -> your knees because flexibility is
246.64 -> extremely important and you want to keep
249.2 -> everything moving as it should and what
251.12 -> muscles are we working when we do that
254.64 -> it is part of the lower body and the
256.959 -> back of the leg which is extremely
258.479 -> important for mobility all right and
260.639 -> then if we want to expand that exercise
263.6 -> then we can also
265.12 -> do a little bit more right yes if you're
267.199 -> ready you can stand up nice and tall you
269.36 -> want to bring your feet shoulder width
270.8 -> apart
272 -> okay shoulders up we're going to do
274.08 -> hands out and what you're going to do is
276.32 -> touch one hand to the opposite foot slow
278.88 -> and gentle movement
280.8 -> good you're gonna go straight back up
284 -> and then
285.04 -> straight back up and the key is just to
286.88 -> make sure that you're concentrating on
289.12 -> your breathing as well you do want to
290.72 -> monitor your breathing in through the
292.8 -> nose out through the mouth you will
294.88 -> slowly feel your heart rate elevate you
297.199 -> should be able to carry a conversation
298.96 -> without feeling winded
300.639 -> all right and how long should you do
302.16 -> this for
303.28 -> um you want to shoot for maybe 30
305.12 -> seconds
306.479 -> take a break catch your breath and then
308.24 -> shoot for another 30 seconds but always
310 -> challenge yourself you want to increment
311.6 -> your amount at every single set all
313.36 -> right well these are some great at-home
315.12 -> exercises that we can do to prevent
317.759 -> stroke thank you so much anna for your
319.919 -> time and if you'd like to learn more
321.44 -> about our stroke rehabilitation program
323.68 -> at south texas health system visit
325.68 -> southtexashealthsystem.com
331.69 -> [Music]
343.84 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAHqD7NpnGI