Heart Attack Symptoms - The Nebraska Medical Center

Heart Attack Symptoms - The Nebraska Medical Center

Heart Attack Symptoms - The Nebraska Medical Center

Many of us know the “classic” heart attack symptoms: chest pain, numbness in the left arm; but many heart attacks don’t carry those symptoms. Cardiologist Dr. Dan Anderson of The Nebraska Medical Center describes other things everyone should know about heart attacks. Does aspirin really help? Are more people surviving heart attacks? For more information on the heart problem at The Nebraska Medical Center, call 1-800-922-0000 or visit http://www.nebraskamed.com.


1.29 -> Symptoms of a heart attack can vary between individuals. An individual may have the classic
9.21 -> symptoms of chest pain or chest pressure, arm pain, neck pain. But I think there’s
15.99 -> a good portion of people who have what we call atypical (or unusual) symptoms that reflect
21.68 -> the heart attack that’s ongoing. That can be some nausea, some vomiting, almost like
27 -> a GI distress discomfort. And then I think the shortness of breath, the shortness of
34.1 -> breath with activity or shortness of breath at rest. I think it’s interesting that a
39.09 -> third of people don’t have any symptoms at all. And we find out that they’ve had
42.96 -> a heart attack later in life and you see that somewhere there’s been an injury and you
46.71 -> never were even aware of it. I think those are what we think classically, but also keep
51.579 -> in mind that this can be silent as well.
58.55 -> When someone’s experiencing a heart attack or a friend or a family member or even somebody
63.59 -> in the public that you happen to witness some even is to try to get medical help; call 9-1-1.
68.98 -> You need to get the people there that can help to understand what is this. Is this the
75.13 -> real heart attack? Is this something that has a high mortality? And the quick response
80.33 -> is what’s important. We always talk about “time is muscle”. It only takes a few
84.86 -> hours for a heart muscle to die and you never get that back. So acting quickly and taking
89.72 -> care of it is essential. So calling 9-1-1, being evaluated, making sure you get the appropriate
95.25 -> treatment and the appropriate management for what we worry about is a heart attack is clearly
100.88 -> the right thing.
103.35 -> Aspirin’s one of the main states for treatment. And it really comes down to is the artery
110.24 -> that gives the blood supply to the heart muscle is blocked. And that’s blocked because the
118.31 -> coagulation factors in the blood stream occlude that vessel and it’s mostly because there’s
122.86 -> a plaque there that’s developed over decades. That rupture is prothrombotic; so platelets
130.819 -> stick to that ruptured plaque. And the way in which we can help prevent platelets from
135.829 -> sticking to that plaque is aspirin.
137.04 -> They are. And in fact, that most recently we’ve had people survive heart attacks because
146.299 -> of better medical management, recognition of it and people actually make it to the hospital,
152.48 -> survive their heart attacks and end up in heart failure. So we’ve actually seen a
156.139 -> growth of percent of patient that have heart failure has the consequence of a heart attack.
162.219 -> Where people that never survive that initial insult before. It’s still quite impressive
166.659 -> that 50 percent who have a heart attack don’t make it to the hospital. And there’s a good
172.879 -> chance that a good portion of those people that make it to the hospital don’t live
176.349 -> more than 30 to 90 days. So it’s still a highly lethal problem. I’ll be it; we’re
183.739 -> better at it. I think it comes back to saying “we need to prevent that heart attack to
187.569 -> begin with because if you’re going to flip a coin the day it happens and you were ok
191.53 -> yesterday, I’d want to prevent that from happening, if I could.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S831-Aljb9A