Study links e-cigarettes to stroke at younger age
Study links e-cigarettes to stroke at younger age
Researchers believe the greater risk may be related to the chemicals, included the added flavorings, in e-cigarettes that make them so compelling to many users.
0.24 -> topping today's healthcast a new study
2.32 -> finds that e-cigarette users face a 15
5.759 -> higher risk of stroke at a younger age
8.32 -> than traditional cigarette users
10.4 -> researchers believe the greater risk may
12.32 -> be related to the chemicals included in
14.48 -> the added flavorings in e-cigarettes
16.8 -> that make them so compelling to many
18.88 -> users
19.84 -> those can have harmful effects on the
22.24 -> blood vessels not just in the brain but
24.32 -> all over the body
25.76 -> and that can cause strokes strokes such
28.56 -> as clots in the brain as well as
30.64 -> bleeding in the brain and that's
32.719 -> something we want to learn more about
34.88 -> from the study it's not yet clear what
37.2 -> types of strokes were more common but
39.44 -> overall there was an increased risk of
42.48 -> all types of strokes
44.399 -> among e-cigarette users
46.64 -> dr bridges maida director of the
49.12 -> comprehensive stroke program memorial
51.44 -> health care system says data shows
53.68 -> e-cigs also elevate other cardiovascular
56.16 -> risks adding to the mounting evidence
58.64 -> that the devices are not a safe
60.879 -> alternative to traditional smoking and
63.44 -> many in fact may in fact be as or more
66.56 -> detrimental to overall health the
68.88 -> findings of the study will be presented
70.56 -> at the american heart association
72.08 -> scientific sessions 2022 it's the aha's
75.28 -> largest cardiovascular meeting in the
77.6 -> world
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvvSMibWwYk