Expert advice on how to reduce hypertension
Expert advice on how to reduce hypertension
Top cardiologist Dr Sohail Khan explains how making lifestyle changes can reduce high blood pressure…
Book an appointment with Dr Khan: https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/doctor/s…
7.38 -> So, hypertension or high blood pressure as
we all know it as can be dramatically improved
16.34 -> by simple lifestyle changes. So, things like
exercise has been shown to dramatically reduce
24.189 -> high blood pressure. If you take 30 minutes
of exercise five times a week, that has been
28.57 -> shown in some studies to reduce blood pressure
by up to five millimetres of mercury. Other
34.309 -> things that are important are diets. So, increasing
your consumption of fruits and vegetables,
41.289 -> decreasing your consumption of fast food particularly,
which is high in salt and processed food and
48.059 -> microwave meals will improve your blood pressure.
All of those foods have high salt content
55.21 -> and we know that having too much salt in your
diet can contribute to high blood pressure.
61.749 -> Alcohol consumption has also been linked to
having high blood pressure. So, a reduction
67.11 -> in your alcohol consumption can improve your
blood pressure. Smoking is another bad thing
75.17 -> for high blood pressure, but also contributes
to coronary artery disease. So, if you've
80.22 -> stopped smoking, that will not only improve
your blood pressure, but also improve your
84.7 -> overall health and particularly your risk
of having a heart attack or a stroke.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSbocX5JpxQ