New technology to treat heart failure
New technology to treat heart failure
New technology to treat heart failure
0.8 -> 641 heart failure impacts six and a half
4.02 -> million Americans that's according to
5.46 -> the CDC and getting the right treatment
7.259 -> is key to living longer a cardiologist
9.84 -> shows us new technology being used to
12.48 -> treat some of the most severe cases of
15 -> heart failure in this week's ask the
17.22 -> expert
18.43 -> [Music]
22.16 -> one of the more alarming forms of heart
25.14 -> disease is called heart failure heart
27.48 -> failure happens when the heart cannot
29.88 -> pump enough blood and oxygen to support
32.399 -> other organs in your body Dr Jeffrey
35.399 -> sinfield is a cardiologist at Bon
37.68 -> Secours Saint Francis
39.42 -> so you have symptoms such as shortness
41.52 -> of breath or leg swelling
44.12 -> you know lethargy and it can lead to
47.46 -> physical debility by 2030 the American
50.399 -> Heart Association estimates more than 8
53.34 -> million people in the United States one
56.219 -> in every 33 will have heart failure Dr
59.76 -> sinfield says sometimes the medications
62.1 -> prescribed to treat heart failure aren't
64.26 -> successful some people even despite
67.14 -> taking appropriate dosage of dosages of
69.479 -> their medicine still struggle with the
72 -> symptoms of heart failure a new device
73.92 -> is helping patients experiencing heart
76.26 -> failure live more comfortably so this
79.38 -> device is called the CCM device which
81.84 -> stands for cardiac contractility
84.24 -> modulation so it is a pacemaker-like
87.36 -> device although it is not a pacemaker
89.46 -> because it doesn't actually Pace the
91.08 -> heart here's how it works there's two
93.78 -> leads that are connected inside of this
96.06 -> device you would implant it under the
97.56 -> skin right about here or on this side of
100.2 -> the chest as well okay and the leads
102.96 -> will go into a vein that goes into the
105 -> heart and we put two leads into the
107.46 -> lower chamber of the heart that deliver
108.96 -> the high voltage impulses to hopefully
112.2 -> increase the heart function
118.439 -> turning to their daily activities with
120.899 -> this new technology and there's been
123.6 -> three or four high quality clinical
125.34 -> trials and it's gained FDA approval and
128.459 -> then the trials have demonstrated about
130.259 -> an 80 percent response rate Dr sinfield
133.26 -> says this device is a complement to the
136.02 -> large volume of care that a person would
138.36 -> receive for heart failure It's always
140.34 -> important for patients to also eat
142.44 -> healthy reduce sodium intake and take
145.02 -> any prescribed medications Taylor Murray
147.72 -> 7 News
149.879 -> to submit a health topic for hour after
152.04 -> the expert series just head to wspa.com
154.44 -> click the news Tab and then click ask
156.959 -> the expert
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS8Mb7p-n90