Top 10 Best Drinks for Healthy Lungs (Detox and Cleanse)

Top 10 Best Drinks for Healthy Lungs (Detox and Cleanse)

Top 10 Best Drinks for Healthy Lungs (Detox and Cleanse)

What are the best drinks to detox and cleanse your healthy lungs? Watch this video to find out! A few of them may actually surprise you!
💥Tips for Healthy Lungs [Full Guide] ➜ ➜ ➜

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➡️ Water
More than 70% of the human body is made up of water which is why it’s always important to stay hydrated. This is especially true when it comes to helping your lungs function properly. Dehydration causes mucus and secretions in the lungs to thicken up which makes it more difficult to cough up for removal. 

➡️ Green Tea
Green tea is a healthy drink that has been around for centuries. It’s believed to have positive effects on the entire body including your metabolism and immune system. One study specifically looked at how drinking green tea may benefit people with COPD which is a chronic condition that affects the ability of the lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

➡️ Turmeric Tea
Turmeric is the bright yellow spice that is often found in Indian cuisine. It wasn’t until recently that medical experts discovered its positive health benefits. Turmeric contains antioxidants that work to prevent fatty deposits from developing in the arteries.

➡️ Olive Oil, Lemon, and Honey Mixture
Sipping on this majestic mixture with warm water is a classic home remedy that is widely used across the world. It’s useful in alleviating sore throat symptoms that are caused by repeated coughing.

➡️ Green Juice
Green juice is a beverage made of a mixture of healthy green vegetables that is touted for providing some amazing antioxidant benefits. It’s often loaded with concentrated forms of healthy vegetables such as kale, spinach, cucumber, wheatgrass, celery, chard, and mint.

➡️ Blueberry Smoothie
Blueberries may be small but they pack a mean punch when it comes to improving our overall health. They are loaded with flavonoids and polyphenols which have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti‐inflammatory effects on all of the organs and systems of the body.

➡️ Ginger Shots
The roots of a ginger plant are widely used for food and natural medicinal purposes around the world. Ginger has a strong odor that is useful in clearing the nasal airways.

➡️ Elderberry Tea
Elderberry has become wildly popular over recent years and is known for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

➡️ Pomegranate Juice
This is actually one of the most nutritious beverages that can be purchased from your local supermarket. Pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and protect your cells from damage.

➡️ Coffee
This one seems a bit counterintuitive because the doctors of cardiac patients often recommend avoiding coffee due to the stimulative effects of caffeine. With that said, coffee is a vasodilator that improves blood flow throughout the circulatory system which could potentially benefit the lungs.

💥Tips for Healthy Lungs [Full Guide] ➜ ➜ ➜


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0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Water
1:35 - Green Tea
2:20 - Turmeric Tea
3:05 - Olive Oil, Lemon, and Honey Mixture
354 - Green Juice
4:46 - Blueberry Smoothie
5:22 - Ginger Shots
6:08 - Elderberry Tea
6:46 - Pomegranate Juice
7:17 - Coffee


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#HealthyLungs #LungDetox #LungCleanse


0.08 -> i think it's safe to say that we all want to  breathe healthier and easier right the easier it  
5.44 -> is to breathe the better you'll feel which is why  it's so important to take good care of your lungs  
10.8 -> many people don't realize it but our diet plays  a role in the health of the respiratory system  
16.24 -> just like every other organ and system of the  body our lungs need adequate nourishment as well  
21.6 -> that is why in this video we're going to talk  about some of the best drinks and beverages  
26.32 -> that you can consider adding to  your diet in order to give your  
30 -> lungs a detoxifying boost be sure to  watch until the end because there's  
34.24 -> one that not too many people know about  so if you're ready let's get into it  
41.36 -> just a quick reminder we are not doctors  this video is for informational purposes only  
46.56 -> of course the first drink that we have to  mention is water more than 70 percent of  
52.64 -> the human body is made up of water which is  why it's always important to stay hydrated  
58.56 -> this is especially true when it comes  to helping your lungs function properly  
62.96 -> dehydration causes mucous and secretions in the  lungs to thicken up which makes it more difficult  
68.16 -> to cough up for removal it's no coincidence  that most respiratory infections occur during  
73.52 -> the winter months which just so happens to be the  dry season this means that your body has to work  
79.28 -> overtime in order to maintain proper levels  of hydration drinking around 3 liters of water  
85.44 -> per day can help ensure that your body  is getting the hydration that it needs  
89.84 -> which can prevent thick unwanted mucus from  building up in your airways the next drink  
95.92 -> that we need to discuss is green tea green tea is  a healthy drink that has been around for centuries  
103.12 -> it's believed to have positive effects on the  entire body including your metabolism and immune  
108.4 -> system one study specifically looked at how  drinking green tea may benefit people with copd  
114.56 -> which is a chronic condition that affects  the ability of the lungs to exchange  
118.48 -> oxygen and carbon dioxide this study found that  drinking green tea two or more times per day  
123.76 -> can reduce the risk of developing copd if you want  to give it a try you can enjoy it either as a hot  
130.64 -> or a cold beverage keep in mind that it does  contain caffeine so for me personally i often  
136.4 -> like to enjoy a cup as an afternoon pick-me-up  next up on our list is turmeric tea turmeric is  
144.48 -> a bright yellow spice that is often found in  indian cuisine it wasn't until recently that  
149.68 -> medical experts discovered its positive health  benefits turmeric contains antioxidants that  
155.28 -> work to prevent fatty deposits from developing in  the arteries it also contains anti-inflammatory  
161.04 -> properties which help prevent the arteries  from hardening over time this improves the  
165.84 -> functionality of the heart and cardiovascular  system which indirectly benefits the lungs as well  
172.24 -> and easy do-it-yourself turmeric tea mixture  includes hot water turmeric lemon juice honey  
177.68 -> and black pepper enjoy it first thing in the  morning on an empty stomach for the best results  
183.76 -> another great mixture that you can consider  is olive oil lemon and honey sipping on this  
190.4 -> majestic mixture with warm water is a classic  home remedy that is widely used across the world  
196.32 -> it's useful in alleviating sore throat  symptoms that are caused by repeated coughing  
201.52 -> studies show that honey reduces cough symptoms  because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory  
206.64 -> properties lemon is a rich source of vitamin  c that helps strengthen the immune system  
211.76 -> and when combined with honey can provide a  detoxifying boost olive oil has antibacterial  
217.84 -> properties and also reduces inflammation which  benefits not only the lungs but the entire body  
224 -> all you have to do to take advantage of  these benefits is take a glass of warm water  
228.4 -> and mix it with one tablespoon each  of fresh lemon juice olive oil and  
232.64 -> honey the next beverage that you can consider is  green juice green juice is a beverage made of a  
239.92 -> mixture of healthy green vegetables that is touted  for providing some amazing antioxidant benefits  
245.84 -> it's often loaded with concentrated  forms of healthy vegetables such as kale  
250 -> spinach cucumber wheatgrass celery chard  and mint these types of green vegetables are  
256.32 -> loaded with nutrients and components that  may be beneficial for your lungs specifically  
261.68 -> they often contain chlorophyll which helps  increase blood flow to the respiratory system  
266.88 -> they are also high in antioxidants that help ward  all free radicals free radicals can cause genetic  
272.88 -> mutations which inhibits the proper functioning  of every major organ including the lungs that is  
279.36 -> why incorporating green juice in your diet is good  for not only your lungs but for your entire body  
285.84 -> another type of drink that can benefit the  lungs is a blueberry smoothie blueberries may  
291.6 -> be small but they pack a mean punch when  it comes to improving our overall health  
296.64 -> they are loaded with flavonoids and polyphenols  which have antioxidant antibacterial antiviral  
302.88 -> and anti-inflammatory effects on all of the organs  and systems of the body of course this includes  
309.2 -> the lungs as well you can easily search google  or youtube to find some delicious and easy to  
315.28 -> make blueberry smoothie recipes in order to  take advantage of the amazing benefits that  
320.16 -> they can provide and we couldn't have made  this video without mentioning ginger shots  
326.32 -> the roots of a ginger plant are widely used  for food and medicinal purposes around the  
330.96 -> world ginger has a strong odor that is useful  for clearing the nasal airways studies show that  
337.28 -> ginger has bioactive components and antioxidants  that reduce oxidative damage due to stress  
343.84 -> it also has anti-inflammatory properties  that can help relax the airways in the lungs  
348.72 -> and fight against fever that occurs during a  lung infection you can add ginger to your diet  
354.24 -> by drinking it in the form of a juice or tea or  you can consider drinking a ginger shot which  
360.72 -> is a small concentrated dose of ginger juice  that makes it quick and easy to take in your  
366 -> dose for the day moving right along next up on  our list is elderberry tea elderberry has become  
374.24 -> widely popular over recent years and is known for  its antimicrobial antibacterial and antifungal  
380.88 -> properties this makes it great for boosting the  immune system and treating colds infections and  
386.64 -> viruses elderberry also referred to as sambucus is  most commonly consumed in the form of cough syrup  
394.8 -> with that said it can also be made into a tasty  and nutritious tea as well again just do a quick  
400.88 -> search online and you can easily find a recipe to  fit your needs next up is pomegranate juice this  
409.12 -> is actually one of the most nutritious beverages  that can be purchased from your local supermarket  
415.2 -> pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants that  help reduce inflammation and protect your cells  
420 -> from damage it's also been shown to boost your  immune system which can help prevent lung and  
425.52 -> upper respiratory infections that is why we had  to include it in our list and it's definitely a  
431.04 -> drink to consider for those who are looking to  improve the health of their respiratory system  
436.48 -> this next beverage may be a bit controversial  however we just have to let you know  
441.44 -> about the benefits of coffee this one seems a bit  counterintuitive because the doctors of cardiac  
447.84 -> patients often recommend avoiding coffee  due to the stimulative effects of caffeine  
453.84 -> with that said coffee is actually a vasodilator  that helps improve blood flow throughout the  
459.36 -> circulatory system which could potentially benefit  the lungs coffee also provides anti-inflammatory  
466.16 -> effects and essential minerals that can help  fight off infections with that said if your doctor  
472.24 -> says not to consume coffee caffeine or any of the  other beverages that were mentioned in this video  
478 -> you should definitely take their advice because  they know more about your individual condition  
483.2 -> real quick guys do me a huge favor and hit the  like button it really helps support the channel  
487.76 -> and i greatly greatly appreciate it and while  you're down there go ahead and click the subscribe  
492.08 -> button as well because we have a ton of other  videos on our channel that i think you will enjoy  
496.56 -> i hope you like the information that was shared  in this video and hopefully you're now one step  
500.4 -> closer to protecting your lungs and taking better  care of your respiratory system again this video  
506.48 -> is for informational purposes only and you should  always speak to your doctor first before making  
511.12 -> adjustments to your diet or regimen if you want to  dive even deeper into this topic we do have a full  
516.88 -> guide on our website i'll drop a link to it right  below this video down in the description thank you  
522.48 -> so much for watching all the way to the end have  a blessed day and as always release my friend
