How To Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home
How To Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home
0.34 -> - Okay, let's have a real
talk about blood pressure.
3.008 -> (upbeat music)
4.89 -> Do you monitor yours regularly?
6.78 -> It's something everyone with
high blood pressure should do,
9.84 -> but it's something most people
11.49 -> don't know how to do correctly.
13.13 -> Checking your blood pressure regularly
14.85 -> will help let you know if
you have it under control.
17.48 -> It will also help you start to understand
19.34 -> which factors are putting you at high risk
21.27 -> for stroke and heart attack.
22.66 -> Before I get to that though,
I just wanna stress one thing.
26.09 -> If you have high blood pressure,
27.61 -> you should talk to your
doctor to figure out
29.38 -> how frequently you should
be checking it at home.
31.96 -> For most people, taking
your blood pressure
34.07 -> twice in the morning and
twice in the evening,
36.93 -> even just for a week, will
help you and your doctor
39.44 -> get a better understanding
of your blood pressure.
42 -> For morning readings,
it's best to take those
43.647 -> before you take your
blood pressure medication.
46.44 -> It's also very important to
avoid exercise, caffeine,
49.85 -> or tobacco at least 30
minutes prior to testing,
52.53 -> since those can affect your levels.
54.96 -> Now, let's move on to
talk about the proper way
57.87 -> to measure your blood pressure at home.
61.28 -> Nearly half adults in the
US have high blood pressure
64.21 -> and are at high risk for
stroke and heart attack,
67.12 -> so self-measuring is
one of the easiest ways
69.64 -> to be proactive about our health.
71.61 -> Here I have my blood
pressure monitoring device.
74.19 -> It's easy to use, and it helps
me get a accurate reading.
77.64 -> Be sure to get a automated
device with a upper arm cuff.
81.59 -> That's the type doctors recommend.
83.79 -> The first thing you wanna do
is find a quiet place to sit
85.77 -> where your back is in a
upright, stable position.
89.46 -> A dining room chair is great.
91.6 -> You want to make sure
the chair isn't too soft,
93.97 -> so your body is fully supported.
96.36 -> Sit with your feet flat on the floor,
97.96 -> and don't cross your legs or ankles.
100.27 -> If you need to use the bathroom,
101.69 -> make sure to go before
you do your reading.
104.3 -> Next, rest your arm on a flat surface
106.31 -> with your palm facing up.
108.01 -> Place the blood pressure cuff
109.45 -> on your bare upper arm
just above your elbow.
112.31 -> Your arm should be relaxed and resting
113.91 -> so the cuff is at the
same height as your heart.
116.63 -> Now rest quietly for five minutes
118.55 -> before taking the first measurement.
120.93 -> Avoid talking while taking your
blood pressure measurement.
124.6 -> Once your first measurement is completed,
126.71 -> write down the blood
pressure numbers and pulse
128.9 -> that are displayed on the device.
130.75 -> Wait one minute, and then
repeat this process again.
135.27 -> As you just saw, it's important
137.1 -> to check your two measurements
138.38 -> at around the same time
each morning and evening.
141.31 -> At your next doctor's visit,
142.82 -> be sure to share your
blood pressure numbers
144.95 -> so you can discuss the numbers,
146.61 -> and so your care plan can
be changed if necessary.
150.51 -> That's it.
151.61 -> Not bad, right?
153.23 -> Measuring your blood pressure
at home is easy to do
155.45 -> and a great way to stay
on top of your health.
157.71 -> If you have more questions about managing
160.05 -> or measuring your blood pressure
overall, visit the website.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAwliNWe1bI