7 Best Balance Exercises After Injury, Stroke, or Brain Injury-Seated & Standing

7 Best Balance Exercises After Injury, Stroke, or Brain Injury-Seated & Standing

7 Best Balance Exercises After Injury, Stroke, or Brain Injury-Seated & Standing

“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present the 7 Best Balance Exercises After Injury, Stroke, or Brain Injury-Seated \u0026 Standing.

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8.48 -> hi folks I'm Bob Shrum physical
10.889 -> therapist Oh Bayliss yeah Brad I'm a
14.549 -> physical therapist because we have the
16.049 -> most famous physical therapist on the
17.4 -> Internet in my opinion of course all
22.98 -> right seven best balance exercises after
25.289 -> injury stroke or brain injury we're
27.869 -> gonna we'll both seated and standing
30.5 -> obviously you're gonna probably start
32.279 -> with the seated sure because that's
33.899 -> right it could be anybody you know a
36.809 -> jeer at someone all elderly that is just
39.54 -> very weak they cannot sit on the edge of
41.73 -> the bed anybody they're you know on the
43.41 -> edge of the bed as therapists we can
44.91 -> relate to us very well so how do we get
47.309 -> people stronger that way and this is a
50.309 -> protocol one through seven seven Bible
53.07 -> you know I loves that number seven it's
55.469 -> a complete number you do something with
57.48 -> seven and you're gonna get right to the
59.16 -> end if we can get seven new subscribers
61.53 -> right now Brad if you are new to our
63 -> channel please take a second to
64.26 -> subscribe to us we provide videos on how
65.939 -> to stay healthy fit pain-free and when
67.439 -> we upload every day
68.43 -> also go over to Facebook and what did
70.08 -> you understand some people are in
71.22 -> trouble finding us on Facebook it's
72.72 -> right it's Bob and Brad yeah
74.909 -> I think you put it all one word or try
77.189 -> it separate separate the words either
79.77 -> one one of them all work or go on our
81.659 -> YouTube and there's a link over yeah
83.52 -> link over and don't make us beg you I
86.189 -> mean it's not a pretty sight when you
87.6 -> have to beg right dad yeah my wife was
89.369 -> frowning on it oh she was okay let's get
92.25 -> started Brad okay here we go in the
94.68 -> seated position you know if you get a
96.99 -> chair hopefully you know if you're at
98.61 -> the level where you don't need armrests
100.049 -> to hold your balance balance and you can
102.509 -> sit without the backrest and it may be
105.18 -> challenging at that point we want to
106.86 -> challenge yourself a little bit more so
108.869 -> we're gonna do that by using these cones
110.759 -> that you know at home you don't have to
112.11 -> have cones you can use just a can of
114.149 -> soup or some plastic glasses if it's
117.57 -> after a stroke or brain injury it's nice
119.549 -> to use different colors because
121.14 -> sometimes the injury may affect the eyes
123 -> and the vision and that can help
125.009 -> stimulate that part of the injury
126.6 -> probably have a Red Solo Cup in your
128.25 -> house don't you bet we don't want to
130.619 -> talk about
131.79 -> this is a family show okay and then
134.909 -> we're gonna put one cone in front one to
137.939 -> the right and one to the left and that's
139.89 -> very important particularly if it's a
141.75 -> brain injury but as well as even if it's
143.819 -> not so we can go right and left and we
146.28 -> cross the midline because when you cross
148.23 -> the midline that challenges our mind
150.769 -> neurologically we don't want to get into
152.64 -> the details but after a stroke or brain
154.65 -> injury yes exactly
155.97 -> okay so we're gonna start here and we'll
158.639 -> simply reach a cone off and put it back
161.879 -> yeah okay here and back and then this is
166.2 -> a little hard part with the right hand
167.28 -> going over to here you're twisting and
169.049 -> everything and that might make a big
170.519 -> difference for some people and then do
172.59 -> the same thing with the left hand and
174.81 -> he's having to do it visually too right
176.939 -> his eyes have to go you know to
179.7 -> different quadrants
180.989 -> yep precisely nice and a lot harder so
183.18 -> now we're gonna make it a little harder
184.739 -> Brad yeah so yeah simply move the the
189.989 -> targets if you will
191.549 -> farther away so you have to reach
193.34 -> farther remember with this always safety
198 -> first
198.479 -> right if you're concerned you know you
200.639 -> might hold on to his belt or you know
203.31 -> just want to make sure he's not gonna
204.9 -> fall off that yeah you may have a person
206.609 -> on each side if but you know if it's
209.099 -> that shaky then you have to you're too
211.109 -> far off Ryan bring the cones back in so
213.84 -> that it's challenging but not dangerous
215.819 -> okay all right now when this gets too
219.299 -> easy and it's like oh well things are
221.489 -> going pretty good the balance is looking
223.139 -> good then we go to stage two but I want
226.56 -> you throw me in actually you want to
228.989 -> stir this or just a cushion know that
230.76 -> right back there I have a special
232.229 -> cushion because there's something you
234.629 -> might have at home if you're doing this
235.949 -> at home thanks Bob
237.269 -> just get a some foam rubber we call that
240.689 -> anything like out of a piece of
241.889 -> furniture you might have that or just go
244.59 -> to the furniture and rip one oh sure
247.109 -> I'm just kidding if you got some foam
249.419 -> that'll work
251.159 -> one thing I like to have is a bubble
254.489 -> ball the half bubble ball I'll get to
256.38 -> that one Bob oh sure this one yeah can
259.95 -> do make so this is not a can doing this
261.84 -> is a different one but it's squishy
264.98 -> air-filled airfield yeah and you put on
267.72 -> that all of a sudden it's like here on
270.59 -> top and this really challenges you so
273.69 -> once you get stable with that then you
276.42 -> can repeat the whole procedure we're not
278.82 -> going to go through that again just for
280.95 -> time sake because you can but it's the
282.66 -> same thing we're gonna reach and you can
284.22 -> spread the corns farther but it's gonna
285.81 -> be harder with this wobbly cushion on
289.02 -> there so if you're a therapist you may
290.85 -> want to get this or you mean Erik's
293.61 -> makes really nice cushions and these are
296.73 -> ones you can stand on or sit on right
298.65 -> but they're gonna challenge you
300.33 -> especially with the stairs and let you
302.64 -> know these are a little more expensive
303.39 -> but if you're a therapist you don't want
305.13 -> to get this because they last they'll
306.36 -> last a long time you can clean them very
308.01 -> high quality I've got a couple back here
310.41 -> to Brad that are real nice all right
312.87 -> it's always nice to know what when
314.85 -> there's a good product out there okay
317.25 -> now and that once we get to that point
319.98 -> where this is you're on a wobbly surface
322.5 -> and you can reach and it's getting
324.87 -> easier then you go to the next level of
326.76 -> the seated liveliness and Bob why don't
329.34 -> you we're gonna go to the exercise ball
331.62 -> the stability ball wool there we go
334.8 -> and you know that's a huge step up once
337.41 -> you say brab and in here you know you're
340.26 -> gonna hold on to the ball help the
342.12 -> person you know you're gonna be waiting
343.56 -> fo all right but once you get on the
345.93 -> ball and you're going to parallel bars
347.79 -> and once you get used to the wobbliness
349.26 -> and you feel comfortable without holding
352.41 -> on to something or having some on each
354.18 -> side then we progress to reaching for
357.21 -> the cones again and over again
360.479 -> lot of safety with this map because you
362.82 -> can slide right off that ball previously
365.22 -> these balls are are wobbly I wouldn't
369.24 -> want to go out too far on these even
371.04 -> Brad right yep so yep very cautious use
375.66 -> good judgment you could actually use two
378.69 -> hands and actually for the rotation ones
381.33 -> that step up right yeah mm-hmm okay
384.81 -> excellent
385.62 -> once that's good you want to go to the
387.45 -> next step where step number four I'm
390.12 -> sure more of a seven more standing
392.46 -> balance now with standing balance we're
395.669 -> going to simple the same Percy
399.15 -> same method with the cones or whatever
401.55 -> you have set up and you know you may
403.56 -> start with your feet out wide doing the
405.78 -> reach in the same program then bring
408.39 -> your feet close together reaching the
411.03 -> same program dr. Dada then we want to go
415.38 -> to the cushion so Bob why don't you wear
417.48 -> this one right here well sure here on
421.8 -> the floor you could use this if you're
425.28 -> at home and you don't have one of the
426.78 -> fancy ones you know you could use the
428.25 -> same cushion that you used to seat it on
430.77 -> and it's amazing when you stand on
435.21 -> something that's squishy yeah all of a
437.94 -> sudden it turns on a whole different
439.94 -> venue as far as balance and your body's
443.1 -> the proprioception does therapist
445.44 -> there's therapist author you know
446.52 -> exactly what we're talking about we're
448.05 -> changing gears a little bit and then all
451.08 -> of a sudden this becomes much harder
452.97 -> again and then you're gonna have someone
454.89 -> behind you and onto a BF get it get a
457.2 -> big gate belt on or hold on to your your
459.66 -> belt to make sure that it's safe then
462.84 -> over here because we certainly don't
465.06 -> want to have a fall yeah okay that would
468.6 -> kind of defeat the purpose of rehab
471.77 -> right so and once that gets too easy
476.16 -> then the next step and you know this is
478.5 -> pretty high level yeah this next level
480.6 -> is more for the athlete but I can do
482.7 -> this if you're getting to this level
483.99 -> you're you really need your goal is
487.02 -> probably athletics okay and that's the
489.84 -> single leg balance and this is where
491.67 -> someone who is an athlete and they have
493.44 -> a sprained ankle and they're recovering
494.91 -> from that this can be a really good I
496.95 -> would say I mean you could certainly do
499.2 -> this even after a stroke if just working
501.42 -> on trying to stand on one leg sure you
503.58 -> know and not even do any grabbing or
505.26 -> just just touch those touch up just a
507.81 -> touch over here and keep them up at like
509.55 -> a good level they're at the bend right
511.62 -> and you made that because the rotation
513.42 -> really gets complicated for that level
515.97 -> of person you know if you are you know
519.45 -> and that'd be great if we had someone
521.07 -> who would be fun to work with someone
522.66 -> who had a stroke and recover them back
524.1 -> to athletic that level as a therapist
526.5 -> was really cool because this really
529.17 -> challenges a lot of muscles
531.97 -> balance okay now this is the ultimate
537.91 -> the advanced technique where not only
541.96 -> does it incorporate balance but vision
544.27 -> hand-eye coordination so this is very
546.85 -> high level it gets your mind off of
549.91 -> balance and if you can balance when
551.89 -> you're not thinking about balance then
553.839 -> you know right you're at the top of your
555.61 -> game so one good way to do is go ahead
558.279 -> throw me about it's just you know heel
562.51 -> pops throwing it and I think this is a
564.16 -> good one that you can do with someone
565.93 -> who's had a stroller as long as they're
568.18 -> using both legs right and then someone's
570.67 -> right behind you holding it on the gate
572.77 -> because we do this all the time yeah
574.21 -> right this is what we do with the
575.98 -> elderly
576.43 -> sometimes we'll start with a blue and
578.05 -> flip floats through the app flow map
579.79 -> they'll pop to punch the balloon right
582.43 -> and and sometimes they'll punch the
584.05 -> therapist yeah I've been punched in a
587.29 -> while so you can see I'm going different
593.38 -> angles I'm trying to make him work a
595.51 -> little bit by going down right and then
597.52 -> we can go to a larger ball if that's
601.089 -> getting too easy
601.93 -> yeah and we can even start doing this I
604.72 -> want to get this chair out of the way
605.83 -> before I start doing bouncing oh there
610.779 -> yeah the big ball of the extra mass and
613.69 -> the side makes a big difference and if
616.27 -> you know your really really advanced try
620.17 -> this on one leg and you know make sure
624.7 -> you got someone holding onto you're
627.13 -> working as appropriate and as needed
630.31 -> all right Fred we've got no way that
633.49 -> ball matches your tie look at this
635.31 -> wonderful color-coordinated I remember
638.8 -> Brad we can fix just about anything or
641.74 -> we're gonna put it right on here Oh
642.97 -> beautiful nice I'm broken already
645.3 -> thanks for watching
654.499 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4_OQnIXVZk