Video: Beating heart failure with barostim
Video: Beating heart failure with barostim
The barostim device is not a cure for heart failure but could help patients live a better quality of life.
0.199 -> the number of people living with
2.399 -> congestive heart failure in America is
4.259 -> increasing that's expected to affect
6.029 -> more than 8 million people by 2030 for
9.15 -> many of those patients medications stop
11.01 -> working Ursula Perry reports a little
13.769 -> device may hold the key to a more active
15.929 -> and happier life a few months ago Joe
20.31 -> Knox couldn't take a simple walk due to
22.59 -> his congestive heart failure I couldn't
24.81 -> walk from the door of my house to the
28.529 -> car without being out of breath and Joe
31.89 -> is it alone doctors say many heart
34.35 -> failure patients stopped responding to
36.36 -> medication that helps the heart
38.01 -> circulate blood the analogy is when the
40.17 -> car can't drive up the hill as the
43.59 -> engine has some damage it's the same
46.44 -> thing with the hard Joe is taking part
48.84 -> in the beat HF clinical trial at Holy
50.91 -> Cross Hospital this clinical trial
53.27 -> investigates the use of a device called
55.41 -> a bear stimulation device which the
58.41 -> design of it is to help the heart simply
60.6 -> relax the Barrow stem is implanted much
63.359 -> like a pacemaker but it sits on top of
65.729 -> the carotid artery it actually tells the
68.549 -> heart to relax by lowering what's called
72.659 -> sympathetic activity activity to the
75.39 -> heart so the heart doesn't have to work
77.4 -> as hard every two weeks Joe has the
80.189 -> device adjusted as the intensity goes up
83.75 -> the benefits go up dr. Lauren says so
87.96 -> far the technology is proving to be safe
90.06 -> and well tolerated joe says now he can
92.97 -> enjoy walking the dog with his husband
95.22 -> I'm able to drive myself go grocery
99.72 -> shopping myself push the cart around
102.99 -> definitely of a saver giving people with
106.17 -> heart failure a chance at a more active
108.299 -> life ursula Perry case at 12 News
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyOCYvk393c