What is a stroke? | Circulatory System and Disease | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

What is a stroke? | Circulatory System and Disease | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

What is a stroke? | Circulatory System and Disease | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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1.894 -> - [Voiceover] So before we sort of jump into
3.378 -> what strokes are, let me just sort of orient you
5.977 -> to this, to what we're looking at here.
9.013 -> So this is a side view of a person.
12.327 -> And we can see the contents of their skull.
15.193 -> So let's do some labeling here.
17.874 -> We've got the skull here,
20.088 -> and obviously, the skull protects the brain.
23.38 -> We have the cerebrum, the most obvious
25.574 -> part of the brain, in pink.
27.952 -> We have the cerebellum down here,
30.857 -> and we have the brain stem.
33.336 -> Now, in terms of vessels, in terms of blood vessels,
36.607 -> all of the blue that you see here, these are all veins.
39.694 -> These are veins that drain the brain.
43.331 -> And now let's label some arteries.
45.38 -> So here in front, we have the internal carotid artery.
50.359 -> And remember, we're only looking at the left side here.
53.301 -> So we can only see the left one.
55.637 -> And here, sort of running up inside the vertebrae,
58.827 -> we have the vertebral artery.
61.306 -> Now it gets a little bit tricky here.
63.54 -> This is the basilar artery.
66.039 -> This here is the middle cerebral artery.
69.371 -> I'll call it the MCA.
71.85 -> Here we have the posterior cerebral artery.
74.613 -> We'll call that the PCA.
76.848 -> And in front here, we have the ACA,
79.246 -> or the anterior cerebral artery.
81.847 -> And you can sort of see the Circle of Willis
83.839 -> is formed right there.
86.417 -> All right. So let's jump into it.
88.267 -> So all those vessels we just talked about,
90.239 -> that's your blood supply to your brain.
92.98 -> And if you lose some or all
95.012 -> of that blood supply to your brain,
96.779 -> then you lose some or all brain function.
100.131 -> So the loss of some blood supply
102.468 -> causing the loss of brain function,
104.926 -> that's a stroke.
106.633 -> So there's two main ways to disturb this blood supply.
110.048 -> The most common type of disturbance
112.301 -> is where you get stoppage of blood flow
114.435 -> to a part of your brain.
115.999 -> So let me draw this out for you.
117.888 -> Let's say that this bit
119.209 -> of the anterior cerebral artery is blocked off.
122.704 -> This means that blood won't be able to go
124.552 -> from this previous part of the ACA
127.641 -> over to this next part of the ACA.
130.302 -> And if blood can't get through,
132.639 -> then the brain tissue downstream,
135.463 -> that depends on that blood for its oxygen needs,
138.836 -> that brain tissue would start to get injured
141.091 -> and start to die off.
142.757 -> And the second kind of disturbance,
144.912 -> once that's not as common, but still really, really serious,
148.181 -> is where one of the blood vessels
149.685 -> of your cerebral circulation,
151.371 -> where one of the blood vessels ruptures.
153.748 -> Let's say that this bit of the ACA,
156.613 -> right at the junction between the ACA
158.93 -> and the anterior communicating artery,
161.448 -> started to balloon out.
163.623 -> Right? It started to form an aneurysm.
166.405 -> Well, eventually, that aneurysm could rupture.
169.676 -> And if it ruptured, you'd start leaking blood
172.907 -> out of your cerebral circulation
175.183 -> and into the space around your brain.
178.535 -> So if that happens, there's two major consequences.
181.583 -> First, because you're leaking blood
183.309 -> out of your cerebral circulation,
185.483 -> these downstream parts of, say,
188.287 -> your anterior cerebral artery here,
190.908 -> obviously won't be getting any blood.
193.224 -> So again, this downstream brain tissue
195.296 -> is gonna have a lack of oxygen around.
197.592 -> So it'll start to get damaged.
199.665 -> Also, the blood will start to collect
202.55 -> and sort of push on your brain tissue
204.662 -> and cause damage to your brain that way.
207.039 -> So those are really the two types of stroke.
209.438 -> You can get stoppage of blood flow to an area,
211.977 -> which is also called an ischemic stroke,
214.882 -> "ischemic" referring to an environment,
217.32 -> the cellular environment where there's not enough oxygen,
220.572 -> or you can get this rupture of a vessel that we saw earlier.
224.92 -> And that's also called a hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic.
229.571 -> And "hemorrhagic" refers to, sort of,
232.009 -> a sudden torrential bleeding outburst.
235.951 -> So, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.
239.689 -> But regardless of whether you have an ischemic stroke
242.615 -> or a hemorrhagic stroke, either way
245.479 -> your brain cells are gonna start to malfunction
247.999 -> after about three minutes or so.
250.274 -> And that's because they have now a lack of oxygen, right?
253.118 -> Because they're not getting proper blood flow,
255.252 -> not getting proper blood supply,
257.507 -> and they're not getting enough glucose.
261.103 -> And they need glucose in your bloodstream
263.378 -> to function properly, to carry out
265.329 -> their complicated functions.
269.428 -> So what do you think might happen
270.778 -> if a part of your brain just sort of stopped working,
273.653 -> started to malfunction?
275.237 -> Well, intuitively, you might start to think,
277.615 -> "Well, hey, if a part of my brain starts malfunctioning,
281.088 -> "I might lose those abilities
283.384 -> "that that part of the brain performs," right?
286.554 -> So let's look at a few examples here.
288.768 -> So let's say we get a clot.
290.089 -> This is a clot here.
291.206 -> Let's say we get one in the middle cerebral artery.
294.64 -> Well, if we get a clot here,
296.553 -> then that means that blood isn't gonna be able
299.111 -> to get through the MCA, right?
301.101 -> Here's blood in the MCA.
302.746 -> All of a sudden, we're gonna lose the abilities
305.875 -> that the downstream parts of the brain perform,
309.736 -> at least temporarily.
311.281 -> Now, the middle cerebral artery's pretty important.
314.226 -> It actually supplies blood
315.952 -> to two really important areas of the brain,
319.163 -> one called Broca's area, on the outside of the brain,
322.779 -> and one called Wernicke's area, or Wernicke's area,
327.005 -> depending on if you wanna
328.618 -> use the true German pronunciation.
331.359 -> And these two areas are really, really important
333.759 -> in determining your speech,
336.439 -> determining how you speak and whether or not
338.998 -> you can understand what people are saying to you.
341.295 -> So if you get a big clot in your middle cerebral artery,
345.398 -> and you happen to stop blood supply to Broca's area
350.011 -> and/or Wernicke's area, you're gonna end up
353.078 -> with problems with your speech.
354.866 -> Now, let's do another example.
356.207 -> Let's say you get a clot here,
358.077 -> in this little artery coming off the basilar artery.
360.921 -> Right? So that runs up your brain stem.
363.074 -> Well, there's a lot of special nerves
364.537 -> called cranial nerves that originate on your brain stem
367.747 -> and sort of go their separate ways from there.
370.286 -> And some of them are involved
371.588 -> in controlling your facial muscles.
374.046 -> And if these neurons lose oxygen,
376.422 -> it means that you might start to have
378.352 -> the edges of your mouth droop,
380.527 -> it means that your eyelids might start to droop,
383.108 -> basically, you might not be able to use
384.508 -> some of the muscles of your face.
386.784 -> So what exactly determines how bad a stroke is?
390.055 -> Well, two things: where in the brain it happens,
393.123 -> and how much brain tissue is actually damaged.
396.374 -> And what determines that?
398.08 -> Well, that's determined by which blood vessels are involved.
401.615 -> For example, if you get a big clot right about here,
405.13 -> then you're not gonna allow blood to your brain stem.
408.442 -> So your brain stem would start to die off,
411.042 -> and that would be really, really bad
412.853 -> because your brain stem is really responsible
414.74 -> for keeping your alive.
415.878 -> Your brain stem has all of the regulatory centers
419.029 -> that control your breathing and your heart
421.363 -> and a lot of your other vital functions.
423.801 -> In contrast, if you got a clot, let's say,
427.052 -> in this tiny little vessel here,
430.283 -> or in this tiny little vessel right about there,
433.919 -> on in this one here,
435.402 -> then how much brain injury would you end up with?
438.348 -> Well, you'd end up with a little in each small area.
441.518 -> And while, ideally, you don't have any brain injury,
445.642 -> the sort of functional disability that you'd suffer
448.852 -> if you had these small strokes,
451.496 -> compared to this really, really big and significant stroke,
455.74 -> there'd be a pretty big difference there.
457.629 -> So just to reiterate, the severity of the stroke
460.474 -> depends on where you get your stroke, right ...
462.871 -> So again, you don't wanna have it in your brain stem ...
465.147 -> And how much brain area is involved.
468.58 -> And is this brain injury irreversible?
471.038 -> Well, most of the time, yes.
472.563 -> Neurons will start to die
473.755 -> after about four minutes without oxygen.
476.396 -> So what would cause a stroke to happen?
478.448 -> Well, there's some common heart conditions,
480.583 -> like atrial fibrillation, where the uppermost
483.446 -> chambers of your heart don't contract properly.
486.982 -> That often creates blood clots.
489.096 -> And then those blood clots, when they,
490.618 -> when they get pumped out of your heart,
492.61 -> they can travel up to your brain
494.073 -> and get stuck in your brain blood vessels,
496.571 -> like we saw earlier.
498.156 -> Another common heart-related cause
499.904 -> is a myocardial infarct, or a heart attack.
502.849 -> So when you have a heart attack, a part of your heart wall
505.715 -> might start to not contract properly.
508.375 -> So when that happens, little blood clots
510.61 -> can grow on the heart wall and then be pumped out,
513.617 -> up into the brain.
515.69 -> Another really common cause, and actually
517.437 -> one of the most common causes of stroke,
519.997 -> is when you get something called atherosclerosis,
523.207 -> or build-up of, sort of, this fatty cholesterol plaque
526.965 -> in the walls of your arteries.
528.917 -> So let's say that you got some cholesterol build-up
532.026 -> in the wall of the artery here, in the internal carotid.
535.174 -> Well, as you can imagine,
536.778 -> blood is gonna have a really, really hard time
539.198 -> getting past this, sort of, massive cholesterol
542.449 -> that's stuck in the wall of the artery, right,
544.583 -> this atherosclerosis.
546.574 -> And these can happen in multiple places in the brain, too.
549.316 -> And if you actually have one,
550.982 -> you're likely to have another.
552.283 -> So you might have one there,
554.03 -> and you might have one, say, here,
556.023 -> you might have one there.
557.323 -> So they're really, really dangerous,
559.048 -> atherosclerotic plaques.
561.365 -> Now, let me switch gears for a second
562.847 -> and talk about something called a TIA,
564.899 -> or a transient ischemic attack,
567.623 -> also known as a mini-stroke.
570.121 -> A TIA is essentially a temporary interruption
573.047 -> of blood flow to a part of the brain.
575.708 -> So the symptoms, the symptoms of the TIA and the stroke,
579.182 -> they're really similar.
580.706 -> But the difference is that a TIA doesn't actually
583.246 -> destroy brain cells and it
585.034 -> doesn't cause permanent disability.
587.431 -> So one of the key differences is that a TIA will resolve,
591.19 -> it'll kind of go away within 24 hours,
594.116 -> whereas, if you have a stroke,
595.598 -> if you've had a proper stroke,
597.104 -> you may not gain normal function again for weeks or months,
601.228 -> or maybe even for the rest of your life.
603.543 -> So let me just quickly show you what this would look like.
605.758 -> So in a proper stroke, let's say this vessel gets blocked.
609.801 -> Without treatment, this tissue will die off.
612.828 -> But in a TIA, you'd get a little clot,
616.099 -> this area would start to become injured,
618.558 -> and then the clot would sort of spontaneously
621.017 -> break up and go away.
622.966 -> And then, all of a sudden, this brain tissue
624.733 -> would start to go back to normal again.
627.232 -> And so, in the vast majority of situations,
629.995 -> you won't be left with any permanent brain cell death.
633.592 -> So to finish off, let's just clear up
635.36 -> a few misconceptions about stroke.
637.756 -> So there's a common thought
638.896 -> that strokes are primarily heart-related.
641.576 -> And, as we saw earlier, the heart's certainly involved
644.197 -> in some causes of stroke.
646.127 -> But strictly speaking, strokes are conditions
648.281 -> related to a mismatch
650.74 -> between cerebral blood flow supply and demand.
654.194 -> So it's a cerebral, it's a brain problem.
656.651 -> There's another common misconception
658.503 -> that strokes only occur in the elderly.
660.715 -> And while it's true that about 2/3s of strokes
663.397 -> happen in the elderly, and people older than 65,
667.054 -> a pretty significant 1/3 happen in people under 65.
671.485 -> So strokes can happen in people of varying ages.
675.517 -> Last, and probably the most important,
678.281 -> strokes are not unpreventable.
680.656 -> There's a lot of things you can do
681.979 -> to reduce your risk of having a stroke,
684.252 -> such as controlling any high blood pressure
686.63 -> or stopping smoking.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIAI6KOwKII