11 Healthy Ways To Improve Gut Health Naturally

11 Healthy Ways To Improve Gut Health Naturally

11 Healthy Ways To Improve Gut Health Naturally

You all must have heard of the importance of keeping your gut healthy. A healthy gut can keep your digestion smooth, and keep you away from a host of nasty diseases. Our gut houses a large microbiome filled with bacteria that aid in properly digesting the food we eat.

Some foods and habits help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, while others can destroy our gut health. Today we’ll discuss habits and practices that can help naturally improve your gut health.

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Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/xLmigD6i

#GutHealth #ImproveGutHealth #Bestie

Sources: https://pastebin.com/z5V5wiW2

Intro - 0:00
Smoking - 0:34
Watch Your Alcohol Intake - 1:14
Diversity In Your Diet - 2:24
Antibiotic Abuse - 3:21
Reduce Stress - 4:32
Probiotics - 5:20
Eat Fruits, Vegetables, And Legumes - 5:49
Prebiotics - 6:32
Foods Rich In Polyphenols - 7:06
Whole Grains - 7:57
Fermented Foods - 8:42


Smoking is terrible for your gut health.
Some habits and certain lifestyle choices can be detrimental to our overall digestive health, and certain habits create a lot of bacteria in our gut, such as smoking.

Watch your alcohol intake.
Alcohol consumption, especially excessive consumption, can be harmful to your gut.

Not having diversity in your diet is terrible for your gut.
A balanced and diverse diet is necessary if we need to promote our gut health.

Antibiotic abuse prevents a healthy gut.
Antibiotics are life-saving medications that have an essential place in our civilization.

Reduce stress to improve gut health.
Excess stress is another major killer of gut microbiota. A stressed body can lead to decreased blood flow to the gut, which can kill most of the bacteria in the gut and invariably after the gut microbiota for the worse.

Probiotics = a healthy gut
Perhaps the easiest and the most efficient way to improve gut healthy is by incorporating probiotics to your diet.

Eat fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are fiber-rich foods. Consuming fiber-rich foods leads to an increase in the number of beneficial gut bacteria.

Prebiotics are a must.
Prebiotic foods promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. They are foods that break down through the bacteria in our gut.

Foods rich in polyphenols to keep your gut clean and robust.
Polyphenols are plant-based micronutrients digested by our gut bacteria.

Eating whole grains.
Whole grains are a rich source of fiber, and fiber is essential for the microbiomes in your gut.

Fermented foods make your gut strong
Fermented foods are another excellent source of healthy gut bacteria. Fermented foods are mostly complex sugars that break down into simpler sugars by yeast or bacteria.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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0.7 -> Hey there viewers!
2.13 -> You all must have heard of the importance of keeping your gut healthy.
4.82 -> A healthy gut can keep your digestion smooth, and keep you away from a host of nasty diseases.
10.63 -> Our gut houses a large microbiome filled with bacteria that aid in properly digesting the
16.15 -> food we eat.
17.93 -> Some foods and habits help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, while others can destroy our
22.5 -> gut health.
23.5 -> Today we’ll discuss habits and practices that can help naturally improve your gut health.
28.56 -> Let’s get started.
29.93 -> (pause)
30.93 -> Stopping these five habits can improve gut health naturally:
34.22 -> (Pause)
35.79 -> Smoking is terrible for your gut health.
39.11 -> Some habits and certain lifestyle choices can be detrimental to our overall digestive
43.15 -> health, and certain habits create a lot of bacteria in our gut, such as smoking.
48.42 -> Smoking is a killer habit that can cause several disorders ranging from heart attacks to strokes
52.84 -> to lung disease and cancer.
55.6 -> Smoking is especially bad for our gut microbiome as it destroys gut flora.
61.15 -> Smoking causes several gut disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease, a condition
65.869 -> where the intestines are inflamed, hindering digestion.
69.38 -> The best way to improve gut flora and restore your gut health is to quit smoking immediately.
74.27 -> (pause)
75.689 -> Watch your alcohol intake.
78.79 -> Alcohol consumption, especially excessive consumption, can be harmful to your gut.
83.1 -> Alcohol is an intoxicant, which, when consumed excessively can lead to a person losing their
88.35 -> sense of time and place, sometimes even passing out.
92.49 -> Consumption of alcohol in excess is harmful to our bodies, and it affects our liver and
96.659 -> gut health by causing inflammation.
99.649 -> Alcohol abuse causes diseases such as stroke, heart attacks, and even dementia over a long
104.81 -> period.
105.82 -> However, alcohol in moderation and the consumption of certain types of alcohol, such as red wine,
111.43 -> can surprisingly promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria and prevent the development of
116.229 -> harmful gut bacteria such as clostridium.
118.639 -> The benefits of red wine on gut health are from the presence of polyphenols in it.
124.2 -> Polyphenols are beneficial to gut health as they do not break down during digestion but
128.209 -> are broken down by the gut bacteria, making them valuable for their proliferation.
133.53 -> Alcohol stands in the gray area as excess is bad for the gut and overall health, but
138.231 -> some types of alcohol in moderation can be very beneficial for our gut health.
142.97 -> (pause)
144.37 -> Not having diversity in your diet is terrible for your gut.
148.099 -> A balanced and diverse diet is necessary if we need to promote our gut health.
154.16 -> Not having a wide range of foods and limiting one’s diet to only processed and sugar-rich
158.569 -> foods can significantly damage your gut flora and cause obesity.
163.319 -> Dietary diversity is needed to maintain a proper gut microbiome.
167.44 -> Typically, fiber-rich whole grains, legumes, leafy greens, and probiotic foods like yogurt
172.939 -> go a long way in improving the gut health of its consumers.
176.659 -> But the present diet of most people consists only of minimal plant and animal proteins.
181.17 -> A study reveals that a whopping 75% of the American diet comes from just a few sources
186.689 -> of proteins and vegetables.
189.159 -> This deprivation in the diet can lead to horrible consequences for the gut bacteria, and the
193.689 -> only way to remedy this issue is by eating more wholesome foods and keeping away from
198.03 -> processed foods as much as possible.
200.469 -> (pause)
201.65 -> Antibiotic abuse prevents a healthy gut.
206.45 -> Antibiotics are life-saving medications that have an essential place in our civilization.
210.409 -> They frequently treat several ailments, from a sore throat to life-threatening illnesses.
216.519 -> Antibiotics work by creating antibodies that destroy both the harmful and helpful microbiota
220.989 -> in the body or inhibit their reproduction and spread across the body.
225.28 -> Regardless of how useful an antibiotic is, even a single course of treatment can result
229.84 -> in the gut microbiota being affected by it.
233.159 -> Sometimes, antibiotic use can increase the number of harmful bacteria like clostridium
237.709 -> and reduce the number of good bacteria like lactobacilli.
241.5 -> Gut flora is consistently affected by antibiotics.
244.879 -> Even though the number of good bacteria bounces back within a few weeks after treatment, they
248.56 -> do not reach back to normal levels within the gut.
251.879 -> Sometimes the effects of antibiotic use can last up to two years, even if the use was
255.769 -> only short-term.
256.769 -> So after every antibiotic use, we must take the necessary steps to ensure that our gut
261.79 -> flora returns to normal.
263.56 -> Also, it is best to avoid unnecessary antibiotic consumption for every condition and only take
268.91 -> it when a doctor prescribes it.
271.39 -> (Pause)
272.69 -> Reduce stress to improve gut health Excess stress is another major killer of gut
278.36 -> microbiota.
279.36 -> A stressed body can lead to decreased blood flow to the gut, which can kill most of the
283.28 -> bacteria in the gut and invariably alter the gut microbiota for the worse.
288.47 -> Studies on mice show how increased stress can lead to a proportionate decrease of good
292.54 -> gut bacteria and an increase in bad ones like clostridium.
296.97 -> Studies on humans have shown a substantial decrease in the level of good bacteria like
300.6 -> lactobacilli with excessive stress levels.
304.06 -> So reducing stress can contribute to an increase in good gut bacteria.
308.53 -> Try stress-relieving exercises or yoga for the best results!
312.22 -> (Pause)
313.22 -> Several studies stress the importance of good gut flora.
315.84 -> Here are some ways in which you can improve your gut.
320.59 -> Probiotics = a healthy gut
322.95 -> Perhaps the easiest and the most efficient way to improve gut health is by incorporating
326.67 -> probiotics to your diet.
329.41 -> Probiotic foods contain added bacteria that are beneficial for your gut health.
334.24 -> Probiotics help with metabolism but do not colonize your gut and need to be consumed
338.06 -> regularly for the best results.
340.59 -> Add them to your daily diet through foods like kefir, yogurt or kimchi, or probiotic
344.96 -> supplements after consulting your physician.
347.14 -> (pause)
348.14 -> Eat fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
349.87 -> Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are fiber-rich foods.Consuming fiber-rich foods leads to
357.34 -> an increase in the number of beneficial gut bacteria.
360.99 -> Studies show that a diet rich in fruits can prevent the growth of disease-causing bacteria
365.36 -> in humans.
367.24 -> Studies also attest that foods like almonds, apples, and pistachios have increased the
372.311 -> levels of helpful gut bacteria that prevent inflammation.
376.13 -> Foods that are good for maintaining a healthy gut flora include.
379.37 -> whole grains bananas
381.5 -> apples green peas
383.89 -> broccoli chickpeas
385.89 -> raspberries artichokes
387.93 -> lentils Beans
389.43 -> (Pause) Prebiotics are a must.
395.11 -> Prebiotic foods promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
397.59 -> They are foods that break down through the bacteria in our gut.
402.08 -> Prebiotics are beneficial for the prevention of certain disorders such as heart disease
405.34 -> and type 2 diabetes.
407.91 -> Prebiotic foods are incredibly beneficial for maintaining a healthy gut and preventing
412 -> diseases.
413.33 -> Some prebiotic foods are Onion
415.49 -> Garlic Asparagus
418.02 -> Bananas Oats
421.24 -> Apples Cocoa
422.8 -> Flaxseeds (pause)
426.37 -> Foods rich in polyphenols to keep your gut clean and robust
429.15 -> Polyphenols are plant-based micronutrients digested by our gut bacteria.
435.84 -> Polyphenols provide a host of health benefits, including a reduction in blood pressure, cholesterol
440.24 -> levels, and inflammation, along with which they reduce oxidative stress.
444.81 -> For instance, dark chocolate, a food rich in polyphenols, has been shown to reduce the
449.49 -> levels of inflammation in human beings.
452.19 -> Red wine is also rich in polyphenols.
455.12 -> In moderation, red wine can do wonders to the human gut, significantly in terms of improving
459.81 -> the number of beneficial bacteria.
462.44 -> Try eating: broccoli
464.19 -> almonds onions
465.94 -> cocoa and dark chocolate red wine
469.27 -> grape skins green tea
471.53 -> Blueberries to improve your gut microbiota.
475.77 -> (pause) Eating whole grains.
479.53 -> Whole grains are a rich source of fiber, and fiber is essential for the microbiomes in
483.99 -> your gut.
484.99 -> Apart from fibers, whole grains also contain indigestible carbs, broken down by bacteria.
491.72 -> Studies show that consuming whole grains can increase the number of good bacteria like
495.34 -> lactobacilli in your gut.
497.83 -> Studies also show that consuming whole grains, which are rich in beta-glucan (a nondigestible
502.68 -> carbohydrate) can improve the levels of satiety, as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular
507.3 -> disease by altering the gut microbiota.
510.42 -> Whole Grains are not suitable for everyone, especially those who are gluten intolerant.
515.52 -> So check with your doctor or dietician before incorporating gluten-rich foods into your
519.24 -> diet.
520.76 -> (Pause) Fermented foods make your gut strong
525.43 -> Fermented foods are another excellent source of healthy gut bacteria.
529.2 -> Fermented foods are mostly complex sugars that break down into simpler sugars by yeast
533.6 -> or bacteria.
535.37 -> Most fermented foods are rich in lactobacilli which are beneficial for overall gut health.
540.93 -> Studies show that fermented foods like yogurt increase the levels of lactobacilli in the
544.95 -> system while reducing the level of microorganisms that cause inflammation.
550.38 -> Yogurt also reduces symptoms of lactose intolerance in consumers.
554.57 -> It's best if consumers refrain from having flavored yogurts as they usually contain very
559.16 -> unhealthy levels of added sugar.
561.61 -> So it's always best to stick to the plain, unsweetened variety of yogurt.
565.95 -> Choosing enhanced fermented foods with bacterial cultures will help consumers make the most
570.76 -> out of their fermented foods.
573.08 -> Add these goodies to your diet.
575.35 -> Some popular fermented foods are: Yogurt
578.33 -> Kefir Kimchi
580.03 -> Kombucha Tempeh
581.2 -> (Pause) Don’t hesitate to start eating foods suitable
584.22 -> for you and try steering clear of habits that are not good for gut health, like drinking
588.54 -> or smoking excessively.
590.29 -> These methods can help us positively clean our gut, but do you know of 14 practical ways
595.11 -> you can maintain a healthy colon?
596.55 -> Or do you want to know about 16 alkaline-based foods that you must have in your daily diet?
601.16 -> Check out these videos.
602.779 -> Go ahead, click one, or try both to better understand the human body and decide what
607.16 -> meal you must have next!
608.31 -> Will you be adopting any of these ways to make your gut healthy?
611.03 -> Let us know in the comments below.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1aofXY_Gtw