Scripps Clinic Advanced Heart Failure Cardiologist Rola Khedraki, MD
Scripps Clinic Advanced Heart Failure Cardiologist Rola Khedraki, MD
Rola Khedraki, MD, specializes in advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology, and provides state-of-the-art treatment, including emerging therapies, for patients requiring highly specialized care. Learn more: https://www.scripps.org/drbiorkyt
2.67 -> - My name is Rola Khedraki,
4.11 -> and I'm an Advanced Heart Failure
5.97 -> and Transplant Cardiologist
here at Scripps.
8.52 -> I have a special interest in
a disease called amyloidosis,
12.21 -> which is a protein disorder
that affects the heart.
15.27 -> I manage a spectrum of patients
17.43 -> who are walking into my office,
19.23 -> seeing me in the outpatient setting
21.57 -> as well as patients who
are sick in the hospital
24.6 -> and this includes patients
26.82 -> who are in the cardiac
intensive care unit,
29.34 -> and in severe cases, I
help to manage patients
32.28 -> who may require more
advanced care like surgery,
35.61 -> to implant permanent pumps
37.35 -> that we call left ventricular
assist devices, or LVADs
40.62 -> as well as patients who may
require heart transplants.
43.95 -> One thing that I really
love about being at Scripps
46.14 -> is the culture of collaboration
48.93 -> and involvement in
cutting-edge clinical trials.
53.64 -> The field of heart
failure is rapidly growing
56.94 -> and we have so many therapies
59.16 -> that we can offer our patients today
61.29 -> that we didn't have just a few years ago
63.45 -> and so I really enjoy
being at the forefront
65.82 -> of that change here at Scripps
67.44 -> and being able to bring
those technologies forward
71.61 -> for patients.
73.47 -> I take a lot of pride
in the work that I do
77.31 -> and I think what patients can expect
79.35 -> when they see me is to feel heard
81.42 -> and to know that I'm going
to do what I would want
85.11 -> if it were my family member.
86.91 -> And I'm really big on
educating my patients,
90.33 -> so that they feel empowered
to have the information
93.27 -> that they need in order
to make the decision
95.19 -> that's best for them.
96.45 -> Ultimately, I think knowing
98.37 -> that I'm creating something that has value
102.33 -> and a positive impact on people
is what keeps me motivated
106.68 -> and I'm just so incredibly honored
109.68 -> and humbled to be able to provide the care
112.53 -> that I offer my patients here at Scripps.
114.93 -> There's something incredibly
profound about meeting someone
119.04 -> at a really vulnerable time in their lives
121.41 -> and just helping them
get to their next step,
124.2 -> getting to know their
families along the way,
126.48 -> seeing them succeed and thrive
128.73 -> is just the most rewarding part of my job.
130.963 -> (gentle music)
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvp1YlZTN-0