Falls after stroke
Falls after stroke
After a stroke, daily tasks such as getting around, cooking and bathing may be more difficult than before.
0 -> [Music]
6.56 -> some people find that after having a
8.32 -> stroke
9.04 -> they are more prone to falling and this
11.92 -> may be because their balance has been
13.84 -> affected
15.04 -> their mobility is reduced or they may
17.119 -> have problems with their vision
19.199 -> all of those could lead to a fall i've
22.24 -> had a lot of falls since i've had my
24.24 -> stroke
24.88 -> they're not as common now but they used
28 -> to be
28.48 -> really bad i used to fall all the time
30.64 -> and scrape myself
32.16 -> especially in primary school when you're
34.399 -> trying to do what everyone
36.239 -> else is doing everyone used to do racing
39.28 -> all the time
40.399 -> and it got to the point where i was so i
43.52 -> sort of
44.64 -> limited myself and i was like i said to
46.879 -> myself
47.76 -> i'm not going to race because every time
50.32 -> i race i'm hurting myself and i'm
51.92 -> falling down
52.96 -> i still fall daily i try to i try to
57.52 -> keep my forest within the house when i
59.52 -> landed on carpet
60.879 -> and like before when i was landing on
63.12 -> gardens
63.92 -> walls and so and so forth you know the
66.799 -> first one i remember i was in hospital
68.96 -> one of the nurses took me to the
70.84 -> bathroom i
72.32 -> went to the toilet and then i went to
74.96 -> stand up and i'd forgotten
76.56 -> i'd had the stroke and i went to stand
78.799 -> up on my affected leg and of course it
80.479 -> let me down
82 -> and i'd just forgotten all about it
84.24 -> because i hadn't really been out of bed
86 -> sometimes if you have a stroke in a
88.08 -> certain area of your brain
89.6 -> called the cerebellum that causes you to
92.72 -> have balance
93.52 -> problems the reason i feel is because
97.04 -> due to the stroke i have foot drop and
99.52 -> what that does is
100.56 -> i can't lift i can't plan to flex my
103.36 -> foot
103.84 -> lift it up as i
107.52 -> once could i've done a lot of
110.079 -> strengthening
111.2 -> on it and a lot of exercises and
114.159 -> mobility exercises to help me get there
116.64 -> which is why it's not as bad now
118.64 -> one day i was just leaving i just left
120.799 -> the house
121.759 -> and i was had two sticks and i was
124.64 -> making my way to my car
126.159 -> to go to work and i don't know i just
128.959 -> said a
129.759 -> speed wobble is the way i would put it
132.239 -> and i was falling and
134 -> i literally put my hand out to save
135.76 -> myself from falling
138.48 -> but what happened was i think i i fell
140.8 -> but i didn't fall far
142 -> i bent my hand back and fractured the
144.56 -> scaphoid
145.52 -> falling over after a stroke can greatly
148.56 -> reduce someone's confidence and they may
151.76 -> have
152.239 -> a broken hip or a broken bone
155.519 -> and it may greatly hinder
158.72 -> their stroke recovery if you wish to go
161.76 -> to a force clinic
163.2 -> you may want to go and talk to your gp
165.68 -> or your occupational therapist or
167.72 -> physiotherapist
169.28 -> can refer you to a fourth clinic and
171.36 -> there should be one within your nhs
173.68 -> trust
175.2 -> i'm not too concerned about falling now
177.599 -> because i sort of
179.04 -> i've got into sports a lot so
182.08 -> if i was concerned about falling i
183.84 -> wouldn't i'll be limiting myself to
186.879 -> what i can do and sometimes when i do
190.4 -> exercises in my garden i will jump from
193.36 -> here to here
194.8 -> to there to there and i do get
198.159 -> i do get the occasional fear i think i
201.519 -> get it more than
203.2 -> um other people but when i first started
205.92 -> out
206.4 -> i had to think about it a lot and i
208.64 -> still get
209.599 -> that thought in my head will i make it
212 -> will i hit my
213.2 -> knee on the ledge um will i cut myself
217.2 -> do i really want to risk it but then
220.72 -> i just go and do it and then when i do
223.04 -> it i'm really satisfied and i feel all
224.879 -> right i can do it
226.159 -> and that pushes me to do other things
228.4 -> every stroke survivor was about falling
230.959 -> because very often once if you're four
232.959 -> once you're four
234.159 -> you can't always get back up again i'm
236.56 -> worried more about falling now
238.239 -> than i have been i think i've made so
240.799 -> many
241.28 -> i've strived so far forward to get to a
244.239 -> point
245.439 -> that i'd hate to think that a fall would
248.4 -> set me right back
249.84 -> or even cause me an injury to a point
251.68 -> where
253.519 -> i'm back to square one if you are
256 -> worried about falling
258 -> talk to your physiotherapist think about
261.759 -> having a piece of equipment that can
263.36 -> help you with your balance
265.36 -> such as a walking stick or a walking
267.44 -> frame
268.8 -> think about things at home trailing
271.84 -> wires
272.96 -> rugs that you might trip over the shoes
275.6 -> that you wear
276.96 -> do they fit you properly are you walking
280 -> around in slippers that are real fitting
282.88 -> so there are things that you can do
285.28 -> yourself to help reduce your risk
288.08 -> be sensible don't put yourself at risk
291.28 -> of falling
292.4 -> at all if you think the road or the path
296.56 -> you're going to walk on is
298.08 -> not flat enough just get somebody to
300.639 -> walk with you that's what i do
302.4 -> i always have if i'm outside i always
304.24 -> have somebody walking with me
305.919 -> to prevent the fall i would say take
308.32 -> your time
309.44 -> you know i said i've said in the past
312.639 -> that the the life is uh
316.08 -> life is a gentle stroll now not a
318.639 -> marathon
319.52 -> it's not 100 meter dash and you might
322.16 -> think you can overstep your boundaries
324.24 -> but if you are going to try overstepping
325.84 -> boundaries try to do it in a
328.08 -> in a controlled manner or whatever and
330.4 -> just take your time
454.88 -> you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLfTx_6JM-s