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13. Coconut Water Coconut water is beneficial for stabilizing blood sugar protecting against oxidative stress and controlling high blood pressure.
12. Bitter Gourd Juice Bitter Gourd is particularly high in vitamin C which is vital to protecting blood vessels from rupture.
11. Coffee Coffee is rich in compounds like polyphenols, which are known to have heart-protective effects including protecting and repairing the lining of the heart and blood vessels.
10. Chlorella Chlorella is touted for its ability to help the body detox heavy metals and is a unique supplement for keeping arteries healthy.
9. Pomegranate Juice Regular consumption of pomegranate juice may reduce risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. This includes improving artery health and blood sugar control.
8. Red Wine It contains polyphenols and antioxidants that support healthy cholesterol, which has a direct impact on heart and arterial health.
7. Beetroot Juice Beetroot juice can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels among people with hypertension. It may also help to prevent dementia and other cognitive declines.
6. Kombucha Kombucha contains probiotics that aid gut health, lower inflammation, and improve liver function.
5. Lemon Water Lemon makes glucose enters the bloodstream more gradually and prevents harmful blood sugar spikes which can cause damage to blood vessels and contribute to heart disease.
4. Ginger Tea Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive benefits. It is also a great drink for aiding weight loss and improving digestive problems.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acids which reduce enzymes that contribute to high blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other complications associated with high glucose.
2. Tea Tea is rich in healthy plant compounds like catechins and polyphenols, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and health-promoting effects.
1. Water Water helps to keep your circulatory system running efficiently, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, drinking enough water can help reduce high blood pressure, an important factor in preventing stroke and other serious cardiac conditions.
Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
0.359 -> your heart is the engine that drives
2.879 -> your life so it is important to keep it
6 -> healthy and strong in this channel we've
9.059 -> discussed many of the key elements to
11.519 -> maintaining a healthy heart food
14.04 -> exercise and Stress Management but
17.4 -> there's one other vital piece of the
19.44 -> puzzle what we drink and how much we
22.14 -> drink has a huge impact on our body not
25.5 -> only when it comes to hydration and
27.539 -> getting liquids in but also what's in
30.18 -> those liquids which can either damage
32.46 -> our blood and heart health or support it
35.399 -> so today we're going to explore 13 of
39.239 -> the best drinks for heart health to keep
42.12 -> arteries strong flexible and resilient
45.3 -> so blood flows smoothly around the body
47.94 -> and organs can cleanse and repair
50.219 -> themselves
51.42 -> but before we dig in can you do us a
54.239 -> favor click on the thumbs up and help us
56.399 -> spread the word about heart disease
58.32 -> prevention and ring the bell to stay up
60.96 -> to date with our latest videos we want
63.6 -> to make sure you get the latest info so
66.36 -> you can live a long healthy life and
69.24 -> stick around to find out how to get two
71.1 -> heart healthy free gifts we guarantee
73.5 -> both you and your heart will love them
76.439 -> okay here's number 13. coconut water
80.52 -> coconut water comes from inside young
83.4 -> green coconuts and is often referred to
86.4 -> as Nature's sports drink that's because
89.46 -> it contains electrolytes like potassium
91.939 -> magnesium calcium and sodium which
95.7 -> replenish fluids lost during physical
98.04 -> activity it also has fewer calories than
101.7 -> most other beverages so it's a great
103.86 -> choice if you're looking for something
105.42 -> hydrating without sugar or added
108.18 -> ingredients but what does coconut water
111 -> have to do with heart health
112.86 -> Studies have also shown that coconut
115.14 -> water is beneficial for stabilizing
117.54 -> blood sugar protecting against oxidative
120.36 -> stress and controlling high blood
122.82 -> pressure
123.72 -> all of which is key for keeping your
126 -> ticker in top form
127.799 -> what's more researchers found that
130.319 -> coconut water may be even more effective
132.42 -> than water at preventing kidney stones
135.02 -> breaking down and flushing out crystals
137.64 -> before they become a problem
139.379 -> now one final note straight from the
142.62 -> coconut is best as it avoids heat
145.5 -> treatment and other processing that
147.54 -> happens to packaged coconut water but if
150.36 -> you're not lucky enough to sip from a
152.16 -> fresh coconut shell check the label and
154.86 -> avoid coconut water that contains added
157.26 -> sugar
158.28 -> number 12 bitter gourds juice
161.819 -> bitter gourds juice is also known as
164.76 -> karella juice and while it's not common
167.34 -> in the western world it's popular in
169.86 -> Asia Africa and the Caribbean and is
173.519 -> used in traditional Chinese medicine and
176.4 -> ayurveda it's made by blending the
179.459 -> mamordica charantea plant also known as
183.239 -> bitter gourd or bitter melon and
185.819 -> combining with water
187.44 -> bitter gourd is particularly high in
189.959 -> vitamin C which is vital to protecting
192.42 -> blood vessels from rupture in fact some
195.48 -> cardiologists promote vitamin C as one
198.239 -> of the most important nutrients for
200.159 -> preventing heart disease while there
202.5 -> isn't a lot of research on bitter gourd
204.72 -> juice the existing research shows
206.76 -> promise a 30-day animal study founds
209.7 -> that feeding diabetic rats bitter good
211.98 -> extract significantly reduced blood
214.44 -> glucose this is important because high
217.56 -> blood sugar causes type 2 diabetes and
220.62 -> can damage blood vessels in the heart
222.48 -> leading to plaque buildup in the
224.64 -> arteries and possibly heart attack
227.4 -> the rats that consumed bitter gourd
229.56 -> extract also showed signs of repair in
232.379 -> the pancreas and liver while the rats
234.84 -> that didn't receive bitter good didn't
236.819 -> show the same signs of repair
238.799 -> a small human trial appears to show
241.019 -> similar findings 24 people received
244.2 -> either bitter gourd extract or a placebo
246.84 -> in a randomized double-blind
249.14 -> placebo-controlled clinical trial the
251.819 -> gold standard of scientific research at
254.76 -> the end of the three-month trial those
257.1 -> who consumed bitter gourd had
258.959 -> encouraging results they showed reduced
261.66 -> average blood sugar levels known as
264.199 -> hba1c levels
266.16 -> as well as weight loss for overweight
268.259 -> patients and reduced waste circumference
271.58 -> so while the research is still in its
274.8 -> early stages bitter gourd juice shows
277.259 -> great promise as an excellent drink for
279.54 -> heart health
280.8 -> number 11. coffee coffee is rich in
284.94 -> compounds like polyphenols which are
287.52 -> known to have heart protective effects
289.56 -> including protecting and repairing the
292.199 -> lining of heart and blood vessels in
295.139 -> fact according to the European journal
297.24 -> of clinical nutrition coffee is amongst
299.82 -> the top 13 sources of polyphenols one of
303.18 -> the most important polyphenols in coffee
305.16 -> is chlorogenic acid which is famed for
308.46 -> its anti-inflammatory and
310.4 -> anti-carcinogenic properties and is
313.02 -> believed to have benefits for preventing
315.12 -> type 2 diabetes obesity Alzheimer's and
319.8 -> Parkinson's disease stroke and blood
322.8 -> vessel damage
324.12 -> some people do have a problem with the
326.1 -> caffeine in coffee so if that's you opt
328.919 -> for decaf instead studies show that a
331.8 -> number of coffee's health benefits are
333.72 -> also present in decaf options go for
336.72 -> black coffee and avoid adding sugar and
339.06 -> processed creamers as they are going to
341.639 -> negate the benefits you're getting
343.8 -> number 10. Chlorella
346.74 -> chlorella is a type of single-celled
349.139 -> freshwater algae that offers many health
351.78 -> benefits it's often called Nature's
354.96 -> multivitamin which is no surprise as
357.78 -> it's rich in vitamin C vitamin B12 iron
361.46 -> calcium all nine essential amino acids
365.24 -> beta-carotene lycopene lutein magnesium
369.12 -> zinc copper potassium and folic acid
374.1 -> furthermore chlorella is touted for its
376.979 -> ability to help the body detox heavy
379.08 -> metals because of the close link between
381.419 -> heavy metals and atherosclerosis or
384.6 -> plaque buildup in the arteries chlorella
387.3 -> is a unique supplement for keeping
389.1 -> arteries healthy
390.6 -> Studies have also found that chlorella
392.94 -> enhances the immune system prevents
395.52 -> oxidization of cholesterol promotes
398.22 -> healthy blood pressure and improves
400.319 -> blood sugar control as well as many
403.259 -> other benefits for the eyes liver gut
406.44 -> and more
408 -> for all of these reasons chlorella is a
410.88 -> super heart friendly drink it's a
413.22 -> natural supplement and while it may not
415.44 -> taste so great it's great for you
418.319 -> choose a high quality chlorella powder
420.419 -> from a trusted supplier and simply mix a
423 -> teaspoon into water or a smoothie
425.819 -> number nine pomegranate juice
428.88 -> pomegranate juice is known for its tart
431.1 -> flavor it also has important health
433.5 -> benefits particularly for the heart
436.5 -> studies show that regular consumption of
439.08 -> pomegranate juice May reduce risk
441.36 -> factors associated with cardiovascular
443.699 -> disease this includes improving artery
447 -> health and blood sugar control research
450.24 -> suggests that polyphenols powerful
452.94 -> antioxidants found in pomegranates are
455.46 -> responsible for these beneficial Effects
457.5 -> by reducing inflammation and improving
459.96 -> blood flow to the heart muscle itself
461.88 -> overall drinking pomegranate juice
464.46 -> regularly could be an excellent way to
467.22 -> prevent many common cardiovascular
469.199 -> problems while enjoying some
471.3 -> deliciousness at the same time
473.88 -> number eight red wine
476.94 -> red wine is well known for its heart and
479.639 -> blood health benefits moderate red wine
481.919 -> consumption has been found to lessen the
484.08 -> risks of cardiovascular disease it
486.66 -> contains polyphenols and antioxidants
489 -> that support healthy cholesterol which
491.46 -> has a direct impact on heart and
493.8 -> arterial Health red wine polyphenols
496.919 -> have been shown to improve fasting blood
499.02 -> sugar levels
500.28 -> white wine also contains healthy
502.44 -> polyphenols as well but red wine
504.479 -> contains far more which is why red wine
507.36 -> is frequently promoted as the healthier
509.879 -> option however it is crucial to remember
513.36 -> that excessive alcohol can result in
516.12 -> various problems with liver and kidneys
518.88 -> so limit yourself to one or two drinks
522 -> every day and choose a quality organic
524.459 -> wine
525.3 -> number seven beetroot juice nothing
528.66 -> beats the deep red color of fresh
531 -> beetroot juice not only is it
533.7 -> aesthetically pleasing that studies show
536.04 -> that drinking beetroot juice can do
538.14 -> wonders for your heart health one study
540.779 -> found that consuming 250 milliliters of
544.32 -> beetroot juice daily for four weeks was
547.14 -> associated with reduced systolic and
549.899 -> diastolic blood pressure levels among
552.06 -> people with hypertension nitrites in
554.76 -> beetroot become nitric oxide once
557.279 -> consumed which causes arteries to relax
559.86 -> and become more flexible helping to
562.26 -> stabilize blood pressure and prevent
564.06 -> Artery damage another study found that
567 -> drinking beetroot juice improved blood
569.1 -> flow to the brain and that beetroot
571.14 -> juice may help to prevent dementia and
573.24 -> other cognitive decline furthermore the
575.94 -> potassium in beetroot helps to protect
577.92 -> nerves and Aid healthy muscle function
580.2 -> and it has also been shown to support
582.3 -> the liver and promote healthy
583.98 -> cholesterol making beetroot juice an
586.26 -> excellent option to keep the whole body
588.06 -> functioning optimally with strong
590.04 -> muscles and a good supply of clean blood
592.56 -> throughout
593.7 -> before we continue heart disease code
596.1 -> would love to give you a free book The
598.26 -> surprising truth about fat and
600.06 -> cholesterol plus the first episode of
603.36 -> the untold story of heart disease
605.399 -> something that everyone concerned about
607.62 -> heart health should watch click the link
610.32 -> in the description below to claim these
612.42 -> free gifts
613.8 -> okay let's get back to the list
616.62 -> number six kombucha
619.26 -> kombucha is a fermented tea that has
621.899 -> become very popular in recent years due
624.48 -> to its wide-ranging health benefits it
627 -> has been linked to improving digestion
628.8 -> energy and overall health
631.62 -> studies suggest that regular consumption
633.839 -> of Kombucha May reduce risk factors for
636.48 -> cardiovascular disease particularly when
638.82 -> it comes to inflammation kombucha
641.22 -> contains probiotics which Aid gut health
643.8 -> and everything flows from there lower
646.56 -> inflammation better blood glucose
649.079 -> control improved blood lipids healthier
652.2 -> cholesterol particles improved liver
654.839 -> function you name it kombucha has an
657.72 -> impact
658.68 -> you can make kombucha at home or buy it
661.2 -> from your trusted health store just be
663.3 -> sure to check for added sugar
665.579 -> number five lemon water first of all
669.12 -> lemons are a great source of vitamin C
671.88 -> which plays an important role in heart
674.459 -> health by reducing inflammation and
676.86 -> protecting against oxidative stress
678.959 -> additionally lemons contain flavonoids
682.079 -> plant compounds with strong antioxidant
684.959 -> properties which can reduce risk factors
687.36 -> associated with cardiovascular disease
689.579 -> such as damaged cholesterol and blood
692.04 -> pressure problems furthermore lemon
694.56 -> water can change the way you digest food
697.16 -> according to research published in the
699.72 -> European Journal of nutrition drinking
702.12 -> lemon water while eating was connected
704.82 -> with 30 lower blood glucose levels as
707.7 -> compared to drinking plain water lemon
710.1 -> decreases the glycemic response by
712.86 -> raising the pH of food and slowing
715.5 -> digestion meaning that glucose enters
717.959 -> the bloodstream more gradually and
720.3 -> prevents harmful blood sugar spikes
722.339 -> which can cause damage to blood vessels
724.62 -> and contribute to heart disease number
727.68 -> four ginger tea ginger tea is another
731.18 -> centuries-old drink that has long been
733.92 -> used for its health benefits Ginger is
736.26 -> known to have anti-inflammatory
738.26 -> antioxidant and digestive benefits it's
741.6 -> cardio protective effects include
743.579 -> improving the heart's ability to beat
745.98 -> efficiently also known as cardiotonic
749.04 -> improvements alleviating high blood
751.56 -> pressure improving blood lipid profiles
754.68 -> and countering abnormal blood clotting
757.32 -> in a 12-week study type 2 diabetics
760.38 -> consumed 2 grams of ginger powder each
762.959 -> day at the end of the study their hba1c
766.74 -> levels reduced by an average of 10
769.019 -> percent while markers of oxidative
771.6 -> stress reduce a whopping 28
774.74 -> ginger tea is also a great drink for
777.72 -> aiding weight loss and improving
779.459 -> digestive problems as well as boosting
782.339 -> immunity and protecting against
784.32 -> bacterial infections to make ginger T
787.56 -> simply grate fresh ginger root and pour
790.139 -> boiling water over you may also like to
792.6 -> add a squeeze of lemon and a dash of our
795.24 -> next ingredient
796.68 -> number three
798.18 -> apple cider vinegar
800.1 -> apple cider vinegar has been popularized
802.74 -> as a natural remedy for many ailments
805.339 -> including heart health you don't want to
808.44 -> drink a lot but a teaspoon in your
810.36 -> ginger tea or in a glass of water can
812.639 -> make a big difference it's a great way
815.1 -> to start the day cleansing the digestive
817.5 -> system it's also a great thing to add to
820.019 -> salad dressings and sauces apple cider
822.779 -> vinegar contains acetic acids which
825.6 -> reduce enzymes that contribute to high
827.94 -> blood pressure additionally several
830.399 -> studies suggest that apple cider vinegar
832.32 -> can improve blood sugar regulation and
834.66 -> insulin sensitivity in individuals with
837.36 -> type 2 diabetes in turn reducing the
840.42 -> risk of heart disease stroke and other
843.24 -> complications associated with high
845.279 -> glucose
846.36 -> apple cider vinegar can negatively
848.519 -> affect tooth enamel so it's advised to
851.7 -> drink it through a straw rinse with
853.68 -> water afterwards and avoid brushing your
855.779 -> teeth immediately after drinking it that
858.36 -> might sound like a lot of work but it's
860.339 -> worth it for all the potent health
861.899 -> benefits that apple cider vinegar
863.88 -> provides
865.32 -> number two tea tea is rich in healthy
869.279 -> plant compounds like categens and
871.68 -> polyphenols which are known for their
873.8 -> anti-inflammatory and health promoting
876.12 -> effects these substances support heart
879.12 -> health by preventing oxidization
881.06 -> reducing blood glucose dilating blood
884.339 -> vessels and reducing stickiness in blood
887.339 -> platelets according to a 2012 study data
891.42 -> suggests that black and green tea May
894 -> reduce the risk of both coronary heart
896.22 -> disease and Stroke by between 10 and 20
899.459 -> percent time and time again the research
902.579 -> highlights green tea as being the
905.16 -> standout when it comes to health
906.66 -> benefits however many types of tea bring
909.72 -> unique benefits including green tea
912.06 -> black tea oolong tea hibiscus tea and
916.38 -> chamomile tea hibiscus tea is an
919.26 -> interesting one that has particular
920.76 -> benefits for blood Health a clinical
923.04 -> study including 390 participants looked
926.579 -> at the impact of hibiscus tea on blood
928.8 -> pressure and found that drinking
930.779 -> hibiscus tea reduced systolic blood
933.3 -> pressure and diastolic blood pressure by
935.94 -> up to 95 percent that's because of
939 -> hibiscus Tea's unique profile of
941.459 -> polyphenols and anthocyanins the
944.16 -> compounds which give it its dark color
946.079 -> and are powerful at decreasing
948.42 -> inflammation free radicals and blood
951.24 -> lipids so sit back and enjoy a Cuppa
954 -> fill your cupboard with a variety of
955.98 -> teas and know that every cup is doing
958.98 -> your heart good
960.6 -> okay number one
962.88 -> water
964.32 -> drinking plenty of water is essential
967.079 -> for a healthy heart water helps to keep
969.48 -> your circulatory system running
971.04 -> efficiently which can reduce the risk of
973.74 -> cardiovascular disease water also helps
976.68 -> maintain a healthy balance of
978.36 -> electrolytes and minerals in your body
980.699 -> which are necessary for proper
983.1 -> functioning of the heart muscles
984.8 -> additionally drinking enough water can
987.66 -> help reduce high blood pressure an
989.76 -> important factor in preventing stroke
991.68 -> and other serious cardiac conditions
994.38 -> water should be the default option and
997.259 -> is vital for keeping your body running
999.18 -> smoother opt for high quality water if
1002.6 -> you can avoiding chlorinated water and
1005.54 -> drinking pure mineral water if possible
1007.88 -> as studies show that mineral water is
1011.06 -> particularly good for detoxifying the
1013.399 -> blood and reducing blood pressure
1016.279 -> so there you have it 13 of the best
1019.04 -> drinks for heart health
1020.839 -> we had number 13 coconut water number 12
1024.819 -> bitter gourds juice number 11. coffee
1028.28 -> number 10 chlorella number nine
1031.52 -> pomegranate juice number eight red wine
1034.52 -> number seven beetroot juice number six
1037.819 -> kombucha number five lemon water number
1041.66 -> four ginger tea number three apple cider
1045.319 -> vinegar number two tea and number one
1048.919 -> water
1050.419 -> what do you think do you have any
1052.7 -> questions or tips to share leave a
1054.86 -> comment and share it with the others in
1056.6 -> the heart disease code community
1058.64 -> and to remember to get your two free
1060.86 -> gifts the surprising truth about fat and
1064.039 -> cholesterol and the first episode of the
1066.86 -> untold story of heart disease just click
1069.919 -> the link in the description below to get
1071.72 -> them and remember to like this video and
1074.48 -> click the Subscribe button so that you
1076.58 -> can stay up to date as we release new
1079.16 -> videos thank you so much for watching we
1081.799 -> hope you have a happy and heart healthy