What To Do If Someone Has A Stroke, Signs & Symptoms - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance
What To Do If Someone Has A Stroke, Signs & Symptoms - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance
A St John Ambulance trainer demonstrates what to look for if someone is having a stroke and what to do to help.
Find out more about what to do if someone is having a stroke and learn more about what a stroke is, causes, signs \u0026 symptoms here: http://sja.org.uk/sja/first-aid-advic…
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#FirstAid #Stroke
2.27 -> the stroke can occur when the blood
4.74 -> supply to the brain is disrupted and
7.109 -> starves the brain of oxygen drove the
9.54 -> most commonly caused by a clot that
11.309 -> blocks the flow of blood to part of the
13.139 -> brain although some strokes can be
15.21 -> caused by a ruptured blood vessel that
17.22 -> causes bleeding into the brain call 999
20.49 -> or 1 1 2 for emergency help immediately
22.92 -> if you think someone has had a stroke
26.72 -> if you suspect someone is having a
28.88 -> stroke you can use the fast guide to
30.92 -> identify the key signs F stands for
33.98 -> facial weakness look at their mouth or
36.32 -> eye they may be droopy and can't smile
38.69 -> evenly
42.37 -> a arm weakness awesome to raise both
45.489 -> their arms they may only be able to
47.469 -> raise one can you raise both arms for me
49.87 -> please
54.359 -> s speech problems they're unable to
57.629 -> speak clearly or might not be able to
59.67 -> understand what you're saying to them
61.14 -> ask them a question such as what is your
63.839 -> name
64.439 -> can they respond appropriately can you
67.14 -> tell me your name please
69.56 -> t it's time to call 9 9 9 or 1 1 2 for
73.83 -> emergency help and tell them you suspect
75.99 -> a stroke after using the fast guide
78.2 -> while waiting for help to arrive
80.729 -> keep them comfortable supportive and
83.039 -> reassure them do not give them anything
85.229 -> to eat or drink because it may be hard
87.479 -> for them to swallow keep monitoring
89.58 -> their level of response until help
91.17 -> arrived if they become unresponsive
93.14 -> prepare to treat for an unresponsive
95.22 -> casualty
97.579 -> so remember to help someone who has had
100.25 -> a stroke use fast facial weakness arm
103.88 -> weakness and speech problems means it's
106.939 -> time to call 999 or 1 1 tooth from
110 -> urgency help and that's how you help
112.939 -> someone who's having a stroke if this
116.479 -> video has been helpful to you help
118.34 -> support central ambulance by going to
120.229 -> ha8 org dot uk' /so name
126.75 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhH9a0kIwmk