Tips for a healthier you
Tips for a healthier you
Discover the science behind our behaviours, and how to achieve successful behaviour change. Try our practical tips - small steps you can use to move towards a healthier lifestyle! Explore more materials on healthy living at www.eufic.org
* Subtitles in French, Spanish and English available! *
0.67 -> [Music]
8.99 -> behavior is the sum of everything we do
11.79 -> and what we do is influenced by who we
15.059 -> are the people around us and by our
17.58 -> environment
19.49 -> in fact our behavior consists of all the
23.369 -> choices we make throughout the day and
25.23 -> of course our habits too we know that
28.14 -> some of our behavior increases the risk
30 -> of getting ill while others help us
31.859 -> sustain good health and it's those
34.02 -> behaviors we want to stimulate right
39.35 -> changing our behavior towards a
41.61 -> healthier lifestyle might seem hard but
44.309 -> it's definitely something everybody can
46.649 -> do to change our behavior we need the
54 -> ability to do so the right opportunity
56.699 -> and we need to keep being motivated
58.8 -> about it
59.69 -> scientists have come up with a few handy
62.129 -> tips to help us facilitate the process
64.379 -> of behavior change try and see what
67.02 -> works best for you
68.36 -> one set goals making them specific and
72.119 -> realistic like a 20 minute daily walk
74.67 -> rather than just aiming to walk every
77.159 -> day step by step to reflect more
84.54 -> reggie's or be more active reflection
87.42 -> will give you a clearer picture of what
89.28 -> to change and how to get that three make
94.14 -> it easier simple things like bringing
96.93 -> your sports back to work or having
98.549 -> smaller portions can make a big
100.619 -> difference for get support tell family
106.259 -> and friends and let the support role in
109.02 -> it might even make them start their own
111.659 -> behavior change 5 get active do
117.54 -> something you enjoy new things should be
119.969 -> fun
120.619 -> rule 6 plan planning your meals and
126.36 -> exercises too worried you stress and
128.58 -> make a transition to your new lifestyle
130.89 -> smooth
132.969 -> seven reward yourself set a milestone
136.64 -> and when you reach it allow yourself a
139.4 -> treat or a fun activity eight monitor
144.95 -> your progress to encourage yourself
146.299 -> either
147.23 -> in a diary on social media changing
150.2 -> behavior is rewarding in so many ways
152.53 -> instant satisfaction liveliness and
155.599 -> improved social life and you will also
158.959 -> be rewarded later on with better health
163.51 -> don't postpone start changing today
168.01 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgbMQy8glao