#TomorrowsDiscoveries: Heart Attack in a Dish – Dr. Brian O’Rourke

#TomorrowsDiscoveries: Heart Attack in a Dish – Dr. Brian O’Rourke

#TomorrowsDiscoveries: Heart Attack in a Dish – Dr. Brian O’Rourke

Dr. Brian O’Rourke and his laboratory study how mitochondria, the cellular powerhouses of the heart, contribute to heart attacks and heart failure. Discover more videos at hopkinsmedicine.org/research/about-faculty/discoveries-for-a-better-tomorrow.


2.181 -> >> Hi, I'm Brian O'Rourke, Professor in the
4.72 -> Division of Cardiology at Johns Hopkins University.
8.07 -> My laboratory studies how mitochondria,
10.47 -> the cellular powerhouses of the heart,
12.52 -> contribute to heart attacks and heart failure.
15.37 -> A continuous supply of energy equivalent
17.72 -> to a 15 watt light bulb is required to keep the heart
20.76 -> pumping for over three billion beats during our lifetime.
24.45 -> If the supply of energy sputters,
26.37 -> a person's cells can die or a lethal abnormal heart rhythm
30.37 -> called sudden cardiac death can happen.
33.12 -> We are studying ways to target mitochondria
35.57 -> to allow them to resist damage
37.25 -> from reactive oxygen molecules,
39.29 -> maintain energy supply, and improve cardiac function
43 -> by testing animal models with heart failure
45.54 -> and in laboratory cultured cells that simulate
48.26 -> a heart attack in a dish.
50.5 -> For example, we have recently found
52.19 -> that antioxidants that directly accumulate
54.65 -> in mitochondria can prevent sudden cardiac death
57.78 -> as well as reverse heart failure,
60.03 -> which we hope to translate into clinical treatments
62.69 -> in the future.
64.392 -> (upbeat instrumental music)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9HTfv6dGyQ