Driving After a Stroke
Driving After a Stroke
Learn how driving can be affected in the aftermath of a stroke.
11.95 -> A stroke can cause many problems -
some are temporary and some are permanent.
18.539 -> Many of the problems make driving more difficult.
24.539 -> When we drive, we must react and move quickly.
28.27 -> People who have had a stroke may have more
difficulty moving their bodies in time to
32.73 -> prevent a crash. Their vision might be affected.
41.73 -> Their thinking may be slower, or they may be more
impulsive than they were before the stroke.
48.57 -> This driver has the use of only one
51.18 -> arm to manage the steering wheel and the other controls
in the car. This can create an unsafe situation
60 -> Strokes can also lead to problems
with vision and the ability to think clearly.
66.56 -> While most drivers would see this oncoming
vehicle, a person with a stroke might be only
71.5 -> able to see this much of the situation.
Unless he knows this and learns to adapt,
78.2 -> he could cause a crash.
82.2 -> A stroke can also slow down a driver's
ability to make decisions
85.729 -> quickly when on the road.
90.729 -> Sometimes a driving rehabilitation
specialist can make adaptations
95.13 -> to your vehicle to allow for safe driving after
a stroke. She may also be able to teach you
100.959 -> strategies to accommodate changes in your
thinking or vision.
105.959 -> Some limitations cannot
108.329 -> be overcome with rehabilitation. Talk with
your family and your health care provider,
115.409 -> and plan ahead in case weakness, paralysis, or
cognitive changes make driving unsafe after a stroke.
124 -> The car is only one way to get around.
127.429 -> Stay safe - for yourself and for others on
the road!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7NM5I-eLqs