What is a heart attack?
What is a heart attack?
The most common cause of a heart attack is coronary heart disease.
A heart attack occurs when a coronary artery, which supplies blood to your heart, becomes blocked.
The most common sign of a heart attack is chest discomfort or pain, which can spread to your arms, neck, jaw or back.
Chest discomfort or pain can last for several minutes or come and go.
A heart attack requires emergency treatment to restore blood flow to your heart.
Always call Triple Zero (000) immediately if you think you or someone else may be having a heart attack.
0.24 -> for your heart to function properly it
2.399 -> needs good blood supply the coronary
5.19 -> arteries are small tubes that supply
7.529 -> blood to the heart over time and with
10.349 -> certain risk factors plug can build up
12.69 -> in the walls of the artery this is
14.639 -> called coronary heart disease plaque is
17.82 -> made of fat cholesterol and other
20.16 -> materials as more plaque accumulates in
23.4 -> the artery walls narrowing can occur
25.529 -> which reduces the amount of blood flow
27.33 -> to your heart muscle sometimes your
30.449 -> heart needs to work harder than usual
32.189 -> such as during physical exertion
34.079 -> emotional stress or after a heavy meal
37.1 -> during these times your heart needs more
39.93 -> oxygen-rich blood then the narrowed
41.91 -> arteries can deliver when there is a
44.46 -> lack of oxygen to your heart muscle you
46.739 -> may experience angina angina is a
49.68 -> feeling of pain or discomfort that may
52.05 -> feel like heaviness pressure tightness
55.079 -> or squeezing in your chest angina is
58.14 -> short lasting and goes away when the
60.21 -> demand on the heart is reduced by
62.28 -> resting Orangina medications coronary
65.4 -> heart disease can also lead to a heart
67.47 -> attack a heart attack occurs when the
69.81 -> artery wall tears or ruptures and the
72.33 -> blood stream makes contact with the
73.979 -> fatty plug that was inside the artery
76.409 -> wall this can cause a clot to form which
79.439 -> may block the flow of blood to the heart
81.42 -> a blocked artery can damage the heart
84.119 -> muscle an urgent treatment is required
86.1 -> to restore the flow of blood to the
88.29 -> heart a heart attack is a medical
90.869 -> emergency
91.5 -> unlike angina the signs of a heart
93.99 -> attack
95.08 -> go away with rest or angina medications
98.02 -> in a heart attack
99.4 -> urgent treatment is required to clear
101.74 -> the blocked artery and save the heart
103.78 -> muscle from permanent damage if you
106.63 -> think you are having a heart attack call
108.49 -> triple zero
109.43 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6RJvWMgy5w