30 Day #carnivore Starts Monday, 08.21.2023.   Inspired By: @FerrignoFreedom& @Homesteadhow

30 Day #carnivore Starts Monday, 08.21.2023. Inspired By: @FerrignoFreedom& @Homesteadhow

30 Day #carnivore Starts Monday, 08.21.2023. Inspired By: @FerrignoFreedom& @Homesteadhow

Yep… Today I am #walking as I do most days of the week if I am not on my Recumbent #Bike . I spent the walk NOT watching or listening to any YouTube or podcast. I thought of all the videos I have watched from @homesteadhow and @FarignoFreedom over the past months. They all have helped prep my mind to take on the next step.

June 13, 2023, my family and I returned home from Maui and that was the day I decided to test out a 14 day, all #meat diet. My weight was 317 pounds. At the end of 14 days of just eating #meat #bacon #butter #eggs and #water with changing over to #redmondssalt , I did lose weight. I dropped to 308 pounds. I continued more of a #keto ketoor #ketovorediet along with walking and riding my bike and I am now 294 pounds as of my G.I. procedure @kaiser in South #sacramento on Tuesday, August 15, 2023.

On Sunday, August 20, 2023 marks my 53 time around this #rock called #earth . I would like to complete this next #loop back to my correct weight. I keep hearing 190 pounds is my proper weight. Now, I am going to #engage #theproperhumandiet to hopefully reverse my #hypertension , #gout , #inflammation , #gurd, and reverse some possible #vision problems that I feel is coming on. Hopefully stop or reverse my #dryeye too. Only #GOD knows what’s in store for me but after watching for the past few months and personally seeing a distant family member with her success, and Kerry @Homesteadhow, plus @FerrignoFreedom do his thang and now @billnott5811 getting started, I think… I need to follow my gut and give #carnivore a #strong #effort. I know it won’t be easy but please use the #power of #prayer for me as I start this #challenge .


I #invite you to give these channels and the many doctors that are coming out against the mainstream #standard #diet and find your new level of #energy that is within your #body.

Start with a walk and a #2weekchallenge . Do it for you and no one else.

Like I like to say,

#getup #laceup and #hittheroad

Bye for now,

The Retired Fat Guy,

Contact Me @
[email protected]


0.6 -> hey there this retired back guy back out on the  trail next to my Little River dang out here in  
7.92 -> West Sacramento yeah it's kind of a cool shot for  an overpass and uh anyway today I'm just out here  
16.98 -> doing it you know trying to get ready for my  all carnivore I think I'm just gonna do a 30  
24.6 -> day I think that's what I that's my challenge  30 day just like carry over at Homestead how  
33.42 -> I did and uh bring no freedom thanks  for uh responding to me and uh
43.98 -> we were talking uh gout and all that stuff  and then you all of a sudden we're doing  
48.78 -> things on gout so can't help but think maybe I  helped trigger that and uh anyway either way I  
55.86 -> hope everybody got information out of that uh  as far as the gout I haven't had a flare up  
65.16 -> in a long time and then I had one a few weeks  ago when I was talking to forignia Freedom  
70.74 -> and uh I just kept on going of course doing  what I had to do mixed in a little greens yes  
77.4 -> I did a little greens uh maybe my body just  needed to a little more time to transition  
84.36 -> um I'm gonna be on the road next week I'll be  in Oregon I'm gonna go see some honorary moms  
89.58 -> that helped raise me and I can't wait  to see him so uh it's been a long time  
98.1 -> again my job uh kept me away but we're moving  on we're moving on to good stuff and uh  
107.76 -> I'm out out here just doing it uh hopefully this  morning or today or whenever you read this or  
115.74 -> watch this or however you find me uh you get out  there and go do something fun like a friend of  
122.82 -> mine Rick says and uh my my favorite saying today  I think I'm gonna make it a t-shirt get up lace  
131.04 -> up and hit the road that way uh you get it done  first thing nothing nothing can us slow you down  
138.3 -> uh at that point uh you know you already got 10  000 steps so everything's a bonus after that uh  
146.64 -> I'm I'm really really really happy uh but my  knees are starting to really come together  
154.5 -> um just so you know a year ago uh yeah about a  year ago when I was re starting the rehab of my  
162.42 -> knees uh I didn't think I'd be here but I did  I wanted to be it takes a while for your brain  
170.4 -> to catch up to uh your body um even though uh and  hopefully this wind isn't bothering the mic but uh  
180.06 -> yeah the the knees are just coming along and  
187.26 -> um I also got a little time but I  got nothing but time now right so
195.3 -> I think that's about it yeah I was trying to stay  up you know as I say in in the game of YouTube  
203.52 -> but uh I have I have another thing uh  
209.4 -> about surrounding yourself with people it might  even be uh also cutting some of the Dead wheat  
217.8 -> there are people in this world that uh drag  you down and uh it might even be family  
225.12 -> and unfortunately uh mine's family and I  don't want to cut them loose but I love them  
235.14 -> wish them well but when uh it's always well  it's always an issue uh no matter who it is  
244.8 -> sometimes you gotta go why why am I  letting my brain uh entertain this so  
252.48 -> um as much as I love my family um sometimes  you just gotta be it's not all a family either  
262.5 -> some things sometimes you just learn things  that uh that makes sense after a while  
271.38 -> and uh that's what happened to me  so uh that's it um and as far as uh
285.06 -> being on two different sides of the the  scale on what your beliefs are and uh
293.76 -> you know I'm I'm not getting much love  on me wanting to go totally king of War  
300.96 -> carnivore or anyway I get it we all have  different uh y's my why is I'm done with this  
310.08 -> and uh I'm gonna try to bring my son along more
316.2 -> you probably won't be out walking with me all the  time he starts school and he doesn't always like  
322.56 -> I said didn't pass a video in Yellowstone  which was great I highly recommend you go  
331.26 -> um he's not motorbike motivated by uh hey let's do  one more lap now he's he's motivated by the food  
339.48 -> unfortunately we gave him and um the type of food  not that I don't want to feed my kid I just want  
346.98 -> him to be healthy there are things that are being  watched on him I just learned that he is five  
353.88 -> almost five oh I guess he's five six and a  quarter that's what I think my wife said and uh  
359.76 -> I thought he was in the 230s apparently I read  the scale wrong at the rec center but he's 246.  
368.46 -> um he has Down syndrome and I'm worried  about him I've been worried about him  
373.62 -> and uh so we're gonna try to cut down that's  one thing we are going to do together but my  
380.22 -> wife and I are on two sides of the fence not  that she doesn't want to maybe reduce stuff  
387.78 -> uh anyway it's going to be a long road  hopefully she comes on board because uh I wanna  
396 -> I wanna be here for our grandkids  and possibly great grandkids so  
401.58 -> um that's the goal right live as long as you  can and I have a good quality life in between  
408.96 -> hi Debbie all right so um yeah so that's that's  what's going on and uh but even with challenges  
421.8 -> no matter what your challenges are you gotta  keep going you gotta stick to your beliefs  
427.86 -> it could be wrong it could be right um my case  I I feel I'm right I feel great I'm moving more  
436.38 -> I'm walking more uh I don't think I missed  much I think I missed two days the day after
445.5 -> after my little GI appointment and um yeah I  wasn't I slept a lot I'm glad I got my workout  
454.2 -> in before the GI appointment because the drugs  that they gave you I don't remember nothing  
459.54 -> they could have taken advantage of me hmm no  they didn't um but they could somebody could  
466.98 -> I don't remember nothing sometimes drugs are  good but I don't really like a Mimi anymore  
472.86 -> but uh I also didn't want to experience that oh  being coherent that's not good but uh anyway I'm  
481.5 -> gonna keep these short because it looks like my  average watch time I don't know why I'm kind of  
487.2 -> entertaining I don't know what what that's about  my average watch time's like five six minutes  
493.5 -> so that's 15 minutes of wasted airspace so anyway  I'm not gonna waste your day but I I just want  
504.18 -> to encourage you to keep going and yeah just keep  going no matter what people say uh as long as you  
513.12 -> feel healthy that's all that matters and uh as my  wife said We're not gonna get off this Earth alive  
521.04 -> but uh what I say is a quality of life well  well here on time or no that didn't make sense  
531.66 -> but anyway the quality of your life while  you're here that's what I want and uh I get  
537.96 -> to be 82 86 walking this same Trail 100 maybe  110 I don't know as long as I'm walking doing  
547.2 -> that's my goal if I'm not well I'm gonna do  it well I can so that's my that's my take  
554.46 -> so anyway so don't waste any more of your time  beyond what my normal watch time is for people  
562.14 -> I'm gonna say have a good day from  West Sacramento take care ciao

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5V8d4tj1gQ