Symptoms of Heart Disease
Symptoms of Heart Disease
The Symptoms of Heart Disease depends on the cause of the disease. In this video @DoctorBoladCardiology I discuss the symptoms of the most common Heart Diseases, and what you should watch for to look after you heart.
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24.32 -> hello welcome everybody this is dr
26 -> bollard board certified physician in
27.84 -> cardiology interventional cardiology and
30.48 -> internal medicine
31.92 -> certified by the american board of
33.84 -> internal medicine
35.6 -> if you are new to this channel then
37.68 -> definitely consider hitting the
39.28 -> subscribe button below
41.04 -> and switch on the notification bell
43.68 -> so you don't miss any new videos that i
46.96 -> post
48.32 -> for my subscribers thank you for your
50.64 -> continued support
53.28 -> today
54.239 -> i'll talk to you about symptoms of heart
57.12 -> disease
58.399 -> the symptoms depend on the cause of the
61.359 -> heart disease
63.28 -> i previously spoke about the common
66 -> causes of heart disease
68.159 -> and you can find the video by browsing
70.96 -> this channel looking for the video
73.28 -> titled common heart disease the top five
77.52 -> today in this video i will talk about
80.24 -> the symptoms related to these top five
83.04 -> causes of heart disease
85.36 -> number one is coronary artery disease
88.08 -> this disease is associated with an
90.64 -> inadequate supply of blood to the muscle
93.6 -> of the heart
94.799 -> due to obstruction of the epicardial
97.759 -> coronary arteries
99.36 -> usually from atherosclerosis
101.92 -> coronary heart disease is the most
104.159 -> common type of heart disease
106.72 -> patients may have acute unstable or
110.479 -> chronic stable disease
112.72 -> acute disease due to acute blockage of a
116.079 -> coronary artery presents as a heart
118.719 -> attack of which there are different
120.96 -> types
121.92 -> the commonest is st elevation myocardial
125.2 -> infarction
126.399 -> and possibly
127.68 -> non-st elevation myocardial infarction
131.84 -> classic myocardial infarction symptoms
134.72 -> include chest tightness or pressure
138.239 -> in the substance area with radiation to
140.879 -> the left arm or jaw
143.04 -> associated symptoms include shortness of
145.599 -> breath
146.48 -> diaphoresis
148.08 -> weakness and anxiety
150.64 -> this is an emergency and the emergency
153.2 -> services should be activated immediately
156 -> to take the patient to the hospital
158.72 -> chronic disease presents as angina this
161.84 -> is due to gradual buildup of
163.76 -> atherosclerotic blockage in the coronary
166.4 -> arteries angina is usually characterized
170.16 -> more as a discomfort rather than
173.28 -> pain
174.4 -> terms frequently used by patients
176.56 -> include squeezing
178.4 -> tightness
179.519 -> pressure
180.64 -> constriction strangling
183.04 -> burning heartburn
184.959 -> fullness in the chest and even too sick
188.08 -> when there is radiation to the lower jaw
190.959 -> in some cases the patient cannot qualify
193.92 -> the nature of the discomfort but places
196.48 -> his or her fist in the center of the
199.04 -> chest
200.239 -> angina pain is generally not described
203.12 -> as sharp dull aching knife like stabbing
206.64 -> or pins and needles like
208.959 -> angina is typically gradual in onset and
212.4 -> offset with the intensity of the
214.319 -> discomfort increasing and decreasing
217.2 -> over several minutes
219.2 -> angina is a constant discomfort
221.92 -> that does not change with breathing or
225.36 -> changes in position
227.04 -> it is generally not provoked or worsened
230 -> with palpation of the chest wall
232.959 -> and generally worsens with exertion and
235.92 -> lessens or is relieved by rest
239.68 -> number two is heart failure this occurs
242.4 -> when the heart
243.84 -> is damaged due to one of many causes and
246.56 -> cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to
249.76 -> support
251.36 -> other organs in your body it can also
254.56 -> care when the heart function
256.639 -> is squeezing normally but the heart
258.959 -> becomes stiff due to one of many causes
262.4 -> leading to fluid accumulation in the
264.24 -> lungs
265.68 -> heart failure is a serious condition but
268.32 -> it does not mean that the heart has
271.12 -> stopped beating
272.8 -> symptoms of heart failure include those
275.44 -> due to fluid accumulation
278.479 -> like shortness of breath on exertion or
281.44 -> at rest in extreme cases
283.68 -> shortness of breath on lying flat in bed
286.72 -> leg swelling upper abdominal pain from
289.6 -> liver congestion with fluid and
292 -> abdominal discomfort due to this tension
294.88 -> from fluid in the abdominal cavity
297.919 -> symptoms also include fatigue and
300.24 -> weakness due to reduction in cardiac
303.12 -> output and these are most pronounced
306.16 -> with exertion
309.28 -> number three is atrial fibrillation and
311.6 -> this is irregularity of the heart
313.52 -> beating and belongs to a group of heart
316.479 -> electrical conduction diseases
318.479 -> classified as heart arrhythmias
321.44 -> when a person has atrial fibrillation
323.919 -> the normal beating in the upper chambers
326.88 -> of the heart is irregular
328.88 -> and the blood does not flow as well as
331.68 -> it should from the atria to the lower
334.24 -> chambers of the heart
336.16 -> the two ventricles atrial fibrillation
339.12 -> can cause damage to the muscle function
341.919 -> and can lead to clots formation in the
344.479 -> heart
345.52 -> and then
346.639 -> flowing to other parts of the body
349.12 -> blocking blood flow
351.039 -> the most serious of which is blocking
353.12 -> flow to the arteries of the brain
355.68 -> leading to a stroke
357.6 -> symptoms of atrial fibrillation include
360.08 -> palpitations often accompanied by
362.72 -> shortness of breath
364.16 -> and
365.039 -> either at rest or an exertion
367.84 -> symptoms also include a sensation of
370.4 -> lightheadedness fatigue weakness
374.16 -> or generalized malaise the severity and
377.28 -> extent of symptoms and signs are
380.479 -> affected by the patient's underlying
382.4 -> cardiac condition
384.08 -> age
385.36 -> and rapidity and irregularity of the
387.6 -> heart rate
388.88 -> in patients with pre-existing heart
390.8 -> failure or at risk of heart failure
394 -> atrial fibrillation may precipitate
396.4 -> acute heart failure
398.08 -> in some patients a rapid ventricular
400.88 -> rate may precipitate angina and or
403.759 -> ischemic electrocardiogram ecg changes
407.199 -> which may be accompanied by heart muscle
409.84 -> damage and through pawning elevation
412.96 -> the presentation may be consistent with
415.36 -> acute coronary syndrome or demand
418 -> ischemia
420.08 -> rarely atrial fibrillation can lead to
422.4 -> syncopy
424.16 -> number four is vulvar heart disease and
426.88 -> this occurs when any of the four valves
429.919 -> of the heart become damaged or diseased
432.72 -> about 2.5 percent of the us population
435.44 -> has valuable heart disease
437.84 -> but
438.72 -> it is more common in older adults
442.08 -> different causes of valve disease
444.08 -> include rheumatic heart disease
446.8 -> most commonly affecting the mitral valve
449.52 -> or the aortic valve
451.52 -> another cause of viral heart disease is
454.639 -> bicuspid aortic valve which is a
457.52 -> congenital abnormality of having only
460.24 -> two leaflets rather than the normal tree
463.759 -> in the aortic valve and it occurs in
466.56 -> about one to two percent of the
468.479 -> population and is more common among men
472.639 -> in the elderly aortic valve stenosis due
475.28 -> to age-related degenerative changes
477.759 -> commonly leads to aortic valve stenosis
481.28 -> symptoms of viral heart disease depends
484.639 -> on the valve involved and whether the
487.039 -> valve is stenos
488.96 -> meaning nerd valve or regurgitant
492.24 -> meaning leak valve
494.319 -> symptoms occur only in moderately or
496.879 -> severely diseased valves and do not
499.12 -> occur in mild disease
502.16 -> the commonest symptoms of vulvar heart
504.8 -> disease are those of exertional
507.52 -> shortness of breath
509.039 -> angina
510.24 -> and other symptoms of heart failure as
512.8 -> described earlier in this video
516.24 -> number five is high blood pressure
518.24 -> medically known as hypertension
520.959 -> blood pressure normally rises and falls
523.68 -> throughout the day
525.279 -> but it can damage your heart
528.08 -> and cause health problems if it stays
530.8 -> high for a long time
533.68 -> over 100 million adults in the united
535.76 -> states have hypertension defined as
538.24 -> systolic blood pressure more than 130
541.04 -> millimeter of mercury or diastolic blood
543.36 -> pressure more than 80 millimeter of
545.2 -> mercury
546.32 -> or are taking medications for
548.32 -> hypertension
549.68 -> in the early stages hypertension does
551.839 -> not produce any symptoms and hence its
554.88 -> alternate name as the silent killer
557.76 -> untreated hypertension over time
560.08 -> eventually leads to heart attacks heart
562.88 -> failure
563.92 -> stroke loss of vision kidney failure
567.12 -> sexual dysfunction
569.839 -> if you have any question about what i
571.839 -> presented to you today then subscribe to
574.32 -> my channel and share your question in
576.48 -> the comment section below and i will
579.12 -> reply to you
580.64 -> if you have a question that you would
582.72 -> not like to share in public
585.2 -> then follow me on twitter at dr bollard
589.12 -> and then send me a private twitter
591.44 -> direct message and i'll reply to you
594.56 -> if you found value in this video then
597.279 -> please like and share this video with
599.44 -> family and friends
600.959 -> this is dr bollard helping you with your
603.2 -> heart health thanks for watching and
605.839 -> talk to you soon
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0Brr02oYJ8