Stroke Therapy at Helen Hayes Hospital for Impaired Vision
Stroke Therapy at Helen Hayes Hospital for Impaired Vision
Approximately two thirds of stroke survivors experience problems with vision. Depending where in the brain the stroke occurred, patients may have vision loss or vision perception problems.
Therapists use a range of exercises to strengthen impaired vision, improve blind spots and focus, expand the visual field and reduce double vision or visual select.
13.75 -> Rosa, what we're going to be doing is an
exercise to strengthen
17.76 -> your eyes. Ok, what I want you to do is
to roll your eyes in a circular pattern
22.86 -> so you're going to go all the way up,
round and follow all the way to the side
29.55 -> and meet at that same point
31.59 -> follow all the way around follow my
finger hold with his side.
37.05 -> Good, good.
40.17 -> And Rosa that this is the biggest thing is
making the full range of motion.
46.8 -> Good up, up, up, up follow, follow, and 10,
and relax.
59.85 -> Ok, so what we're going to do is you're
going to be staring with both
64.019 -> of your eyes onto the tip of this cone.
66.69 -> You're not allowed to have your eyes
move from the tip of that cone. Ok, and what we're going to do is going
to sway from
74.8 -> uh-huh we're going to sway from right to
79.33 -> Do not let your eyes leave the tip of
that cone.
82.57 -> Ok, oh to catch it back and two.
93.07 -> Not too fast, I want you to go nice and
slow. This is not a
96.52 -> balance exercise it's more for your
vision. Keep on following.
109.9 -> Fourteen, come on catch it, catch it, you're
doing good, good.
115.33 -> Now what we're going to do is you're
going to look at the writing on my pen.
118.63 -> Ok one, two, three, four, five.
128.7 -> Keep on following my pen, ok. One, two,
three, four, five.
141.629 -> Follow, follow, follow.
144.75 -> One, two, three, four, five.
150.93 -> There we go good, with this hand cover
that eye, just follow this one now.
157.83 -> Six, one, two, three, four
166.42 -> five. One, two, three, four, five.
176.38 -> Now follow it.
180.54 -> Hold, one, two, three, four
187.05 -> and 5. And one,
190.23 -> two, three, four, and five.
195.48 -> Relax.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwCEobuxQOY