Role of the Gut Microbiome in Hypertension
Role of the Gut Microbiome in Hypertension
Nicola Wilck, MD, Bina Joe, PhD, and Blair Mell discuss emerging research into the role of the gut microbiome in hypertension that they presented at Hypertension 2015 in Washington, DC.
2.165 -> Hello my name is Nicola Wilck.
I'm from Berlin, Germany
6.647 -> and next to me are Professor
Bina Joe and Ms. Blair Mell
11.477 -> from the University of Toledo, Ohio.
15.222 -> They will be presenting on the role
17.258 -> of the gut microbiome in
hypertension tomorrow.
20.979 -> This is an exciting field of new research.
24.819 -> So, the gut microbiome and
cardiovascular disease.
29.054 -> How do these two worlds go together?
31.47 -> - Yeah, that's a nice question.
33.323 -> In fact, a well-timed question.
35.823 -> If you look at all the
research that has gone on
38.296 -> in the genomics world
40.599 -> we have been restricted to the
42.629 -> whole genome of the host,
44.562 -> and we haven't really looked
at another complete genome
46.782 -> that resides within us,
which is the microbiome.
50.964 -> And these are the exciting
times to look forward to
53.552 -> a lot of research in the
area of the gut microbiome
56.742 -> and how it influences
hypertension, in particular,
59.587 -> which is the question we
are asking in the lab.
61.445 -> And I'm sure in the next few years to come
64.603 -> this is just gonna build up heavily.
67.169 -> There are only very few
labs working on it now
69.469 -> and all of the labs that are involved,
71.964 -> most of the labs that are involved,
74.45 -> are going to be at this
meeting, which is exciting.
76.98 -> The current concept is that
78.372 -> we don't really know for sure that the
microbiome influences hypertension.
85.582 -> That is what we have learned
87.162 -> and we're going to be
talking about tomorrow.
88.403 -> But what goes from that point
is the mechanisms of it.
91.886 -> How is it doing it?
93.563 -> How is it influencing the host genome?
96.473 -> Are they crosstalking?
Are they independent?
98.109 -> And it comes to in the
context of salt, for example,
102.126 -> how do enviromental factors
play a role in this process?
106.026 -> Blair has discovered that what we find
110.345 -> in our animals is
salt-sensitive phenomenon
114.465 -> which she's going to talk about.
115.465 -> Do you want to talk about
it a little bit today?
117.636 -> - Yes, so our study of
uses the Dawl rat model.
122.094 -> Which the S and R rat, the
S rat being salt-sensitive
127.318 -> and the R rat being salt-resistant.
132.138 -> We see many genetic
variants between these two
135.994 -> even though they were both generated
139.465 -> from the Sprague Dawley rat
141.407 -> there are many genetic variants.
143.747 -> Also their gut microbiota is
very different between the two.
149.284 -> - So the diseased microbiome is different.
153.254 -> So, what is your opinion?
155.649 -> Is the host shaping the microbiome
158.839 -> or is it other environmental factors?
162.914 -> - The predominant factor we
are after is the host genome.
165.978 -> Because the same genome,
167.85 -> the S rat which is a
salt-sensitive, hypertensive animal.
171.47 -> It behaves differently
when it's given microbiota
174.495 -> from the salt-resistant animal.
176.555 -> So when we put that in,
blood pressure goes up.
180.205 -> Which is very intriguing
for why would it go up.
184.009 -> And the composition of the microbiota
186.457 -> is something very, very
important to look at.
188.686 -> Technologically, we might
be limited at this point
191.914 -> to have a view into all the
specific species of bacteria
197.208 -> that are in there that are causing
199.274 -> all of the effects that we observed.
201.602 -> So, in years to come I would anticipate
203.982 -> the research to be taken away from
206.078 -> just the firmicutes or
bacteroidetes or certain classes
210.071 -> into very unique type of
bacteria that are causing
214.158 -> these phenotypes that we observe.
216.816 -> If you look at it for
a therapeutic interest
220.165 -> for where we would go
into humans with this.
223.306 -> The field is exciting
for where it could go.
225.69 -> It would be simple interventions
at the dietary level
228.414 -> with yogurt, with certain
strains of bacteria
232.99 -> that may help with
preventing the progression
236.727 -> of the hypertension or even
decreasing the susceptibility
240.953 -> over the genetic susceptibility they have.
242.95 -> So those are some ideas which are really
246.028 -> in its infancy at this time.
247.592 -> But eventually I see this
coming on as a big team.
251.517 -> As you saw today the director of the NHLBI
255.488 -> making an impact of this
point in his presentation
258.763 -> that the microbiome, in
addition to the genetics,
262.523 -> could play a major role in contributing
265.845 -> to the genesis of hypertension.
267.283 -> - So, hypertension specialists should care
270.418 -> about the microbiome in
anti-hypertensives therapy.
273.831 -> Is that your point?
274.76 -> - Absolutely, but for them
to care deeply about it
277.803 -> we need more research to
be done very carefully.
280.031 -> We are at the front engine part of this
283.691 -> with tools and techniques available
287.294 -> at our disposal to study this.
289.886 -> The gut neural connections
are being investigated.
292.386 -> The interstenal lodes
are being investigated.
295.268 -> Some of these are being
presented tomorrow.
297.385 -> And, I think the dynamics of this,
300.167 -> the scope of this, is
just beginning to unfold.
303.204 -> - [Nicola] Yes.
304.157 -> And, clinicians will eventually
have access to actual
309.381 -> mechanistic knowledge of how this operates
311.145 -> and be careful in using
it in their practice.
315.604 -> And that's way down the
lane, if I can say so.
318.598 -> I know you are presenting
some work tomorrow.
321.71 -> Could you enlighten us a little bit
322.987 -> on what you are going to talk about?
324.195 -> - I'm going to talk about the role of
327.446 -> short-chain fatty acids in
cardiac and organ damage.
333.251 -> So, you mentioned the
causative mechanisms.
338.335 -> So description of diseased
microbiomes is one thing
342.143 -> but identification of causitive mechanisms
346.508 -> and one way microbiota
communicate with the host
350.06 -> is by means of the metabolized
which are absorbed.
353.404 -> And which have an impact
on host inflammation
358.722 -> and maybe blood pressure.
361.064 -> So there are loads of
metabolites to be discovered
365.854 -> and short-chain fatty
acids are one of them.
369.491 -> - Right, we have found
371.131 -> that to be the case in our model as well.
373.851 -> And I shouldn't fail to
mention Dr. Pluznik's group
376.809 -> was one of the first ones
that did elude to this point
379.781 -> with their g-protien
coupled receptor research
383.288 -> that short-chain fatty
acids could indeed be
386.515 -> modulators and their
receptors could be coming in
389.093 -> from the host geneome prospective.
391.394 -> In our model we have variants
of many other g-protein
394.154 -> coupled receptors that are
fantastic targets to look at
398.776 -> whether they are cross-talking.
400.644 -> Again, even with doing all of this,
403.327 -> I think we are very small
in our mechanistic approach.
407.285 -> Don't you agree?
408.285 -> - [Niklovic] I agree.
408.83 -> - Yeah, there appears to be much more
411.5 -> that we need to dwell into
413.264 -> for renal influence of from the gut
417.769 -> and then signaling from the gut to various
419.928 -> other organs that are implicated
422.192 -> in blood pressure regulation.
423.192 -> Right? Overall, we are very
excited to take this head-on
426.476 -> and move forward in this area of research
428.915 -> which will one day hopefully there'll be
432.508 -> a nice, magic pill that
we haven't, you know,
436.774 -> thought about at this time.
437.774 -> But this could be the beginnings
of going there with it
440.919 -> in terms of targeted dietary
444.664 -> bacterial load into hypertensives
449.314 -> to be provided in
addition to the DASH diet.
451.461 -> - Wonderful, thank you very
much for the interview.
453.967 -> All the best for your
presentation tomorrow.
456.778 -> - [Bina] To you too, thank you very much.
459.308 -> - [Blair] Thanks.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT-bOItyVx4