STARs - Mood and emotion after stroke (Neil)

STARs - Mood and emotion after stroke (Neil)

STARs - Mood and emotion after stroke (Neil)

Real patients talk about the effect on mood and emotions after stroke and how psychology helped them to overcome these issues.

Key messages:
1. Stroke can be a frightening health event. Heightened anxiety levels and reduced sleep are common.
2. Elevated anxiety can lead to a pattern where stroke survivors start to avoid social situations.
3. This avoidance often worsens mood and anxiety, as confidence to cope becomes gradually eroded and people miss out on enjoyable social activities.
4. Psychology gives patients the chance to open up and talk about their feelings and emotions, and to test out reversing avoidance.
5. Psychology also helps patients learn that just like with grief, changes to mood, anxiety and sleep are a normal part of emotional stroke recovery.


19.279 -> prior to the stroke
20.88 -> i never used to cry you know probably i
23.84 -> can remember
24.88 -> how they honestly honestly i can't
26.4 -> remember many times really crying
29.359 -> after the stroke i was just complete i
31.92 -> would cry anywhere
33.6 -> at the most embarrassing times as well
35.6 -> so you would just burst out crying
38 -> for no reason and again the that
41.52 -> that would that was explained by the
43.76 -> psychologist why i was doing that and
45.28 -> there was a word
46.48 -> which i can't remember but described
49.92 -> yeah absolutely yeah it's a it's just
51.68 -> it's one of those things that
53.36 -> that happens when you've had a stroke
56.32 -> and so
58.079 -> that again is so you've got the emotions
60.48 -> of everything from
61.68 -> from crying to anxiety goes up and down
65.36 -> uh you you get you do get very down
68.799 -> uh initially uh and
72.24 -> um your emotions are all over the place
75.2 -> and
76 -> i can remember one session that
79.6 -> i had with a psychologist which kind of
84.4 -> just brought everything together to
86.24 -> understand again emotionally why
89.2 -> i was all over the place and he
91.36 -> described
92.56 -> the process i was going through as
94.56 -> grieving
95.84 -> and i can remember bursting out crying
98.159 -> in a session with him
99.68 -> at that point when he described that
101.2 -> because what he was saying was that
104.079 -> at the old part an old part of neil
107.119 -> had gone and the old part was when he
109.52 -> was a chief executive
110.96 -> and he did all these things and so forth
113.84 -> and
114.24 -> used to travel and all those sort of
115.68 -> stuff well the stroke stopped all of
118.159 -> that
118.88 -> and when you when that happens uh he
121.92 -> described it as
122.96 -> grieving as a part gun and it's
124.479 -> absolutely right
126.479 -> and he said look and this probably was
129.599 -> probably about a year and a half or two
130.879 -> years after the stroke
132.64 -> and he said i have no idea when that's
134.16 -> going to finish
135.68 -> but you're going through the process of
137.28 -> grieving and that was absolutely right
139.36 -> and when i
140.4 -> when i understood that i think it
143.28 -> probably allowed me
144.4 -> at one point i can't remember exactly
146.08 -> what it was was to get to the point of
148.08 -> acceptance
149.28 -> um because for the first year two years
153.76 -> you get very angry you get very down you
156.48 -> get emotionally
157.84 -> a record you talked about that you can't
159.76 -> understand what's going on with you
161.519 -> and that has big effects with you and
164 -> also with your family and friends and so
165.68 -> forth
166.319 -> but when you get to the point of
167.44 -> acceptance i think actually
171.12 -> it's happened you know things are not
174.64 -> going to change the old nail is just not
176.239 -> going to come back
177.04 -> now that's the point where i thought
180.159 -> okay
180.879 -> the only way is to go forward and things
182.64 -> and that that was a big change but
184.64 -> i think i probably took about two years
187.92 -> two and a half years to get there
189.28 -> it's interesting what you're talking
190.64 -> about the grieving side of things
193.68 -> were you grieving in a way for your loss
196.64 -> of status or your
198.239 -> loss of your occupational role
201.44 -> prior to a stroke i was a chief
203.599 -> executive
204.799 -> and so that role involved
208.879 -> you know traveling lots speaking at
211.04 -> conferences
212.159 -> uh doing lots of pictures for new work
215.76 -> uh leading the the team the big team i
219.12 -> had
220.239 -> and then when that's ripped away from
221.92 -> you because of the stroke and you're
223.44 -> suddenly told
226 -> you won't be chief executive again that
228.56 -> is really difficult to cope with
230.959 -> and as you said i think it's down to
234.159 -> this loss of status because the ego
238.319 -> is a real powerful thing you know and
242.48 -> you know i i'm embarrassed in one way
244.799 -> but equally i think it's very true you
246.56 -> know
247.28 -> i got a bit of a kick saying i was a
248.959 -> chief executive of the company and so
250.959 -> forth you know
252.08 -> uh and when that's ripped away
255.92 -> uh it is really difficult to cope with
258.639 -> uh the loss of status
260.959 -> perceived status because some people
262.8 -> might think i was an idiot
264 -> chief executive but my own perceived
266.24 -> status was you know
268.24 -> i'm a chief objective and then you have
271.12 -> you have a loss of that
272.56 -> you have a loss what goes with that of
274.639 -> value
275.6 -> suddenly who are you now you know
278.8 -> once upon a time you were this what am i
281.12 -> now and therefore you feel
282.8 -> really devalued and you have
286.639 -> you feel little significance these in
289.52 -> the early early early months and years
292.479 -> and that is a real challenge to go
295.68 -> through
296.16 -> and without the help of psychological
299.759 -> support i think i would have really
302.639 -> struggled with that and i think it's
304.08 -> part of the grieving process you know
305.6 -> that you
306.56 -> you get the angry you get angry you get
308.96 -> emotional
310.4 -> you get sad you get happy because you
312.88 -> think oh maybe i could do this and then
314.479 -> you're down again
316.24 -> and then you start to realize what am i
319.28 -> going to do
319.919 -> you know and that whole process
323.6 -> is um is part of the grieving i think
326.639 -> and you need to go through all of that
328.56 -> to get to the point of acceptance and
330.32 -> you think actually
331.039 -> okay i'm not gonna be chief executive
334.479 -> again
335.44 -> but i can still get value i can still
337.36 -> get status in other areas
340.16 -> maybe it hasn't got the badge any longer
342.56 -> but those other things i will now be
344.16 -> able to do
346 -> and that's exactly what happened but
347.36 -> that took about two years to get through
348.88 -> that i would say
382.4 -> you
