Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercises

Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercises

Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercises

CHRISTUS St. Michael Rehabilitation Hospital


1.89 -> All right everybody my name is Carol Blair I  am in the cardiac pulmonary rehab department  
8.49 -> at crystal St. Michael we're going to give you  some techniques that you can use at home to  
13.44 -> continue your exercise at home and the first thing  we're going to do is demonstrate some stretching  
19.86 -> techniques and for you pulmonary patients  we're going to show you how to incorporate  
25.44 -> the breathing techniques the diaphragmatic  and personally breathing technique that you  
30.45 -> can use while you're doing your exercises and  it's not going to hurt everybody to use the  
34.92 -> breathing techniques it's just going to help  boost up your oxygen level and then we'll give  
38.88 -> you some ideas about some aerobic exercise that  you can do at home in your home if you would if  
44.52 -> you need to first I'm going to demonstrate the  diaphragmatic impersonate breathing technique  
49.56 -> that you can use while you exercise to focus  your oxygen or water when you breathe in you  
54.99 -> should breathe in through your nose so that you  can filter warm and you meant by the air that  
59.46 -> enters your lungs as you breathe in you want to  put your belly out and if your belly was filled  
64.65 -> with air so you're going to go like this and  then when you go out you're going to tighten  
70.32 -> your lips as if you were blowing out birthday  candles and that goes like this and your stomach  
77.88 -> will automatically go back down as you blow out so  you don't have to force it down when you're doing  
83.04 -> the stretching techniques you always breathe in  first and then blow out during the exertion and  
88.68 -> that will help keep your oxygen level built  up we're starting out with five repetitions  
93.27 -> and that's what we're going to do today Brooke  is going to demonstrate the diaphragmatic and  
99.3 -> personally breathing technique while you're  doing the stretches so we're going to start  
103.44 -> with the neck rolls and we're going to breathe  in first and then we're going to blow out as we  
109.26 -> go back and forth with our chin along our chest  like a pendulum run do five repetitions on that
120.62 -> and y'all can just kind of follow along with her
129.43 -> you can build up to 10 repetitions on the stretches
142.26 -> Okay now we're going to do head side to side  we're going to tilt our head straight over ear to  
151.26 -> shoulder coordinating those breathing techniques  will help keep that oxygen level build up.
184.75 -> Okay now let's shake our head no we're going to breathe in first  
189.19 -> and then blow out while we go she into shoulder.
205.08 -> On the stretches we're going to start out with  the head and work our way down to the toes.
218.09 -> Okay now we're going to do shoulder  shrugs breathe in first and then  
223.49 -> blow out as you strike your shoulders towards your ears.
248.65 -> Okay now we're going to do the elbow  circles let your hands up by your  
254.38 -> shoulders and make a big circle with  your elbows going one direction first  
261.4 -> a few times and then going back to the other  direction lubricating that shoulder joint.
270.01 -> Go back the other way.
279.1 -> Okay now we're going to do reach for  the ceiling where you did first and  
284.32 -> then blow out as you go up towards the ceiling.
308.75 -> Okay now we're going to do the trunk  twist hands on your hips breathe in  
316.01 -> first blow out while you go from one side  to the other turning your upper torso.
344.84 -> Okay now we're going to do the sidebands we did  through your nose first blow it out as you go over  
354.26 -> your head with one arm as far to the side as you  can and then we're going to go to the other side.
389.59 -> And you can do a lot of these stretches  sitting in the chair you need to on the  
394.42 -> leg stretches it's a good idea to get behind  a chair and hold on for balance we're going  
399.04 -> to do inner thigh stretch now and Britt's  going to hold onto the back of the chair  
403.99 -> spread your legs as wide as you can get them  lierre feet off the sit direction keep your  
409.84 -> feet planted body facing forward go down as  far as you can with one knee and keep the  
416.26 -> other leg strength you'll feel it stretching  on the inner thigh of the straight leg then  
421.21 -> you just give it back and forth and remember to  coordinate your breathing with your techniques.
460.83 -> You can't eat that's fine okay now  we're going to do the bit mean toe  
466.41 -> touches you don't bend your knees a lot just take the lock out of them  
470.28 -> breathe in first and then blow out as you go towards the floor.
504.17 -> Okay last stretch is called our calf stretch you're going to take a big step  
508.88 -> toward the chair toes are pointing the same  direction heels on the floor bend the front  
515.96 -> knee towards the chair and keep the back  leg straight you'll feel it stretching in  
522.02 -> the back cap we'll do five on each leg and  then we'll be finished with the stretches.
544.91 -> Okay switch to the other leg toes pointing  the same direction heels on the floor.
571.89 -> Okay that's it prayer stretches now you're  kind of getting warmed up a little bit we  
577.11 -> would like to show you some modified leg  stretches that you can do sitting in the  
581.91 -> chair if you need to do the sitting the first  one is going to be on the inner thigh stretch  
586.68 -> you're going to spread your legs real  wide and let your feet just kind of be  
591.36 -> out and take a deep breath and then blow  out as you go down in between your legs.
596.88 -> You'll be sitting kind of towards the edge of your seat.
620.25 -> Okay now we're going to do the toe touches just put your feet straight  
625.02 -> out in front of you still sitting towards the edge of the seat but  
629.79 -> not too far in means breathe in first and  then blow out as you go towards your toes.
657.66 -> You know on the cat stretches what you're  gonna do is point your feet as far out in  
663.63 -> front of you as you can and then flex  them as far towards you as you can on  
668.88 -> the Flex is where you're gonna feel the  cat stretching in back point and flex.
687.98 -> And those are our modified sitting stretches  the rest of the stretches you can do in the  
692.3 -> chair as well but for the leg stretches you  kind of have to get towards the edge of your  
697.01 -> seat now we're going to do the weight lifting  techniques we're going to start out with our  
703.76 -> palms facing forward we're going to do the palms  forward curl inhale first and then blow out on  
709.85 -> the lift we'll do five repetitions today you  can build up to 15 repetitions on the ways.
729.1 -> Okay now we're going to do the military press  we'll start out up at your shoulders breathe in  
735.82 -> first and then blow out on the lift go all  the way up with your hands and back down.
758.67 -> Now we're going to do arm abductions  hang your arms down to your side  
763.47 -> breathe in first then blow out as you lift  up even with your shoulders and back down.
790.67 -> Okay now we're going to do palms backward curls  just face your palms a different direction. 
796.52 -> Breathe in first and then blow out as you  curl up to your shoulders and back down.
823.86 -> Okay elbow extensions are going to lean  forward slightly take your arms and go as  
830.67 -> far back behind you as you can don't use your  back muscles just use your arms to go back.
851.46 -> Next one is the forward arm raises  gonna start out with your arms down . 
857.04 -> Breathe in and then blow out as you go  up level with your shoulders back down.
882.06 -> Okay now we're going to do the thumbs forward curls different  
886.47 -> hand position breathe in blow out as you live.
912.51 -> Okay now we're going to do the side bends  just hang your arms down feet slightly  
917.37 -> apart and you're going to go straight  over to one side and then the other.
947.31 -> Our last weightlifting technique is  called the butterfly you're going to  
951.78 -> raise your arms up like a bowl post  breathe in and then go out and in.
976.44 -> Okay that's our weightlifting routine you can  modify if you don't have any weights per se at  
984.15 -> home you can modify that by getting you like a  sack of potatoes or take a grocery bag and put  
991.35 -> some rocks or something in it to wear it you  have enough weight that feels you can feel the  
996.78 -> resistance with you can be innovative and come up  with your own weights like canned goods or bottles  
1002.99 -> of water or if you want more weight you can go  with the bottles that have the handles on them  
1010.13 -> and you can hold on to the handles and use them as  weights we want to make sure you're getting your  
1014.75 -> cardiovascular exercise at home and you can do it  in various ways you can do marching in place sit  
1022.61 -> in the chair and do leg lifts and arm exercises  do some chariots you can do gardening you can go  
1028.94 -> walking outside when the weather permits dancing  anything that you can do to get your heart rate  
1034.61 -> up and you want to do it for the length of  time that's going to be beneficial to you  
1039.38 -> cardiovascularly and that would be like 30 to 45  minutes non-stop at a moderately vigorous pace and  
1046.97 -> one said it doesn't matter how you keep that heart  rate up as long as you get it up and you keep it  
1051.38 -> up there for an extended period of time and Brooks  can give you some ideas and some things that you  
1056.3 -> can google that will give you some free exercise  techniques to use at home as well so basically if  
1064.1 -> you can get on Google really all you have to do  is Google any kind of thing that you can think of  
1070.73 -> that you're comfortable with doing or you can pull  up numerous exercises that are free for you to do.
1081.68 -> Aerobic exercises at home if you type in chair  aerobic exercises it pulls up a list of all  
1089.33 -> different exercises and you can watch them first  if you want and then try to follow along there's  
1094.58 -> also the walking by Leslie Simpson that is free  it's completely free it's it's basically kind  
1100.55 -> of walking in place but it helps you get your  heart rate up and it's very good I wrote the  
1105.86 -> texture song and it's faith so just make sure  whatever you do you're comfortable with doing  
1110.09 -> it but anything you can think of they even  have senior aerobic exercise that you can  
1115.37 -> top in exercises at home chair yoga something  that will just help you to stay active during  
1122.66 -> this time yeah we want you to do this on most  days of the week three days a week is the bare  
1128.66 -> minimum you want to probably try to do it Monday  through Friday or at least every other day and  
1134.57 -> that's the cardiovascular exercise weightlifting  you don't have to do that every other day but as  
1140.72 -> far as aerobic you won't try to get most days  of the week in for that as far as frequency go.
