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Olá amigo do coração. Seja bem vindo ao meu canal do Youtube! Aqui você estará sempre recebendo informações de como cuidar da saúde do seu coração. Se você não é inscrito no canal, se inscreva e clique no sininho para receber todas as notificações.

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   • 7 MEDICAMENTOS que ACABAM com seus RINS!  

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5 alimentos que desinflamam.
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5 sintomas de rins fracos.
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Câncer de Intestino. Sintomas! Tem cura?
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0 -> Hey guys! All good?
2.053 -> Today, we're going to talk about seven remedies that are used a lot in everyday life
6.997 -> and that harm your heart, and that you can't even imagine.
11.691 -> We know that there are medications that are widely used in everyday life
16.049 -> that can harm our heart.
18.906 -> Most of these drugs that I'm going to talk about
21.138 -> are bought without a prescription and the person has not even gone through, many times,
26.836 -> some type of service, to find out if they can or cannot
31.182 -> use the medicine safely.
32.972 -> In this video I will list seven medications,
35.282 -> the most common ones that can cause or exacerbate heart problems.
40.574 -> So come with me and spin the vignette!
47.601 -> Doctor Roberto Yano, Cardiologist.
54.7 -> Hello heart friends! All good?
56.215 -> I am Doctor Roberto Yano, Cardiologist, Pacemaker Specialist.
60.544 -> In this video you will find out which are the seven medicines used in everyday life
66.101 -> that can end up with the health of your heart! But first,
70.67 -> subscribe to the channel, click the bell to receive all notifications.
74.482 -> There are 2 million subscribers already on the YouTube channel
77.583 -> and I just have to thank you!
80.44 -> Without further ado, let's get to the seven medications then!
83.991 -> First remedy: the famous non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
89.074 -> So, NSAIDs, ibuprofen, diclofenac,
93.532 -> which are often used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation,
99.076 -> can cause heart problems. The problem is that
103.133 -> these drugs have the potential to cause some damage to the heart,
108.711 -> especially when used in high doses and for a long time.
113.5 -> There is even a video in which I talk about how much the use of anti-inflammatories
118.433 -> can harm the heart and why cardiologists avoid
122.886 -> this type of medication as much as possible.
125.819 -> This is a subject I always talk about,
128.833 -> anti-inflammatories can increase blood pressure, retain more sodium,
133.045 -> retain more fluid, interfere with platelet function.
136.347 -> This all ends up impairing the function of blood vessels,
140.462 -> increasing clot formation and risk. Of course,
144.466 -> not all people will have the same risk and the same severity
149.492 -> of anti-inflammatory side effects.
153.043 -> This will vary depending on risk factors such as age,
157.101 -> presence of heart disease, use of other medications,
162.069 -> again how long you have been using this medication.
165.519 -> For example, if you are a heart patient, you have to ask
169.9 -> your cardiologist which anti-inflammatory drug
172.966 -> will be safer for you.
175.346 -> The same thing if you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure can get much worse
179.671 -> if you start taking anti-inflammatories without a prescription.
184.05 -> Some anti-inflammatories have fewer side effects,
187.327 -> such as naproxen, for example.
189.307 -> But they also have to be used for short periods of time.
193.919 -> I always say, people, the issue of pain, you have to treat the cause of the pain.
199.425 -> So, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs will often
202.212 -> mask a more serious problem. If your body is in pain,
206.104 -> it is letting you know that something is not right. And another,
209.954 -> the effect of the medication is over, the pain returns! So, no self-medication!
216.298 -> Go after treating the cause of your pain. Let's go!
219.813 -> Second drug: these are the first generation antihistamines.
223.824 -> So, first-generation anti-allergy drugs,
227.758 -> chlorpheniramine, for example, can cause side effects on the heart,
234.191 -> cause cardiac arrhythmia, increase heartbeat,
238.675 -> increase blood pressure. Arrhythmias can occur
242.166 -> because these medications, these drugs,
244.471 -> have anticholinergic properties that can then
249.045 -> interfere with the heart's electrical impulses, affecting
253.526 -> and altering the heart's normal heart rhythm.
256.48 -> So, these drugs have a stronger sedative action,
259.739 -> if we compare with already second-generation antihistamines.
264.018 -> So, they cause drowsiness, disturb concentration,
267.761 -> give some side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, intestinal constipation,
273.499 -> urinary retention, in addition, of course, as I mentioned before, cardiac arrhythmias.
279.654 -> So, if you have any allergic symptoms, runny nose, nasal irritation,
283.918 -> look for a doctor, do not take medicine without a prescription.
288.187 -> For those who don't know yet, Yano Clinic is here in Indaiatuba, everyone!
292.549 -> So, if you are from Indaiatuba, Campinas, São Paulo, Piracicaba, Jundiai,
297.177 -> you can consult with us, we are here in Indaiatuba!
301.278 -> But let's go! Third medication: these are the tricyclic antidepressants.
306.203 -> So, antidepressants, tricyclics are used, of course,
311.271 -> in the treatment of depression, they can also be prescribed
314.993 -> in cases of anxiety disorders, even nocturnal enuresis,
319.007 -> when the person urinates a lot during the night;
322.731 -> for chronic pain and even migraine cases.
326.186 -> So, we have amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine...
330.287 -> Yes, they are effective, good for treating depression,
334.013 -> but they have their side effects, which are unwanted for our heart,
339.646 -> especially if you already have some previous heart disease.
344.911 -> So, this class of medication can cause an alteration
348.803 -> in the electrocardiogram called qt interval prolongation.
353.251 -> This change in heart repolarization can lead to cardiac arrhythmias.
358.244 -> So in addition, tricyclics can also increase blood pressure.
363.404 -> So, if you have high blood pressure, have suffered a heart attack, have had a stroke,
367.996 -> first talk to your cardiologist
371.04 -> before starting to use this type of medicine.
373.917 -> "Ah, doctor! So, how am I going to treat my depression?"
377.255 -> If you have a heart condition and are taking one of these medications,
381.06 -> talk to your doctor. Each case is different!
384.607 -> Today there are other classes of drugs to treat depression
389.209 -> that are safer for the heart.
391.733 -> The treatment is not always done only with the use of antidepressants,
395.959 -> only with these tricyclics. Today there are other options that are safer
400.487 -> for our heart muscle.
402.886 -> Fourth medication: nasal decongestants.
406.73 -> So, they are also medicines that you can buy
410.766 -> without a prescription, those medicines to unblock your nose,
414.322 -> for example. So, I'm not talking about nasal saline solution, no, okay!
419.533 -> I'm talking about decongestants. Who out there uses it?
423.352 -> Later I want to see, comment there if you use those nasal decongestants.
428.037 -> But some decongestants, like pseudoephedrine, for example,
432.712 -> can be harmful to our cardiovascular system
436.636 -> because this substance is like a stimulant
440.045 -> that can increase blood pressure, which can increase heart rate.
444.257 -> In people who don't have any disease, the risk is very low, right guys!
447.908 -> Also, we have to be very careful,
450.526 -> I'm talking about the possibilities, but the risk of this happening
454.041 -> to a person who doesn't have a heart condition, for example, is very low!
457.522 -> But, if you already have a pre-existing disease, high blood pressure,
462.354 -> a coronary disease or serious arrhythmias,
466.319 -> do not keep taking decongestants such as pseudoephedrine, for example.
470.103 -> Then, there are also alternative decongestants
473.392 -> that are much safer for those with heart disease.
477.288 -> So, go to your Otorrino and talk to him, so he can guide you.
481.838 -> Tell your heart disease history so he can treat you in the best way!
487.841 -> And, of course, if you have an allergy,
491.636 -> an upper airway obstruction,
493.76 -> he will treat you with much safer medicine!
496.639 -> So look how important this information was! I believe that
500.467 -> many of you did not even know about this issue of nasal decongestants.
505.285 -> So, if you like the video, then share it
508.591 -> with your family, share it with your friends!
511.82 -> My idea is always to save the world
514.638 -> and I want to know if you're coming with me or not!
518.104 -> Fifth medicine: they are the medicines to lose weight.
522.073 -> So, some medications that are still used
525.592 -> for weight loss, such as sibutramine, for example,
528.826 -> are also associated with an increase in cardiovascular events,
533.595 -> both heart attacks and strokes.
536.753 -> This medication has to be prescribed with great caution,
539.932 -> selected patients, since today there are other treatments
544.843 -> that are more effective for those who want to lose weight.
547.957 -> So, making indiscriminate use of sibutramine can be dangerous!
552.388 -> This medication is strong; it does serve to treat the issue of obesity,
557.881 -> I still see many people who have no indication
562.579 -> to take the sibutramine and he is taking it there, under the cloth.
565.885 -> This is one of the worst things you can do.
569.219 -> Never do that thing of taking the neighbor's sibutramine and taking it
573.403 -> because it can be very dangerous for your health.
576.867 -> Including, I've seen outlandish formulas!
579.212 -> People mix thyroid medicine to lose weight;
582.815 -> then he mixes antidepressants, medicine to wake up, medicine to sleep,
586.695 -> then medicine for gastritis, and mixes everything in one capsule
589.911 -> and the patient gains 10 kg in one month and then gains 20 in the next month!
593.756 -> We end up seeing everything, every crazy prescription!
598.296 -> So be very careful. Finally, anorectics,
602.454 -> which is this type of medicine, can increase blood pressure,
606.621 -> accelerate cardiac risk, and also cause cardiac arrhythmias,
610.832 -> so this medicine is contraindicated
613.557 -> in patients with more severe heart diseases.
616.84 -> And if you do, your doctor needs to monitor you closely
620.984 -> for all these possible side effects.
624.73 -> Sixth medication: corticoids. I knew that?
628.089 -> Corticoids are medicines widely used
632.455 -> for those who have an inflammatory disease,
635.071 -> immunological disease, for patients undergoing transplants;
638.571 -> the problem is that prolonged use, in high doses,
642.063 -> can also lead to the same thing, increased pressure, fluid retention,
645.731 -> increased chance of the person progressing to congestive heart failure,
650.888 -> especially in those people who already have heart failure.
654.838 -> Corticosteroids used for long periods can also cause changes
659.659 -> in our metabolism, increase in glucose, hydroelectrolyte imbalance,
665.772 -> increase cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
669.628 -> This will all further increase a person's risk of developing
673.493 -> heart disease in the future.
675.893 -> Prolonged use of this medication can increase the risk
679.183 -> of clots forming in your blood vessels, whether in a vein or an artery.
683.637 -> It is logical that some people will have to make continuous use of corticoids,
688.275 -> sometimes for longer or even for the rest of their lives! And that's okay, folks!
693.144 -> Just follow up with your doctor and your cardiologist.
696.877 -> You just can't help but always take your exams
700.237 -> to see how your heart health is doing. But let's go!
704.17 -> Finally, the seventh medicine: these are stimulant medicines.
708.606 -> There are medications that are stimulants,
711.753 -> particularly those used to treat
714.146 -> attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also called ADHD.
721.633 -> So, these drugs, the same thing, accelerates the heart rate,
726.274 -> can increase blood pressure,
727.711 -> in addition to increasing the risk of some types of cardiac arrhythmias.
732.187 -> In very rare cases, it can even aggravate some pre-existing heart disease.
737.931 -> So, the most important thing here is to remember that all of these medications
743.068 -> have benefits when used in specific situations.
749.052 -> It's not because he can harm the heart, that he can't be taken!
752.812 -> So, it's important to pay attention and take it only with medical advice,
757.133 -> that everything will be fine! As I just talked
760.463 -> about corticoids, there are diseases that need to be treated
765.26 -> with the continuous use of this type of medicine.
767.734 -> This video is more to alert you, in case you take any medication like that,
773.29 -> but without a medical prescription, so, go to your doctor and ask him:
777.45 -> "Doctor, is it safe for me to take this medication?" Look for an expert.
781.739 -> You must take the medicine with caution, under medical supervision,
785.836 -> especially if you have a heart condition.
788.998 -> Another important thing is that if you have, for example, a cold,
792.373 -> you have to inform your doctor there at the emergency room,
795.866 -> your health condition; if you have any illness,
798.513 -> what are the medications you already use,
800.939 -> before he can give you any other medication. All right, guys!
805.299 -> But, I hope this video was helpful!
808.059 -> If you liked the content, don't forget to give it a like!
811.631 -> Again, share with your friends and family!
815.186 -> Leave here your comments with suggestions for the next videos!
819.425 -> I want to know what I'm going to record for you guys going forward.
822.809 -> It's ok, guys! So, today's message is this!
826.488 -> A big hug and until next time!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohh4PxkBeHo