Montel Williams talks TV, cannabis, life after stroke
Montel Williams talks TV, cannabis, life after stroke
Montel Williams joined us in the ABC7 studios to talk about everything from TV, to his health, to his endeavors in the cannabis industry. https://abc7ne.ws/2PpLY8I
0.06 -> well literally this is a man who needs
1.62 -> no introduction because we have been
3.389 -> watching Montel Williams on TV for many
5.609 -> many years he's got a show to talk about
7.77 -> among many other projects but I want to
10.019 -> start with your health because people
12.54 -> don't realize that you had a stroke
14.37 -> years ago and you battled MS for almost
16.89 -> 20 years
17.58 -> let me tell you was really crazy I had a
19.23 -> stroke less than six months ago on May
22.71 -> 30th of this year I spent almost the
24.66 -> entire month of June in the hospital
26.16 -> we're covering from a stroke the type of
28.5 -> stroke that I had you only kills 50% of
30.57 -> the people who have it so I'm blessed to
31.859 -> be sitting here with you today
33.059 -> but I think a lot of the reason why I'm
35.04 -> here is because I've paid very close
36.78 -> attention to my health my entire life
39.239 -> and especially when I got diagnosed with
40.649 -> MS I mean I literally changed the way I
42.899 -> live and now that I've had a stroke I've
44.76 -> changed that even again what did you
46.62 -> change specifically well I mean way back
48.66 -> when I got diagnosed with MS I started
50.37 -> making sure that I exercised every day I
52.26 -> changed my diet back then but now my
54.78 -> stroke has had me changed my diet yet
56.789 -> again I'm on more of a ketogenic diet
58.92 -> right now because I'm trying to get all
60.48 -> the garbage out of my life I mean part
62.699 -> of the reason why I had a stroke was
63.719 -> because I was consuming a little bit
65.159 -> more garbage than I should have been
66.54 -> well you look leans okay you can't be
69.15 -> losing much more weight at this point I
71.1 -> wouldn't think no but I'll tell you
72.81 -> what's really insane again I had a
74.67 -> stroke May 30th and spent the entire
78.72 -> month of June in hospital went through
80.1 -> six months of rehab Wow for what's
82.29 -> called a hemorrhagic stroke now let me
84 -> tell you during that period time I lost
85.17 -> 20 pounds I put that 20 pounds back on
87.72 -> but I put it back on the right way and a
89.79 -> lot of what would really happen I got a
91.53 -> tire part of my recovery and the reason
93.869 -> why I believe that I'm here and this is
95.31 -> me as an enemy
97.07 -> you know I've been on CBD products and
99.54 -> THC products and marijuana products for
101.25 -> 17 years what people don't know is that
103.829 -> cannabinoids provide neuroprotection
107.18 -> especially because we have a what's
109.53 -> called an endocannabinoid system we have
111.42 -> certain receptors in our brain certain
113.79 -> receptors in all our organs in our body
115.229 -> that are really would call antagonized
118.38 -> by cannabinoids and I have been on
120.84 -> cannabinoids every day of my life for
122.399 -> the last 17 years I think that's part of
124.89 -> the reason why my recovery is so
126.27 -> profound and really almost miraculous
128.369 -> there aren't many people who can recover
129.869 -> from a hemorrhagic stroke the way I have
131.61 -> and less than six months would be
133.08 -> complete
133.5 -> back to work I'm so happy I'm doing
135.03 -> multiple programs and and really getting
136.98 -> back to it so let's talk about it cuz I
138.84 -> know a lot of people get confused when
140.22 -> you talk about medical marijuana or
141.96 -> cannabis and you have your own line of
144.12 -> products absolutely it's a familiar face
146.97 -> on
148.62 -> initially it was called my company's
150.15 -> called Lana to scientific and my product
152.79 -> line was called Lana tube but when we
154.35 -> started putting any in the marketplace
155.79 -> everybody's calling back up and saying
157.26 -> can I get some more at Montel so I've
159.18 -> changed the motto yeah absolutely
162.53 -> so what's you know because you've had a
165.9 -> long history with these products sure
167.67 -> that before they became more mainstream
169.26 -> absolutely I've been involved with the
171.42 -> marijuana process for now the last 17
174.33 -> years long before became a Green Rush
176.19 -> long before was a gold rush I was
178.41 -> involved in legislation to places like
179.79 -> Connecticut New York New Jersey and I in
182.43 -> Pennsylvania Ohio California I went
185.22 -> around this country trying to make sure
187.05 -> that people understood that there is
189.84 -> zero reason why anybody should come into
191.61 -> a conversation with a doctor and a
193.41 -> patient I was on a mess and I had
195.45 -> doctors literally addicted to opioids I
198.989 -> tell another doctor said to me
200.519 -> Montel I'm not writing you any bro
202.2 -> prescriptions I heard that this
204.239 -> marijuana stuff helps so you ought to
206.459 -> dig into it and figure it out I'll never
207.9 -> tell anybody I said that to you that was
209.73 -> in 2000 and now all of a sudden we act
212.97 -> like you know cannabis is now something
216.81 -> everybody is anticipating being the next
218.4 -> Gold Rush in America but this isn't
220.35 -> about money this has always been to me
222.6 -> about patients that's the reason why I'm
224.34 -> not a face or a box Larry
226.769 -> I am the formulator for these products
229.5 -> after 17 years of ingesting it every
231.989 -> single day myself I think I know as much
234 -> as or anybody in this business right now
236.28 -> trying to formulate products that's
238.11 -> reason why we're a little different
239.34 -> alright I want to touch on your TV show
241.769 -> oil on lifetime because the cause is
244.29 -> great it's called military makeover with
246.03 -> Montel on lifetime and you're making an
248.519 -> impact it's you know I what better thing
251.22 -> could I do in life especially at this
252.959 -> point well I've been to give back and we
255 -> have soldiers sailors airmen Marines
256.59 -> Coast Guardsmen who gave so much to us
259.2 -> to protect this democracy and you know
262.049 -> people have turned you know thank you to
264.539 -> your sir thank you for your service in
265.979 -> this
266.52 -> some slogan I was in the airport the
268.349 -> other day was disgusted and angry when I
271.58 -> saw a person walk as a troop in his
275.099 -> uniform and said thanks for your service
277.259 -> the guy was gonna turn around and say
278.909 -> something and they didn't even wait to
280.349 -> listen to the answer so it's become this
282.72 -> saying and we need to do a little bit
284.52 -> more so the show military makeover we
285.9 -> take deserving veterans and their
287.31 -> families and we don't get my hand out we
289.5 -> give them a hand up we make their home
291.449 -> over from the ground up and give them a
293.25 -> place that they really want to come home
294.87 -> to and also have a second a spinoff show
296.61 -> that's it's called military makeover
298.08 -> operation career where we feature
300.84 -> companies that hire veterans and some of
303.36 -> the veterans are gotten new jobs well
305.069 -> great
305.759 -> you're doing great work in all lines of
307.83 -> work a pleasure meeting you absolutely
311.069 -> thanks myself accompany can I let people
312.33 -> know that they can go to harvest they
313.86 -> can go to basa or they can go to a place
316.68 -> called blunts and more and pick up our
319.469 -> product which is in stores now all right
321.21 -> thank you want to thank you so much
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogpQFoqQBuA