How Can You Prevent Heart Failure in Patients on Rate Control?

How Can You Prevent Heart Failure in Patients on Rate Control?

How Can You Prevent Heart Failure in Patients on Rate Control?

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10.55 -> When one picks a rate control philosophy or strategy, what I discuss in the office
16.641 -> with my patients is the following: the most important thing here is to prevent heart failure.
21.7 -> I must know that whatever therapy I'm giving you is controlling your rate, not overdoing it,
27.46 -> but is controlling your rate, to the point that your heart rates aren't running
31.52 -> rapid all day long because I want to avoid a situation of decreased heart pumping and heart failure.
39.09 -> It's a condition called tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy.
43.739 -> If caught early enough, in my experience, it's almost always reversible.
48.01 -> I'm currently putting together a series.
50.149 -> We have almost 50 patients with this, and they are absolutely the same kind of patients.
55.36 -> They come in not knowing they're in afib; it's picked up on an exam at a doctor's office,
60.26 -> or they have shortness of breath. And, you can usually turn this around.
64.22 -> So, the critical thing is to make sure you're controlling it.
67.74 -> So, it's not good enough to send the patient home with, here's your 50 milligrams of metoprolol a day.
73.66 -> Not good enough.
75.12 -> It is up to you, as a physician, to be sure that you get a follow-up Holter monitor,
81.22 -> whatever you want to do, to see that their rate's truly controlled.
85.25 -> That is a cardinal thing that must be done.
88.02 -> So, you can't just give a drug; you have to give a drug and see if it's working.
