Hypertension and Fasting.mov
Hypertension and Fasting.mov
In this video, Loren discusses fasting to eliminate hypertension…how it works, why it works every time, and all of the additional benefits that accrue to someone fasting with hypertension. Also, why hypertensive drugs are always dangerous and harmful to the body and why they often lead to depression and poor mental function. If you or someone you know is at risk for, or already has hypertension, check out this video to learn how you can absolutely eliminate any risk of this condition and create the highest level of health possible. www.TanglewoodWellnessCenter.com
29.359 -> hi I'm Loren Lockman in this short video
33.3 -> I'm going to be speaking with you a
34.469 -> little bit about hypertension and how
37.17 -> you can lower your blood pressure
38.73 -> without the very negative side effects
41.43 -> of using high participation if you've
45.089 -> got a problem with hypertension you
46.62 -> probably already know that the drugs
49.44 -> that are available can bring your blood
52.11 -> pressure down often not enough to really
54.69 -> change anything significantly in terms
57.21 -> of your danger
58.32 -> in fact statistically virtually no
61.53 -> benefit is the Strongs in terms of the
63.989 -> in sense of heart attack or stroke but
66.45 -> more importantly perhaps just as
68.46 -> importantly the use of the drugs
70.86 -> themselves or grace the side affects the
73.77 -> body we all know this every drug has its
75.96 -> side of that sort of why is that
77.61 -> that's because drugs are toxic to the
80.189 -> body and in fact every drug is only
83.85 -> affecting the symptoms of the problem
85.74 -> without ever addressing the cause of the
88.079 -> problem this is a significant issue with
91.02 -> hypertension because hypertensive drugs
93.93 -> tend to do there's number of different
95.76 -> drugs on the market but the majority of
97.17 -> them today work by artificially slowing
100.5 -> your heart time if you understand that
103.799 -> with plaque in the arteries the artery
107.31 -> itself the artery wall gets smaller and
109.62 -> smaller and also becomes less elastic
112.83 -> the artery is designed to dilate when
116.13 -> necessary as the heart is beating and
118.38 -> that helps blood flow and that keeps
120.33 -> pressure lower but when the heart beats
122.729 -> and the artery has become hardened
124.799 -> hardened arteries because of buildup of
127.68 -> plaque first of all the size is actually
131.159 -> the diameter is actually smaller than it
132.84 -> was before and second of all the artery
134.819 -> can no longer dilate in a longer stretch
136.92 -> the result of that all those two things
139.59 -> together higher blood pressure well it's
142.409 -> the combination of the amount of
144.12 -> pressure in the system and the rate of
146.819 -> your pulse how fast your heart beats
148.65 -> that determines how much blood and
151.019 -> oxygen and nutrients reach your brain
153.779 -> and the rest of your body
155.93 -> but when we artificially slow the heart
159.23 -> down we're changing that relationship
161.78 -> artificially the body knows exactly how
164.81 -> fast the heart should be given every
167.329 -> level of pressure we take these drugs
170.629 -> what happens is we slow the heart down
172.31 -> and now we get less oxygen and less
177.139 -> nutrients to our brain so what happens
179.299 -> as a result of this well the number one
181.37 -> reported side effect of most
183.829 -> hypertensive medications and this is
185.81 -> aside from the ones that were recalled
187.79 -> because they were causing death and
189.819 -> serious issues but aside from that the
193.909 -> number one reported side effect of
195.859 -> hypertensive medications is depression
198.319 -> because as the heart rate slows down we
201.799 -> get less oxygen nutrients to the brain
203.54 -> we don't feel the number one rip or side
208.609 -> effect in my opinion of these drugs for
211.4 -> exactly the same reason lack of
213.469 -> nutrients and oxygen to the brain is a
215.719 -> lower level of mental acuity you're not
219.29 -> going to think as well as you did before
221.12 -> if you're not getting the proper blood
223.669 -> flow to your brain remember that if
226.22 -> you're taking this drug you're not doing
227.989 -> anything about the underlying cause of
230.51 -> the problem if you're on these drugs
232.639 -> you've probably been told you will have
234.739 -> to take these medications for the rest
236.479 -> of your life every single day of your
238.819 -> life you're taking something that's
240.109 -> toxic to your body that has these very
243.049 -> negative side effects and it's
245.9 -> absolutely doing nothing about actually
247.75 -> increasing your level of health well the
250.31 -> good news is if you're willing to you
253.459 -> can eliminate the plaque from your
255.109 -> arteries you can bring your blood
257 -> pressure down and at the same time you
259.849 -> can create an amazing level of Health
262.099 -> higher than you ever thought possible
264.22 -> without taking anything toxic to your
266.93 -> body and in fact eliminating toxins from
269.78 -> your body how do you do that well for
273.199 -> the last 14 years I've taken more than
275.659 -> 2,000 people through extended supervised
279.02 -> water fasts of anywhere from 1 to 9
282.62 -> weeks
284.78 -> when we fast the body is able to
287.88 -> actually go into the arteries and break
290.19 -> that plaque down the body is a
292.08 -> self-cleansing self-healing organism
294.63 -> just like every other species on the
296.64 -> planet and every other species on the
298.77 -> planet went sick enough or badly enough
300.45 -> injured will lay down and stop eating
303.15 -> when we do the same thing our bodies
307.04 -> almost instantly begin to cleanse
309.87 -> themselves begin to eliminate all the
312.24 -> garbage inside that doesn't belong there
314.22 -> because the body knows exactly what
316.8 -> belongs and what does it and because one
318.66 -> of the most important things your body
320.28 -> can do is create proper oxygen and
323.7 -> nutrient flow to your brain one of the
325.65 -> first things that begins to happen is
327.57 -> the body begins to break this plaque
329.13 -> down now the result of this is that over
333 -> the last 14 plus years we've seen 100%
337.08 -> success with hypertension 100% of our
341.16 -> clients who spent four weeks here or
344.13 -> more leave here with blood pressure
347.13 -> that's below normal now you may know
349.41 -> normal blood pressure is 120 over 80 is
353.19 -> this safe
354.24 -> is this healthy no not really the truth
356.97 -> is that normal only means average so in
361.53 -> a society where most people are
363.06 -> overweight where most people are eating
364.83 -> relatively poorly where most people
366.419 -> don't exercise an average blood pressure
368.49 -> of 120 over 80 doesn't mean that's
371.34 -> healthy and in fact at 120 over 80
374.34 -> there's still incidences of heart
376.95 -> disease and stroke if you can get your
380.31 -> blood pressure down to 110 over 65 or 70
384.27 -> there's virtually no instance of heart
387.03 -> disease or stroke and so far we've been
389.58 -> able to do that 100% of the time with
393.15 -> well over a hundred people who have come
395.28 -> in here with hypertension there's no
397.44 -> reason you can't experience exactly the
399.479 -> same thing what does this mean to you
401.16 -> well it means you can eliminate the
403.65 -> drugs that you're currently taking or
405.3 -> have been told you need to take you will
407.28 -> need to take nothing toxic to your body
409.5 -> whatsoever and in the process of
411.78 -> cleansing your body you'll actually be
413.37 -> eliminating toxins from your system the
415.849 -> result of that the benefit of that is
418.129 -> too much to talk about in the few
420.74 -> minutes I have left because it actually
422.209 -> covers every single aspect of your being
424.849 -> but most importantly for your health
427.009 -> because heart attack and stroke and
430.509 -> hypertension which is often related to
432.709 -> release of the number one killers in our
435.139 -> society together even beyond cancer and
438.319 -> so if we can completely eliminate the
441.77 -> risk of heart attack or stroke your
444.319 -> chances of living longer healthier
446.8 -> functioning much better and being much
449.479 -> happier are much much higher and there's
452.599 -> no reason you can't do that because
454.069 -> that's exactly what's happened with
456.259 -> every single person we've seen in the
459.199 -> last session we had a young man here
461.599 -> from England and when he came in his
464.179 -> blood pressure was about a hundred and
465.86 -> forty seven over ninety or a hundred
469.539 -> today it's closer to 95 over 60 95 over
475.219 -> 65 he feels and functions better than he
479.029 -> has for many years this is a man who's
480.529 -> about 45 and is an athlete a competitive
483.86 -> tennis player for many years but like
485.899 -> many people hasn't made optimal
488.509 -> lifestyle choices for all these years
490.129 -> the result of this is system stopped
492.139 -> functioning very well today his system
494.749 -> is literally functioning better than its
496.49 -> function for decades for 15 20 or 30
499.969 -> years and every single person is willing
503.329 -> to do what they need to do experiences
505.429 -> the same results the good news is what
508.039 -> you need to do is relax in a beautiful
510.889 -> tropical paradise and let your body take
514.189 -> care of the rest you don't need to do
516.56 -> anything you don't need to take anything
518.149 -> there's no crazy routines involved it's
521.839 -> just relaxing as much as possible
523.49 -> resting as completely as you can and
525.949 -> allowing your body to cleanse and heal
528.23 -> itself when you do that your blood
530.42 -> pressure comes down you feel and
532.519 -> function better and you're out of danger
535.069 -> and you don't need to be taking toxic
537.74 -> pharmaceuticals to do that so if you've
541.43 -> got more questions I'd be happy to work
543.47 -> with you I'd be happy to talk to you
544.91 -> about any questions you have or any
546.41 -> issues they may have
547.64 -> all you do is contact us the email
549.89 -> address you'll see if we head to this
551.03 -> video join our list if you'd like for
553.94 -> more information and I want you to know
557.75 -> that if you're watching this video which
560.6 -> means you're still alive you can create
562.94 -> the highest level of health and vitality
565.19 -> you've ever experienced if that's what
567.98 -> you want for yourself there's nothing
569.33 -> stopping you from having it so contact
572.24 -> us today let us help you let's at least
574.79 -> explore the options with you and tell
576.53 -> you what - what it's about because you
578 -> can feel and function better than you
580.25 -> ever have
580.96 -> just like my friend James
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZykvhVsuDw