Medical Moments: Coronary artery disease
Medical Moments: Coronary artery disease
Learn more about coronary artery disease. #Sponsoredby Covenant HealthCare.\r
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0 -> welcome back to TV5 News at Nine
2.1 -> everyone it is time now for medical
3.78 -> moments with Covenant HealthCare and
5.94 -> joining us this morning we have Dr Mahir
7.98 -> Sati from covenant Cardiology thank you
10.44 -> for calling in doctor how are you
12.42 -> I'm doing well how are you I'm doing
14.34 -> great thank you for calling in this
15.96 -> morning because we're talking about
17.34 -> atrial fibrillation also known as afib
20.52 -> so first can you just explain in
23.039 -> layman's terms what that is
25.32 -> sure so atrial fibrillation commonly
27.48 -> known as afib is a fast heart rhythm
29.939 -> abnormal heart rhythm that originates
31.74 -> from the top chambers of the heart
33.12 -> commonly known as the Atria and uh
36.12 -> basically cause quivering of those
37.98 -> chambers and in turn the bottom chambers
40.379 -> of the heart will try to keep up and
42.54 -> that causes irregularities of heartbeat
45.54 -> and function
46.62 -> so I know this is nothing to mess around
49.02 -> with afib what are some symptoms that
51.12 -> people should watch for just to
52.86 -> recognize it
55.68 -> more variable for atrial fibrillation so
58.02 -> the most common symptom that patients
59.76 -> reports are palpitations are fluttering
62.46 -> in their chest other symptoms can
64.68 -> include the surness of breath and
66.659 -> dizziness some patients really don't
68.88 -> experience any symptoms but they present
70.799 -> with this non-specific complaints like
73.14 -> fatigue and just kind of general feeling
76.14 -> of unwellness but the symptoms are
78.18 -> variable but shortness of breath and
80.759 -> palpitations along with chest pain is
83.04 -> the most common symptoms that we usually
84.72 -> get
86.28 -> and would you say that there's a
88.02 -> specific uh you know demographic or
90.36 -> types of things that put people more at
92.88 -> risk for AFib
94.68 -> yes there is so there's risk factors for
97.14 -> atrial fibrillation so those are include
99.6 -> your traditional cardiovascular risk
102.299 -> factors like high blood pressure and
104.64 -> diabetes and atherosclerotic heart
107.46 -> disease congestive heart failure is also
110.399 -> common some not as common risk factors
113.399 -> but also predisposed patients they FIB
115.979 -> is smoke in history
117.619 -> COPD and sleep apnea obesity all these
121.2 -> are included some patients really don't
123.36 -> experience any of these risk factors and
125.399 -> and they just have a family history of
127.5 -> atrial fibrillation and kind of that
128.88 -> predisposes them that way but the risk
131.22 -> factors are kind of the traditional risk
133.86 -> factors for heart disease is what you'd
135.48 -> think of when you think of atrial
136.56 -> fibrillation very good now Dr Sati would
139.02 -> you say there are treatment options
140.58 -> available for aphid
142.86 -> definitely is yes apip has been around
145.02 -> for a long long time uh there is uh
147.84 -> treatment options that include
149.28 -> controlling the heart rate by itself or
151.62 -> maybe try to convert the patients back
154.379 -> into their normal sinus rhythm from
156.12 -> atrial fibrillation
158.099 -> um also treatment include procedural
160.379 -> where we can do an ablation procedure to
162.48 -> try to get rid of the atrial
163.44 -> fibrillation so there is plenty of
165.9 -> treatment options out there when we
167.459 -> discover afib that's great great to hear
170.099 -> so I think one of the other commonly
172.44 -> talked about things with afib is stroke
175.68 -> can you just tell us a little bit about
177.06 -> that correlation with stroke and stroke
179.94 -> prevention
181.379 -> absolutely so stroke is
183.84 -> um uh it's probably the most fearful
185.7 -> complication of atrial population when
187.68 -> the Atria doesn't beat correctly inside
190.68 -> the chest and in the heart that tends to
193.26 -> have formation of blood clots inside
195.239 -> those atrials and when those blood clots
197.879 -> break off and they go and they travel
199.98 -> all over the body they can go and Lodge
202.26 -> into one of the blood vessels in the
205.019 -> brain and that's known as a stroke so
208.44 -> the treatment for
209.819 -> that specific condition is mainly blood
212.76 -> thinners we use medications oral
215.159 -> medications to treat a patient take very
218.04 -> very carefully
219.239 -> and that basically prevents the blood
221.159 -> clot formation inside the heart for
224.159 -> patients that are unable to tolerate
225.72 -> blood thinners because of various
227.58 -> reasons we have now newer technology or
230.04 -> devices that we can implant inside the
232.68 -> heart that has been proven to reduce the
235.739 -> formation of blood clots and therefore
238.7 -> a risk of stroke very good um Dr satsi
242.58 -> say someone is concerned that they might
246.06 -> have afib what is their next step
249.06 -> so the next step is if they're having
250.98 -> significant symptoms in their chest is
253.5 -> to maybe get somewhere to get an EKG
255.84 -> that's how we confirm the presence of
258 -> atrial fibrillation so either go to an
260.76 -> urgent care or family doctor or follow
263.22 -> up with us as heart doctors if you have
265.5 -> established care with us and we have to
267.66 -> discover uh or confirm the presence of
270.72 -> atrial population sometimes one EKG
272.88 -> doesn't confirm it a patient may require
274.919 -> wearing a monitor for some period of
277.8 -> time to discover afib once we discover
280.56 -> it then usually the process goes as a
283.68 -> referral to a heart doctor for further
285.9 -> treatment and management depending on
287.58 -> the patient conditions it's usually a
289.44 -> case-by-case basis
291.24 -> now Dr Sati as a cardiologist what do
294 -> you love most about your work with
296.4 -> patients
297.84 -> a loaded question really it boils down
302.699 -> to my passion for the science and my
306.18 -> passion for helping others and uh really
309.06 -> being able to have the knowledge and
311.1 -> educate my patients about their heart
314.4 -> disease and condition that kind of gives
316.86 -> them the power to take matter into their
318.78 -> own health and basically give them the
321.84 -> best version of themselves that way
324 -> well we appreciate your work that you do
325.919 -> here in our community thank you Dr saty
327.84 -> for calling in
328.979 -> pleasure thanks for having me yes of
331.44 -> course and if you want any additional
333.84 -> information on today's topic just head
335.94 -> over to the Hot Links Page on our
337.86 -> website wnem.com
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZWdQUS5Ahk