6AM productive morning routine🌱 changing my life, healthy habits, planning and prioritizing | 2023

6AM productive morning routine🌱 changing my life, healthy habits, planning and prioritizing | 2023

6AM productive morning routine🌱 changing my life, healthy habits, planning and prioritizing | 2023

Hi everyone!💕 In today’s video I’ll be showing you my 6AM Morning Routine! I hope this video inspires you to take care of yourself! I hope you all enjoy \u0026 let me know what you think in the comments down below!

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2023 morning routine
productive day in my life
healthy habits 2023
morning routine 2023
morning routines 2023

#RealisticMorningRoutine #MorningRoutine2023 #ProductiveMorning


10.32 -> foreign [Music]
11.32 -> what's up you guys welcome back to my channel my name is Keisha if you guys are new here
15.29 -> in today's video we are doing a morning routine and I really hope this video helps you create
20.43 -> some productive and healthy habits for your morning routine first things first I avoid
27.359 -> that snooze button at all costs because I find staying in bed for that extra 10 to 15
32.77 -> minutes does nothing for me so build that discipline within yourself to really avoid
38.07 -> that snooze button you guys I love to make my bed and making my bed it really just sets
42.84 -> the mood for the day I find it's not a chore for me anymore I built it and made it a habit
49.11 -> and it helps me avoid getting back into bed
53.4 -> now depending on the day and my speed of the day it usually takes me around a half an hour
61.61 -> to get myself up and out of the room so the first thing I like to make is my iced coffee
67.61 -> to get me through my morning so I'm just using these Starbucks iced coffee with the Silk
72.58 -> Almond coffee creamer
76.869 -> this morning I had a quick little FaceTime call with Saye but I did tell her I was doing
81.509 -> a video so we quickly chatted and then I got off the phone now taking Me One Soul burn
87.37 -> supplement this is a fat burning supplement you take 10 minutes prior to waking up quickly
93.149 -> take that and then I'm gonna go ahead and head into the bathroom to wake myself up washing
99.59 -> my face and applying some skin care and brushing up my teeth oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
136.6 -> [Laughter] [Music]
153.13 -> thank you [Music]
177.93 -> thank you [Music]
202.73 -> now once I'm done my skin care and brushing my teeth I like to head into my bedroom and
208.569 -> go onto my computer check my emails and I also like to do some editing in the morning
214.959 -> as well I really enjoy editing in the morning I think it's just because the sun is shining
220.08 -> because I feel like in the winter time I wasn't so excited about editing in the morning but
225.65 -> since the sun has been shining and I'm on the east side so the sunrise is usually on
231.11 -> my side it is just kind of like motivating to see the sun shining in the morning and
237.7 -> I just really enjoy it while I edit so next thing I like to do is I like to journal plan
245.15 -> and prioritize my day and I'm going to start off with my gratitude journal and this is
250.069 -> just writing three things down every day that I'm grateful for I just found this has really
255.54 -> helped me think about all the things that are blessings in my life and just really be
260.079 -> thankful for each day and then I like to go ahead and write in my planner and I like to
266.09 -> always start off with some quotes that I really want to stick by or that I really like and
273.24 -> then I'll write a quick to-do list on the things that I need to do today in order to
277.979 -> get things done and then that way I can see what my priorities are now I did want to go
282.38 -> over my planner with you guys and fill it out on camera just to give you guys an idea
286.46 -> of what you guys can do with your planner dates so each week I do like to write down
291.82 -> my workouts of the day and then I also like to write down my work schedule as well so
296.64 -> I work at a hospital as a casual now and I'll just write the days that I am booked to work
301.699 -> and then also I'll write down some video ideas for YouTube the days that I want to start
306.59 -> those videos and what I want to film that day I will also mark down my pay schedule
311.83 -> I'll mark down at people's birthdays vacation days any payments that are coming up and then
317.44 -> I also have a little to-do list on this side as well but you can make your planner any
321.789 -> way that you feel now in this notebook I just quickly was writing all the things that I
326.49 -> want to do in my next video so the things that I need to do in order to get my video
331.819 -> filmed thank you
335.72 -> then I'll just head into my bathroom and I'm gonna go ahead and do my hair and makeup for
341.08 -> the day [Music] foreign
344.169 -> [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] and pick our gym outfit and today is leg day
422.66 -> so I'm gonna go ahead and put on some shorts something that I feel super comfortable in
428.11 -> and I'm gonna go ahead and get myself all ready [Music] I love to put on some perfume
441.039 -> because I want to smell good and I'm literally obsessed with this Bobbi Brown Beach fragrance
445.789 -> like it smells so good [Music]
454.5 -> thank you
462.24 -> now I'm heading to the kitchen pouring up my water bottle and then I've got the music
471.46 -> going The Vibes are flowing I'm just trying to get myself all pumped and ready for the
476.29 -> gym so I usually have my playlist going and then I'm just gonna grab my bag and put my
481.051 -> shoes on and get my stuff all together and can't forget putting my earphones in I always
487.08 -> put my earphones in so that the elevator ride I'm still getting excited for the gym foreign
497.9 -> [Music]
503.99 -> so I like to go to the gym at least four to five times a week and I try my best to stay
509.979 -> active on a day-to-day basis and this just really helps with my overall mood my mental
517.209 -> health the way I feel about my day and every time I have a workout even if I don't feel
523.27 -> like working out that day I push myself anyways and once I'm done that workout I feel so much
528.959 -> better it's one thing checked off my to-do list that I've achieved and it just overall
534.04 -> helps me have a more productive day [Music] it's so pleasant
546.1 -> [Music] [Applause]
551.03 -> [Music]
553.5 -> now as soon as I get back home I right away want to get into that shower and have a quick
569.98 -> body shower or a full shower just depending on if I can last another day with my hair
575.54 -> but today was just a body shower [Music] thank you
636.89 -> [Music]
656.649 -> foreign [Music]
660.43 -> [Music]
663.66 -> so once I finished getting myself all ready I'm gonna go ahead and make my first meal
668.72 -> of the day now breakfast is usually always pretty different every day I usually go from
673.36 -> like a toast to a tortilla or I'll do a bagel usually I'll stick with my turkey bacon and
679.75 -> my eggs and then a side of fruit as well now that I have the one Soul green supplement
686 -> this is a pre and probiotic it has digestive enzymes it's going to help improve your digestion
692.56 -> and just help with your overall gut health if you guys want to check them out I will
696.459 -> have their link down below but definitely check out their greens and their protein thank
705.72 -> you [Music]
716.589 -> [Music]
722.019 -> so for breakfast I just made some eggs some turkey bacon a slice of toast with some peanut
732.26 -> butter and some blueberries
734.04 -> foreign [Music]
754.779 -> so once I'm done eating I'm gonna clean my dishes tidy up the kitchen before I head out
759.779 -> for the day
760.779 -> [Music] thank you
790.61 -> [Music] now that is pretty much my morning routine you guys I'm heading out now I have
805.64 -> some errands to run and that is what I do for my morning routine so let me know what
811.399 -> you guys think in the comments down below and like this video If you enjoyed it and
815.58 -> don't forget to subscribe for more content anyways I'll see you guys in the next one
819.61 -> bye guys foreign [Music]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzAmF9brAW0