Top 3 Exercises For Stroke (LowerBody)

Top 3 Exercises For Stroke (LowerBody)

Top 3 Exercises For Stroke (LowerBody)

From “Famous” Physical Therapists, Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck, demonstrate a couple of effective lower body exercises for stroke patients, to help gain strength and independence.

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0.03 -> hi I'm Bob Shrum physical therapist Brad
2.669 -> and physical therapist and together we
4.5 -> are the most famous physical therapist
6.029 -> on the internet and our opinion of
7.589 -> course is a serious subject out if we're
10.29 -> talking about stroke son and two days
11.849 -> ago was what October 29th was world
16.44 -> struggle of days and wanting to fight
19.619 -> stroke and just you want to read those
21.119 -> two statistics right so in the United
23.97 -> States every 40 seconds someone has a
26.369 -> stroke
27.38 -> 795 thousand Americans suffer from a
30.63 -> stroke every year and 120,000 people die
34.739 -> from a stroke States very devastated a
39.09 -> person that Brett he's in his 50s and
41.25 -> had a huge amount of devastating stroll
44.489 -> down in Britain and I mean obviously
46.8 -> very disabled so we thought we'd go over
48.96 -> three exercises now these are not
51.149 -> advanced exercises by any means I mean
53.91 -> these are very simple exercises they
56.489 -> aren't taking into account you know d1
59.76 -> and d2 pounds these are the kind of
61.32 -> therapists speak here right this is
63 -> something you could do any kind of ride
64.799 -> home and maybe with a little help of
66.299 -> somebody in case you're that weak that I
68.07 -> can't even so let's get right to it
69.51 -> Brett and we're going to talk about just
70.92 -> the leg lower the leg that's right these
72.81 -> are just what we call lower extremity
75.18 -> herb and on a stroke almost always only
77.61 -> one side effect to the others my other
79.56 -> side is right exactly you should say
81.6 -> opposite side of where the assault
83.189 -> occurred you know usually the blood
85.38 -> cloud or the blood bleed you know here
87.78 -> on this side to be in weakness I'm sure
89.43 -> all right so I'm laying down flat on my
92.79 -> back and one of the first things you
94.68 -> want to do is a lot of people have
96.45 -> spasticity or tone and tightness and
99.509 -> they also have weakness so this helps
102.18 -> break up the tone and Tolan is one of
104.97 -> those things I have a hard time really
106.77 -> getting understanding for that so I
108.24 -> start working with people but like you
109.92 -> mentioned its tightness the muscles have
111.78 -> a tendency to take
112.71 -> but they have certain patterns at the
114.27 -> tile put with a stroke and that's the
116.34 -> key is to do an exercise that tries to
118.53 -> break that pattern of thing from the
120.42 -> beginning when you still if you don't
122.19 -> even have the tone you want to start
123.57 -> doing these exercises before the tone
125.22 -> develop sure right so anyway this is a
127.5 -> very simple on anybody can do well I
129.69 -> shouldn't sit if your leg is so weak it
131.64 -> might actually flop over like this yeah
134.09 -> exacting somebody to help yep got a I'm
136.739 -> going to start and you're just going to
138.06 -> rotate back and forth this way now this
140.73 -> breaks up the tone in the trunk but it's
143.04 -> also making your leg you know work this
145.62 -> way and this way so you just starting to
147.66 -> strengthen some of the muscles that need
149.34 -> some strengthening and you can actually
152.13 -> go a little bit further down whirring a
155.4 -> little further up and if you get to the
157.95 -> point where you actually can do it you
159.9 -> know without support of the other one
161.4 -> you can do a little bit of this and if
163.86 -> you're a weak you may have a family
165.18 -> member like I'm the bad this is what
168 -> therapist oh this is a real common pivot
169.8 -> position of the app and they may start
171.51 -> like this holding the knees together so
173.94 -> that one might want to flop oh yeah and
176.25 -> then it then you can even put a little
177.6 -> resistance sure I asked him going the
182.76 -> other way and then as he gets stronger
185.01 -> then you go to that independent moment
186.81 -> Brian and then the think we go right to
188.25 -> the next exercise which is doing a
190.26 -> little bridging sure and this helps
192.329 -> bring the pelvis forward which with a
194.28 -> lot of stroke patients to pelvis once
195.87 -> they go stay back right so this starts
198.299 -> working about out on fires and get a
200.25 -> little bit of work on the on the knee
202.2 -> and hip extensors you bet and this is
206.1 -> another one you can have someone hold
207.36 -> the leg up like that will go down
209.91 -> whatever whatever need and and then I
211.98 -> can push up like that and then start
214.079 -> that with with a little assistance and I
216.359 -> oftentimes you'll find if you kind of
218.19 -> puts it out of those feet and I'll go
219.959 -> ahead and pull back on the knees and if
222.48 -> right here I'm pulling back and push
224.16 -> that helps a little bit too and as the
226.89 -> person gets stronger if they don't need
228.27 -> you you definitely don't want to help if
229.8 -> they can do it independently now this
231.69 -> last one is thought a little more
232.92 -> advanced Fred as you moved along and you
236.46 -> started getting some of the strength
237.51 -> back this is just a good general
239.34 -> exercise to help a close kinetic chain
242.7 -> and it says you call it get to the end
245.34 -> of the chair you can bring your arms out
246.69 -> which stretches let's say again this is
248.64 -> the stroke side a lot of times the arms
250.17 -> tend to go like this help stretch the
252.06 -> arm out right and you get to the end you
254.55 -> want to scoop to the edge and sherry
255.84 -> actually a lot of times we have people
257.22 -> do this so sound for if they have
259.41 -> trouble egg metal yeah and then you're
261.87 -> going to really lean for like this is
263.28 -> going to work on getting up like this
265.47 -> this is forcing wade through the air the
268.38 -> involved leg and obviously it taking
270 -> involved strength and if you can't get
272.31 -> up right away just do a few of these
274.08 -> right and if your feel to be by all
277.08 -> means you got to have someone there to
278.13 -> help you right exactly
279.84 -> in case you're going to feel like you're
281.64 -> going to fall forward but to be honest
283.74 -> with you you know it takes a good heave
286.53 -> to get forward and you're going to sell
288.63 -> out yeah the trouble is probably not
291.06 -> getting enough weight forward actually
292.38 -> so you can work like this and start
295.26 -> doing some of these not what a key thing
297.3 -> that all therapists always say is go
300.36 -> back to here Bob if if your feet are out
303.6 -> this way too far is really not you never
307.26 -> get on that chair you really have to you
309.54 -> have to have them back yeah and then we
311.25 -> say nose over the toes yep it wanting it
314.46 -> up and that gives you that extra
316.02 -> leverage to help get up and in my case
318.18 -> it's really hard to find the nose even
319.74 -> bread alright thanks good luck with it
