Top 8 Heart Disease-Fighting Veggies

Top 8 Heart Disease-Fighting Veggies

Top 8 Heart Disease-Fighting Veggies

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🔎 In this video, we put together the Top 8 heart disease-fighting veggies, including a potent superfood from one of the world’s “Blue Zones” where people live longer on average and have less disease.

8. Green Beans
Green beans are a good source of fiber, which helps to protect cholesterol and arteries. They’re also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, which fight free radical damage.

7. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are a better option than white potatoes as they have a lower glycemic index and don’t raise blood sugar as fast. They are also rich in potassium which helps to reduce blood pressure and maintain a healthy fluid balance.

6. Allium Vegetables
Allium vegetables have been shown to reduce high blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

5. Wakame
Wakame is known to stabilize blood pressure, prevent blood clots, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation.

4. Ginger
Ginger can indeed help to prevent and treat heart disease. It can help to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the arteries. This is important because inflammation is one of the main causes of heart disease.

3. Avocado
Avocados have beneficial levels of potassium, monounsaturated fats, and antioxidants. These nutrients lower blood pressure, improve lipid profiles, and protect the heart.

2. Beetroot
Beetroot is a source of dietary nitrate that helps to relax blood vessels, which improves blood flow and helps to manage blood pressure.

1. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are full of fiber and contain a wide range of vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds which help to keep the arteries clear and prevent the formation of plaque.

Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


0.42 -> a balanced diet including plenty of
3.959 -> Whole Foods is vital for fighting heart
6.839 -> disease but there are a few standout
9.84 -> foods that have an enormous impact on
12.66 -> protecting cholesterol preventing plaque
15 -> buildup and promoting healthy blood flow
17.88 -> which is why we put together this video
20.58 -> on the top eight heart disease fighting
23.88 -> veggies including a potent superfood
27 -> from one of the world's blue zones where
30.359 -> people live longer on average and have
32.759 -> less disease but before we continue can
36 -> you do us a favor click on the thumbs up
38.34 -> and help us spread the word about heart
40.379 -> disease prevention and ring the bell to
42.84 -> stay up to date with our latest videos
44.78 -> we want to make sure you get the latest
47.64 -> info so you can live a long healthy life
50.28 -> and stick around to find out how to get
52.559 -> two heart-healthy free gifts we
55.14 -> guarantee both you and your heart will
57.36 -> love them
58.379 -> okay let's jump into it number eight
62.12 -> green beans green beans are often
65.76 -> overlooked as a superfood but they're
68.159 -> actually packed with nutrients that can
70.02 -> help fight heart disease for one green
72.96 -> beans are a good source of fiber which
75.54 -> helps to protect cholesterol and
77.34 -> arteries they're also rich in
79.439 -> antioxidants and phytochemicals which
82.32 -> fight free radical damage but perhaps
85.259 -> most importantly green beans contain
87.479 -> compounds called camphoral and quercetin
90.86 -> these have been shown to reduce
92.82 -> inflammation which is a major factor in
95.82 -> heart disease so if you're looking for a
98.759 -> delicious way to fight heart disease add
101.04 -> some green beans to your next meal
103.619 -> there's one caveat though fresh organic
107.159 -> green beans are best but in some
109.86 -> countries people eat green beans from a
111.96 -> can if you choose to eat canned green
114.659 -> beans make sure to drain and rinse them
117.36 -> before eating canned green beans often
120.36 -> contain a ton of added salt which is
123.06 -> going to raise blood pressure and put
124.92 -> stress on the heart number seven
128.459 -> sweet potato
130.44 -> sweet potato is a warm filling and
133.5 -> satisfying food and it turns out that
136.02 -> sweet potato in moderation is a good
138.36 -> part of a heart-healthy diet
140.58 -> sweet potatoes are a better option than
143.099 -> white potatoes as they have a lower
145.14 -> glycemic index and don't raise blood
147.42 -> sugar as fast sweet potatoes offer a
150.48 -> number of benefits they help to fight
152.819 -> oxidation have various cardio protective
155.879 -> effects are anti-inflammatory our
159.06 -> antimicrobial and they have cancer
161.64 -> fighting properties
163.56 -> not to mention that they are delicious
166.62 -> while sweet potato is a carbohydrate
169.019 -> food and can have some impact on blood
171.3 -> sugar it's also packed with fiber
173.84 -> antioxidants and nutrients that promote
176.7 -> heart health such as vitamin C vitamin B
180.44 -> potassium and zinc all of which support
184.44 -> a healthy heart in various ways they
187.44 -> also contain tannins flavonoids and
190.739 -> alkaloids which scientists believe may
193.56 -> actually have an effect on reducing
195.42 -> blood sugar as well as other cardio
197.94 -> protective benefits
199.739 -> orange sweet potatoes are an excellent
202.14 -> source of beta-carotene which supports
204.959 -> Eye Health immunity and radiant skin
208.159 -> while purple sweet potatoes are packed
211.08 -> with heart-healthy anthocyanins one
213.659 -> study published in the Journal of food
215.64 -> biochemistry found that the specific
218.48 -> anthocyanins found in purple sweet
220.68 -> potato show particular benefits for
222.959 -> protecting the heart the experiments
225.299 -> showed that these anthocyanins reduce
227.7 -> the inflammatory factors in heart tissue
230.4 -> which is commonly associated with
232.76 -> doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity a
236.7 -> side effect that comes with some
238.26 -> medications and can lead to congestive
240.959 -> heart failure the study found sweet
243.299 -> potato to be a beneficial functional
245.4 -> food that may ameliorate
248 -> doxorubicin induced heart failure and
251.159 -> it's not just the flesh that's good for
253.019 -> you a 2018 study even found that the
256.62 -> leaves also offer significant benefit as
259.38 -> they are rich in potassium which helps
262.38 -> to reduce blood pressure and maintain a
264.78 -> healthy fluid balance
266.4 -> so try a baked and stuffed sweet potato
268.8 -> for lunch add a side of sweet potato
271.32 -> wedges at dinner or try a slice of
274.44 -> stuffed sweet potato with egg on top for
277.08 -> a super blood stable breakfast
279.78 -> number six allium vegetables
283.139 -> allium vegetables have been shown to
285.3 -> reduce high blood pressure improved
287.52 -> cholesterol levels and prevent the
289.62 -> formation of blood clots
291.419 -> onions are a good source of quercetin a
294.479 -> flavonoid that offers anti-inflammatory
296.699 -> and antioxidant benefits research
299.82 -> suggests that quercetin improves artery
302.46 -> health and plays a role in reducing the
304.68 -> risk of heart disease one study found
307.259 -> that people with high blood pressure who
309.419 -> received quercetin extract from onion
311.759 -> greatly reduced systolic blood pressure
314.34 -> compared to the placebo group other
317.1 -> studies showed positive benefits for
319.259 -> cholesterol inflammation blood clotting
322.139 -> and triglyceride levels alien vegetables
325.32 -> are also a good source of folic acid
327.84 -> which is essential for the development
329.94 -> of healthy red blood cells and as for
332.699 -> garlic studies show that garlic
335.16 -> effectively lowers blood pressure and
337.88 -> hba1c levels an important marker for
341.16 -> diabetes research has also shown that
344.16 -> garlic promotes an anti-inflammatory
346.38 -> environment induces vasodilation of
349.199 -> blood vessels and relaxes vascular
351.36 -> muscles garlic onions and leeks are rich
355.02 -> in a compound called allicin Allison is
358.62 -> a powerful antioxidant that helps to
361.139 -> protect the heart and cardiovascular
363.24 -> system against disease to get the most
366.24 -> out of Garlic's artery clearing
368.16 -> properties it's best to chop it up and
370.68 -> let it sit for 10 minutes before eating
372.72 -> this allows allicin to form which is the
375.72 -> compounds in garlic that offers the most
377.759 -> health benefits allicin is activated
380.28 -> when chopped garlic comes into contact
382.5 -> with oxygen if you're taking blood
384.78 -> thinners and don't currently eat garlic
386.819 -> it's important to talk to your doctor
388.8 -> before adding it to your diet garlic
391.62 -> naturally thins the blood so that can
394.02 -> cause problems if you're taking blood
396.24 -> thinning medication
397.979 -> number five wakame
400.819 -> Okinawa in Japan is one of the famed
403.68 -> blue zones where people live longer and
406.38 -> there are lower levels of age-related
408.36 -> disease the high number of centenarians
411.3 -> and the high quality of Health in
412.86 -> Okinawa is directly tied to their
415.5 -> traditional diet which is low in
417.66 -> calories but nutrients dense and is
420.36 -> particularly rich in phytonutrients
422.84 -> antioxidants flavonoids and a big
425.699 -> feature of the Okinawa diet is wakame
429 -> wakame is a type of edible seaweed that
432.36 -> is often used in Asian Cuisine and it
435.12 -> has many health benefits
437.1 -> one of these benefits is that wakame can
439.86 -> help to prevent heart disease wakame
442.5 -> contains a type of polysaccharide called
445.039 -> fucoiden which has been shown to
447.44 -> stabilize blood pressure prevents blood
450.539 -> clots boost the immune system reduce
453.9 -> inflammation in addition guacame is a
457.68 -> good source of omega-3 fatty acids these
460.62 -> healthy fats have been shown to lower
462.36 -> blood pressure and triglyceride levels
464.819 -> both which are risk factors for heart
467.22 -> disease
468.24 -> omega-3 fatty acids can also help
470.4 -> improve circulation and prevent blood
472.86 -> clots from forming it is considered one
475.44 -> of the healthiest sea vegetables and
477.36 -> studies suggest it can certainly help
479.699 -> people concerned about heart disease one
482.699 -> 10-week study shows that administering
485.099 -> substances extracted from wakame to
487.74 -> animals significantly decreased systolic
490.5 -> blood pressure in a human study
492.84 -> participants were given 3.3 grams of
495.78 -> dried wakame for 4 weeks after four
498.78 -> weeks both systolic and diastolic blood
501.599 -> pressure significantly reduced so make
504.539 -> an effort to add wakame to your diet it
507.36 -> makes a great snack or side dish
509.879 -> next we have another superfood that can
512.399 -> spice up your meals and boost immunity
515.279 -> but first heart disease code would love
517.8 -> to give you a free book
519.659 -> the surprising truth about fat and
522.12 -> cholesterol plus the first episode of
525.3 -> the untold story of heart disease
527.279 -> something that everyone concerned about
529.68 -> heart health should watch
531.6 -> click the link in the description below
533.58 -> to claim these free gifts
535.62 -> okay let's continue with the countdown
538.92 -> number four Ginger
541.62 -> Ginger is a root that has been used for
544.2 -> centuries in traditional Chinese and
546.24 -> Indian medicine in these cultures Ginger
549.12 -> is revered for its ability to treat a
551.339 -> wide range of ailments including heart
553.74 -> disease recent Studies have shown that
556.38 -> Ginger can indeed help to prevent and
558.779 -> treat heart disease one study found that
561.6 -> Ginger helped to improve blood
563.399 -> circulation and to reduce inflammation
565.8 -> in the arteries this is important
568.32 -> because inflammation is one of the main
570.36 -> causes of heart disease another study
572.94 -> found that Ginger significantly reduces
575.339 -> levels of fasting blood sugar hemoglobin
578.279 -> A1c and a polyproprotein b which is
582.839 -> important for blood sugar control and in
585.66 -> turn heart health
587.22 -> and a number of animal and human trials
589.92 -> have identified benefits for weight loss
592.38 -> and healthy metabolism
594.18 -> so how does ginger work Ginger contains
597.66 -> a compound called gingerol which has
600.36 -> powerful anti-inflammatory properties it
603.48 -> also helps to improve blood sugar
604.98 -> control and increase antioxidant
607.44 -> activity in the body both of which are
610.14 -> important for preventing heart disease
612.959 -> number three avocado
615.92 -> avocados are a superhero of heart health
619.019 -> with beneficial levels of potassium
621.98 -> monounsaturated fats and antioxidants
625.1 -> these nutrients lower blood pressure
627.56 -> improve lipid profiles and protect the
630.839 -> heart inflammation damages arteries and
633.779 -> can lead to
635 -> arteriosclerosis and heart attack the
637.98 -> unique antioxidant profile in avocado is
640.86 -> potent at combating free radicals and
643.8 -> reducing inflammation protecting the
646.38 -> heart as a result avocados contain an
649.38 -> antioxidant called oleic acid olive oil
652.44 -> also contains oleic acid and it is one
655.32 -> of the main ingredients that makes olive
657.06 -> oil so good for the heart a 2010
660.18 -> research review published in the Journal
662.399 -> of medicinal food found that oleic acid
665.04 -> shows a potent anti-diabetic and
668.12 -> anti-athrogenic effect meaning that it
670.62 -> protects against atherogenesis or the
673.32 -> formation of plaque in arteries avoc
675.779 -> avocados also contain heart protective
678.24 -> vitamins c e k and B6
682.44 -> vitamin E reduces the risk of blood
684.839 -> clots while vitamin C lowers blood
687.24 -> pressure avocados contain potassium
689.82 -> which helps the heart nerves and kidneys
693.24 -> the vitamin folate helps cell division
696.3 -> and half an avocado provides 20 percent
699.42 -> of your daily folate needs copper is
702.899 -> another mineral people lack copper is a
705.899 -> trace mineral meaning we only require a
708.36 -> small amount and can only get it from
710.339 -> food our body doesn't produce it and you
714.06 -> guessed it avocados are a good source of
716.76 -> copper
717.899 -> so as you can see avocados offer many
720.839 -> benefits for the heart and all-round
723.06 -> health they are one of the healthiest
725.16 -> fats and are a versatile and delicious
727.74 -> food that can be incorporated into
729.839 -> breakfast lunch dinner and snacks
733.92 -> number two
735.3 -> beetroot
736.86 -> beetroot is a sweet earthy tasting root
740.04 -> vegetable that can be eaten cooked or
742.5 -> raw
743.339 -> and it is an excellent food for the
745.62 -> heart beetroot is a source of dietary
748.26 -> nitrate which is converted into nitric
750.839 -> oxide in the body nitric oxide is a
754.079 -> molecule that helps to relax blood
755.82 -> vessels which improves blood flow and
758.22 -> helps to manage blood pressure a number
760.74 -> of Studies have highlighted the various
762.66 -> health benefits of beetroot including
765.06 -> reducing blood pressure reducing
767.339 -> inflammation and improving endothelial
770.279 -> function the endothelium is a thin
772.98 -> membrane that lines the blood arteries
775.019 -> and heart endothelial cells produce
777.66 -> chemicals that regulate relaxation and
780.48 -> contraction of arteries as well as
782.7 -> enzymes that regulate blood clotting and
785.279 -> immunological function so eating foods
788.1 -> like beetroots that support endothelial
790.68 -> function make a big difference in terms
793.079 -> of heart health
794.279 -> furthermore researchers also believe
796.86 -> that the specific nitrates found in
799.019 -> beetroot improve the function of
801.18 -> mitochondria which are the PowerHouse of
803.88 -> all cells in the body one study tested
806.7 -> this effect with high performance
808.26 -> cyclists giving one group 70 mL of
811.56 -> beetroot juice just before the trial and
814.2 -> giving the other group 70 mL of the same
816.959 -> beetroot juice with the nitrates removed
819.66 -> three hours later the Riders completed a
823.2 -> 16 kilometer time trial those who drank
825.779 -> the nitrate-rich beetroot juice had
828.24 -> significantly faster times and the
830.639 -> scientists running the study concluded
832.68 -> that the nitrate-rich beetroot juice
834.54 -> enhanced performance and may Aid
837.18 -> endurance
838.38 -> similar Studies have found Improvement
840.42 -> in blood Health including improved
843 -> phosphate to oxygen ratios after eating
845.579 -> beetroot beetroot is also a good source
848.459 -> of copper and copper is an important
851.04 -> area of focus according to cardiologists
853.8 -> Dr James denico lantonio and Dr James
857.94 -> O'Keefe they wrote the article titled
861.06 -> copper deficiency may be a leading cause
864.06 -> of ischemic heart disease
866.519 -> finding that while Medical Practice has
868.92 -> focused on cholesterol and saturated
870.839 -> fats copper deficiency has been
872.94 -> overlooked their research shows that
875.339 -> increased copper consumption has the
877.38 -> potential to reduce ischemic heart
879.24 -> disease fatty liver disease and heart
881.82 -> failure beetroot is also a good source
885.24 -> of folate and magnesium which play
887.76 -> important roles in heart health bone
890.22 -> health brain health and Metabolism all
893.459 -> of this makes beetroot an excellent food
895.5 -> to protect against heart disease and as
898.56 -> a tip try including some raw beetroot in
901.38 -> your diet
902.459 -> one study published in the Journal of
904.8 -> human hypertension found that raw
907.079 -> beetroot had a greater benefit for
909.36 -> hypertension than cooked beetroot
911.519 -> although cooked beetroot still showed
913.62 -> significant improvements
916.26 -> number one cruciferous vegetables
919.94 -> cruciferous vegetables are incredibly
922.38 -> good for the heart
923.76 -> some of the most popular and beneficial
925.98 -> cruciferous vegetables include brussels
928.92 -> sprouts broccoli
931.38 -> cabbage
932.579 -> kale arugula
934.92 -> bok choy cauliflower collard greens
938.399 -> turnips and watercress
941.399 -> broadly speaking cruciferous vegetables
944.04 -> are full of fiber and contain a wide
946.62 -> range of vitamins antioxidants and
949.38 -> anti-inflammatory compounds which help
951.66 -> to keep the arteries clear and prevents
953.88 -> the formation of plaque one such vitamin
956.88 -> is B9 also known as folate folate is
961.199 -> required for optimal cell function and
963.54 -> Brussels sprouts are a great source it
966.3 -> also promotes heart health by regulating
968.36 -> homocysteine levels excess homocysteine
971.459 -> can lead to damage of blood vessels as
973.92 -> well as blood clotting increasing the
976.199 -> risk of stroke and cardiovascular
978.24 -> disease according to the Harvard
980.339 -> University School of Public Health
982.019 -> adults should consume around 400
984.36 -> micrograms of folate each day while
986.88 -> people who regularly drink alcohol
988.74 -> should consume around 600 micrograms
991.56 -> because alcohol can interfere with
993.839 -> folate absorption and this may surprise
996.6 -> you but some cruciferous veggies also
999.12 -> contain omega-3 fatty acids The crucial
1002.3 -> heart-healthy compound found in foods
1004.459 -> like salmon chia seeds and walnuts these
1007.94 -> fatty acids are important for brain and
1010.279 -> heart health they can also help to
1012.44 -> reduce inflammation throughout the body
1014.779 -> cruciferous vegetables are also a good
1017.36 -> source of fiber vitamin C and K which
1020.72 -> all have heart protective qualities a
1023.6 -> 2020 study found that higher consumption
1026.24 -> of cruciferous vegetables is associated
1028.52 -> with less extensive blood vessel damage
1030.86 -> another study found that people who
1033.26 -> consume vitamin K rich foods were 21
1035.78 -> less likely to be hospitalized due to
1039.1 -> atherosclerosis according to research
1041.6 -> from the U.S National Cancer Institute
1044.059 -> something interesting happens with
1046.4 -> cruciferous cruciferous vegetables
1048.919 -> contain compounds named glucosinolate
1051.62 -> and when these foods are chopped chewed
1054.44 -> and digested these glucosinolates are
1058.039 -> converted into biologically active
1060.2 -> indole compounds which have been shown
1062.78 -> to have anti-cancer properties
1065.059 -> specifically they are believed to
1067.34 -> protect cells against DNA damage
1071.059 -> have antiviral properties
1073.52 -> inhibit tumor Genesis and ameliorate
1076.76 -> carcinogenic substances as you can see
1079.78 -> cruciferous vegetables offer a whole
1082.22 -> host of benefits for the heart and with
1084.86 -> such a variety to choose from this is a
1087.2 -> food group that can feature on your
1088.76 -> plate every day they can be eaten raw
1091.46 -> cooked or roasted
1093.919 -> so there you have it eight powerful
1096.38 -> heart disease fighting vegetables number
1099.32 -> eight green beans number seven sweet
1102.32 -> potato number six allium vegetables
1105.62 -> number five wakame number four Ginger
1110.12 -> number three avocado number two beetroot
1114.44 -> and number one cruciferous vegetables
1117.74 -> which of these are your favorite do you
1120.44 -> have any unique methods of getting more
1122.179 -> of them into your diet leave us a
1124.34 -> comment and share it with others in the
1125.84 -> heart disease code community and
1128 -> remember to get your two free gifts the
1130.4 -> surprising truth about fat and
1132.02 -> cholesterol and the first episode of the
1134.6 -> untold story of heart disease just click
1137.299 -> the link in the description below to get
1139.28 -> them and remember to like this video and
1142.52 -> click the Subscribe button so that you
1144.799 -> can stay up to date as we release new
1147.14 -> videos
1148.52 -> thanks for watching we hope you have a
1151.28 -> happy and heart healthy day
1156.3 -> [Music]
