How can I lower my blood pressure without medication? Ask Mayo Clinic

How can I lower my blood pressure without medication? Ask Mayo Clinic

How can I lower my blood pressure without medication? Ask Mayo Clinic

Leslie Thomas, M.D., a nephrologist at Mayo Clinic, answers the important questions you may have about hypertension (high blood pressure). Get informed: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with hypertension, you may be asking yourself a lot of questions. Our experts are here to help you answer them.

0:00 Introduction
0:17 What is the best way to measure my blood pressure at home?
1:05 What could be causing my blood pressure to be quite erratic?
1:35 Should I restrict salt to reduce blood pressure?
2:25 How can I lower my blood pressure without medication?
2:55 What is the best medication to take for hypertension?
4:04: Are certain blood pressure medications harmful to my kidneys?
4:36 How can I be the best partner to my medical team?
5:03 Ending

What is hypertension?    • Mayo Clinic Explains Hypertension  

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0 -> foreign
8 -> Leslie Thomas a nephrologist at Mayo
10.62 -> Clinic and I'm here to answer some of
12.66 -> the important questions you might have
13.98 -> about hypertension
15.2 -> [Music]
21.66 -> measuring your blood pressure at home is
23.699 -> a straightforward process many people
26.1 -> have a slightly higher blood pressure in
27.96 -> one arm versus the other so it's
29.46 -> important to measure the blood pressures
30.779 -> in the arm with the higher readings it's
32.94 -> best to avoid caffeine exercise and if
36.18 -> you smoke smoking for at least 30
38.399 -> minutes to prepare for the measurement
40.32 -> you should be relaxed with your feet on
42.36 -> the floor and legs uncrossed and your
44.52 -> back supported for at least five minutes
47.16 -> your arm should be supported on a flat
49.02 -> surface after resting for five minutes
51.3 -> at least two readings are taken one
53.879 -> minute apart in the morning prior to
55.8 -> medications and in the evening before
58.02 -> the evening meal your blood pressure
60.059 -> monitor should be checked for proper
61.68 -> calibration every year
63.5 -> [Music]
69.96 -> this pattern of abrupt changes in blood
71.939 -> pressure from normal to quite high is
74.22 -> sometimes referred to as labile blood
76.14 -> pressure for those who develop layball
78.18 -> blood pressure
79.5 -> heart problems hormonal problems
82.74 -> neurologic problems or even
84.42 -> psychological conditions might be
86.4 -> present finding and treating the
88.08 -> underlying cause of label blood pressure
89.82 -> can significantly improve the condition
92.61 -> [Music]
99.24 -> it's important to note that some people
100.86 -> with high blood pressure already consume
102.9 -> a diet significantly restricted in
104.52 -> sodium in those people further
106.56 -> restriction of dietary sodium would not
108.24 -> necessarily be helpful or even
109.86 -> recommended in many people dietary
112.079 -> sodium intake is though relatively High
115.2 -> therefore an effective Target to
116.88 -> consider for those people is less than 1
119.159 -> 500 milligrams per day
121.38 -> many though will benefit from a target
123.479 -> of at less than a thousand milligrams
125.04 -> per day
126.06 -> following dietary sodium restriction it
128.34 -> may take some time even weeks for the
131.76 -> blood pressure to improve and stabilize
133.44 -> at a lower range
135.12 -> so it is critically important to both be
137.52 -> consistent with decreased sodium intake
139.62 -> and patient when assessing for
141.959 -> improvement
142.62 -> [Music]
149.099 -> this is a very common question a lot of
151.62 -> people want to avoid medication if they
153.42 -> can when trying to reduce their blood
155.16 -> pressure a few ways have been shown
157.26 -> scientifically to reduce blood pressure
159.54 -> the first and perhaps most important is
161.64 -> to stay Physically Active losing weight
163.8 -> also can be important in a lot of
165.36 -> different people limiting alcohol
168 -> reducing sodium intake and increasing
170.58 -> dietary potassium intake can all help
172.73 -> [Music]
179.28 -> there's not one best medication for the
181.56 -> treatment of hypertension for everyone
183 -> because an individual's historical and
185.4 -> present medical conditions must be
187.08 -> considered additionally every person has
189.599 -> a unique physiology assessing how
192.18 -> certain physiological forces may be
193.739 -> present and contributory to hypertension
195.48 -> in an individual allows for a rational
197.879 -> approach to medication Choice
199.76 -> antihypertensive medications are grouped
201.72 -> by class
203.22 -> each class of medication differs from
205.44 -> the other classes by the way it lowers
207.12 -> blood pressure
208.56 -> for instance diuretics no matter the
211.56 -> type act to reduce the body's total
214.019 -> content of salt and water this leads to
216.42 -> reduction in plasma volume within the
218.099 -> blood vessels and consequently a lower
219.9 -> blood pressure calcium channel blockers
221.94 -> reduce the relative constriction of
223.44 -> blood vessels this reduced
225.319 -> vasoconstriction also promotes a lower
227.519 -> blood pressure other classes of
229.44 -> antihypertensive medication act in their
231.18 -> own ways considering newer health
233.28 -> conditions physiology and how each
235.739 -> medication works
237.239 -> your doctor can advise the safest and
240.12 -> most effective medication for you
242.159 -> foreign
248.4 -> following the correction of blood
249.9 -> pressure or the institution of certain
252.54 -> blood pressure medications
254.819 -> it's pretty common to see changes in the
257.4 -> markers for kidney function on blood
259.079 -> tests however small changes in these
262.26 -> markers which reflect small changes in
264.24 -> kidney filtration performance
266.34 -> shouldn't necessarily be interpreted as
268.56 -> absolute evidence of kidney harm your
271.139 -> doctor can interpret changes in
272.46 -> laboratory tests following any change in
274.38 -> medication
277.5 -> foreign
281.639 -> keep an open dialogue with your medical
283.38 -> team about your goals and personal
284.88 -> preferences communication trust and
287.22 -> collaboration are key to long-term
289.62 -> success managing your blood pressure
291.5 -> never hesitate to ask your medical team
294.24 -> any questions or concerns you have being
296.94 -> informed makes all the difference
299.759 -> thanks for your time and we wish you
301.74 -> well
306.82 -> [Music]
