Get your Heart Healthy by following this | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Get your Heart Healthy by following this | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Get your Heart Healthy by following this | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Heart disease is the cause of the greatest number of deaths worldwide, claiming almost 18 million lives every year; it’s a global threat. Our sedentary lifestyle, stress and depression are putting our hearts at greater risk.
Watch Dr. Hansaji’s three easy tips to take care of our heart and prevent its deterioration.

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0.459 -> Namaskar!! Today,people are slowly getting more conscious
6.08 -> about their health,one because they want to look good feel good act nicely,but another,because
14.929 -> they want to prevent major problems,and that too heart disease is something that is so
22.609 -> common that people want to prevent that.Various causes of heart disease,could be high cholesterol,high
30.949 -> blood pressure valve not functioning well,thickening of arteries in the body,obesity and stress
42.359 -> and most of these causes are because of our faulty lifestyle and fault attitude.So here
48.399 -> are few tips which would help you to prevent varities of these heart problems.
56.179 -> 1) Reduce your cholesterol level – There are 3 types of fats,saturated fats,unsaturated
64.36 -> fats and trans fats.As far as trans fats are concerned,totally avoid them,as far as possible
73.25 -> and these you get from processed food refined food stored food packeted food roasted food
81.53 -> and fried foods.Saturated fats should be taken in our body but in limited quantity,it could
89.149 -> be dairy products,like cheese milk ghee .These should be taken in a limited quantity,a spoon
97.16 -> of ghee in a day and fresh cottage cheese could be taken in a limited quantity.Third
104.42 -> type of fat is unsaturated fat,which you get from peanuts and other nuts,seeds olive oil
112 -> and so on,now this fat is supposed to be very good fat,person should take this fat because
119.649 -> this fat really helps in removing the blockages from our system,it gives a healthy cholesterol
130.6 -> to help heart health and very importantly,understand that we should avoid as far as possible,alcohol,smoking
135.51 -> and non vegetarian food. 2) Work on your mind – Cardiac issue is
145.28 -> more common in type A personalities.These sre those personalities who want to do things
152.41 -> in a rush ,they want everything perfect and quick ,they hurry ,worry and that creates
159.58 -> the whole problem with their system ,their thinking is very very fast,they want to perform
167.17 -> and so on.So here what is required is person has to calm himself down ,person cant expect
175.711 -> perfection in the outside world,he has to maintain perfection within himself,he should
181.71 -> do things perfectly but expecting from others is going to bring the chaos in his life and
188.41 -> blood pressure is going to shoot up,cholesterol is going to shoot up and that will create
193.31 -> problems for him.Yoga always says that do things perfectly but in a calm state of mind
200.29 -> and to bring calmness in your body,these are meditative techniques available which person
206.23 -> should do very regularly.One is Sukhasana another could be Nispanda Bhav,so such habits
227.07 -> we have to form in life because these are very sensitive times when usually heart attacks
233.14 -> occur.Even during sleep if you have eaten very heavy food,more then half of your stomach,it
240.7 -> is going to be a risky factor,so try and eat little with calm mind and then sleep after
247.19 -> 3 hours of your last meal.All these things should be a regular discipline of your life.
255.82 -> 3) Yoga Asanas – Certain asanas person should be performing regularly to see proper circulation
264.099 -> is there in your whole body and definitely in your extrimities so that your heart doesn’t
269.36 -> have to strain too much and on the upper side of your body to keep your heart healthy.Among
278.87 -> the asanas,first yashtikasana,stick pose,another posture,pawanmuktasana,third asana is called
302.409 -> supta vakrasana,fourth asana is hastapadangushthasana,yoga emphasizes on keeping body tension free,the
323.29 -> tension in our body is received first in our abdominal region,so this abdomen has to be
329.169 -> kept relaxed and flexible.Here is one pranayama which would help you to do that.Lie down on
335.29 -> you back,fold your legs and then keep your one arm on your stomach,while breathing in
341.65 -> move your abdominal muscle little up,while breathing out push your abdomen muscles in,another
349.4 -> posture for relaxation is very popular which is called as Shavasana.All these tips which
362.74 -> we have given,understand we have to apply them in to our life,unless you do,you wont
370.759 -> benefit,learn to work without stress and tension,without stress you can work much much more and much
377.449 -> much happierly and have a right attitude towards your life,try and see that you discipline
384.379 -> your body,have your routine healthily and properly and try and see that you take care
390.96 -> of every part of your body thoroughly well.Look after yourself learn to be happy and enjoy
398.71 -> your life with good health and good cheer. Namaskar!!!
