Hypertension Explained Clearly by MedCram.com | 2 of 2

Hypertension Explained Clearly by MedCram.com | 2 of 2

Hypertension Explained Clearly by MedCram.com | 2 of 2

A clear explanation of the medications used to treat hypertension by Dr. Seheult of https://www.medcram.com/?utm_source=Y
He details some of the less commonly used medications for hypertension including: alpha 2 agonists (clonidine), alpha blockers, nitrates, hydralazine, minoxidil, and spironolactone. This is video 2 of 2 on hypertension (HTN).

Speaker: Roger Seheult, MD
Clinical and Exam Preparation Instructor
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

Recommended Audience: Health care professionals and medical students including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, respiratory therapists, EMT and paramedics, and many others. Review for USMLE, MCAT, PANCE, NCLEX, NAPLEX, NDBE, RN, RT, MD, DO, PA, NP school and board examinations.

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2.12 -> welcome to part 2 of hypertension we're going to talk about the others in
7.5 -> the last lecture in part 1 we talked about the ABC DS which was the ACE
12.269 -> inhibitor ARB for a the beta blockers for B the calcium channel blockers for C
17.91 -> and the diuretics for D I don't want to get into the other medications that we
23.13 -> use for hypertension maybe not first off the bat but further on down we'll talk
28.05 -> about them one by one and so the others is what we'll be talking about today
33.42 -> the first one we'll talk about is the alpha blockers so alpha blockers and
39.89 -> they do exactly what they say they block the alpha receptor particularly the
45.329 -> alpha 1 receptor so in the peripheral vasculature you've got two things that
50.969 -> can happen you can have vasoconstriction or you can have vasodilation and the
55.8 -> vasoconstriction is mediated by an alpha 1 receptor whereas the vasodilation is
62.539 -> mediated by the beta receptors now you should know just as a way of reminding
68.22 -> you that there's a medicine out there called dobutamine just this wave
73.92 -> reminder of if you want to have more information about this look back at our
77.46 -> septic shock lecture dobutamine is pure beta which is great for the heart is it
83.13 -> will make the heart rate go up and be more strongly contractility goes up but
89.97 -> it also stimulates the beta receptor which causes vasodilation so that's why
95.1 -> dobutamine is not really known as a vaso constrictor or vasopressor but more of a
100.71 -> positive inotrope but yet I digress so let's go back to our alpha blockers so
105.93 -> if you've got alpha receptors on this peripheral vasculature which is causing
111.229 -> vasoconstriction that's obviously going to increase your blood pressure if I
114.75 -> were to block those I wouldn't get this vasoconstriction in other words I could
119.939 -> cause vasodilation which would reduce your blood pressure so typically these
125.189 -> alpha blockers end in Osen or o s I and so process into R as a sin
133.74 -> all of these things are alpha blockers so the thing to remember about alpha
138 -> blocker the thing that they will test you is indications obviously it's used
142.89 -> as a blood pressure medication but it's never really been shown to reduce
147.87 -> mortality in congestive heart failure in myocardial infarction so really there's
153.81 -> no indication for reduction in incidence of my carbon for a congestive heart
159.42 -> failure but it does reduce blood pressure so if you just want numbers to
163.44 -> reduce blood pressure it may be effective the other thing that you
166.44 -> should remember about alpha blockers is sometimes it can actually as an
171 -> alternative also be used to prevent nightmares in PTSD so they may ask you
176.61 -> that on boards the other thing to remember probably the biggest thing to
179.97 -> remember is this thing is a side effect called first dose hypotension now the
193.26 -> thing to remember about first those hypotension is if your body is not used
196.95 -> to taking it you could really impair your body's ability to vasoconstrict and
203.7 -> this is important if for instance you're standing up if you stand up you need
207.21 -> vasoconstriction so that all of the blood doesn't rush to
210.24 -> your feet not to your head and you could pass out so that's really what you'll
214.2 -> see is first those hypotension or first those orthostatic hypotension as a
218.61 -> result of this we'd like to have the first dose taken right before bedtime so
224.37 -> take it what we call pio orally qhs that means every night before bed so that
232.14 -> most of that first dose hypotension occurs while you're already laying down
235.29 -> asleep now the other thing you should know about these alpha blockers is
238.71 -> really where they're mostly used they're not really used a lot in hypertension
242.07 -> they're usually usually used in prostatic hypertrophy or b ph benign
249.66 -> prostatic hypertrophy it's benign in terms of the fact that it's not cancer
254.49 -> however it can cause neuropathy obstruction and kidney failure if it's
259.62 -> not treated adequately and the reason why does this is for it's very same
263.669 -> principle that it causes relaxation of not only in this case the blood
268.56 -> vessels but also the smooth muscle right before the urine it comes out through
272.82 -> the urethra okay the next medication I want to talk
276.87 -> about is different class although it sounds very similar and that's the
281.07 -> alpha-2 agonist now you just said that well alpha one blockers are going to
289.5 -> reduce high blood pressure why would an alpha agonist reduce blood pressure well
293.669 -> it's because of where it is it's an alpha 2 the key there is alpha 2 and the
298.56 -> probably the best example of this one is clonidine now whereas the alpha that we
306.36 -> were talking about before works on the blood vessels the alpha 2 that we're
312.15 -> talking about those receptors are actually in the brain okay
316.59 -> there's my there's a little bit better picture of a brain okay
320.88 -> and so in the in the central brain stem there are alpha 2 receptors that are
327.57 -> actually feedback mechanisms and if you can stimulate those it'll actually ramp
332.52 -> down the sympathetic tone so if you want to know the more pathophysiological
337.68 -> explanation basically clonidine stimulates these alpha 2 receptors in
343.65 -> the brain which reduces cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance
347.36 -> lowering blood pressure so it specifically binds to these presynaptic
351.74 -> alpha 2 receptors and so when you've got this synapse basically down here okay
360.03 -> and there's little alpha 2 receptors here when you stimulate those it
367.83 -> actually reduces the calcium in the pre synaptic cleft and it inhibits the
375.65 -> release of norepinephrine which causes low blood pressure okay so that's the
382.56 -> that's the mechanism so what do you need to know about these things well
385.889 -> clonidine is a medication because of its central action it also in addition to
391.86 -> lowering blood pressure it also can be helpful in opioid withdrawal
402.699 -> okay so that's something that it's also used for it comes it comes in two
408.259 -> different forms it can come in an oral form Pio and it can also come topically
413.419 -> as well which may be helpful in patients who can't swallow pills or patients are
417.379 -> in the intensive care unit things of that nature
420.519 -> climbing patch be aware of course that the clonidine patch is dosed q week
428.559 -> whereas the p o-- is dosed tid three times a day okay now as a result of all
436.339 -> of this you've got to remember that because it acts centrally you have a big
440.809 -> problem with withdrawal withdrawal of the
446.599 -> medication think about this on exams where you've got a patient that came in
450.949 -> with clonidine and it wasn't continued and as a result the patient becomes what
456.11 -> would they become they would become hypertensive and also tachycardic so be
460.639 -> aware of that so that's clonidine it can be it's got a number of uses it can also
466.069 -> be used for as I mentioned opioid withdrawal heroin withdrawal all those
470.899 -> sorts of things but it's also used in hypertension so just be aware of it I
474.319 -> think those are the the key points that you should know okay let's talk about
478.189 -> nitrates I'm sure you've heard of nitrates before nitrates are pretty cool
484.189 -> so let me kind of draw what we're talking about what nitrates are used
488.179 -> first of all they are used for blood pressure of course but they cause
492.229 -> vasodilation and specifically they cause more and this is the key here veno
498.559 -> dilation although they do cause vasodilation too why is this important
508.49 -> this is important because of perfusion to the myocardium let me explain
514.25 -> so what you have here is you've got myocardium okay and here you have the
523.31 -> arterial side and it's going in to feed the myocardium okay
530 -> and then where does it come out comes out to the veins
533.96 -> and it collects into the coronary sinus and it dumps into the right atrium so if
545.42 -> you want to get more oxygen profusion to the myocardium it's going to be
553.19 -> dependent on the flow to the myocardium so this myocardial tissue and that's
557.45 -> going to be the difference in pressure between the arterial supply and the
567.5 -> right atrium anything we can do to increase the pressure in the coronary
572.66 -> arteries with respect to the right atrium is going to improve myocardial
578 -> oxygen supply so when you give nitrates because it's a vino dilator because
583.79 -> remember the veins also dump in to the right atrium so if we reduce the
591.53 -> pressure in the veins it's going to reduce the pressure in the right atrium
598.82 -> and as a result of that it's going to increase the difference in the pressure
606.8 -> and that's going to give more flow to the myocardium this is the major reason
610.16 -> why nitrates are used in ischemia and cardiac ischemia so yes nitrates are
617.27 -> great at what we call preload reduction and as a result of that they can
626.3 -> increase myocardial oxygen perfusion the other thing they do is they reduce
631.55 -> afterload that's very important as well especially in patients with congestive
637.1 -> heart failure let me explain you've got the thoracic cage in that thoracic cage
644.81 -> sits your heart then you've got the aorta coming out and going down into
650.81 -> your body if you've got very very high afterload the heart has to pump against
658.43 -> that after load and as a result of that there's a there's a big back pressure
663.83 -> and so let me demonstrate that using a graph
667.67 -> here is the after load here is where the heart sits in terms of pressure in the
673.61 -> chest and here is where the aorta is and the heart has to take blood at that
682.61 -> level and pump it up to this level before it'll jecht through the aorta
686.81 -> this difference is known as afterload okay if we give somebody a nitrate yes
698.03 -> it does reduce preload but it also reduces after load and so instead of the
704.42 -> pressure in the aorta being up here it's now moved down to here that reduces
711.92 -> after load and now there's less pressure that the heart has to pump against and
716.96 -> therefore this can help in someone with congestive heart failure who has
721.1 -> pulmonary edema so we see nitrates used in myocardial infarction congestive
727.52 -> heart failure ischemia and it also reduces blood pressure the other thing I
732.74 -> should tell you is that in patients who cannot tolerate beta blockers we have
740.57 -> already said that they are key in patients with congestive heart failure
743.78 -> an alternative to beta blockers is nitrates plus hydralazine we'll talk
755.69 -> about hydrolyses next but if you can use these two together if you cannot use
760.16 -> beta blockers in congestive heart failure
762.73 -> alright so those are nitrates typically the thing you should know about nitrates
767.63 -> is that it's absolutely contraindicated in patients with right ventricular heart
773.99 -> attack or right reticular myocardial infarction or RV failure they call it so
779.27 -> don't do it in RV failure the other thing you should know is every day there
782.99 -> should be a nitrate free interval that means if you continuously use nitrates
789.68 -> the patient becomes used to it and you need to have a moment during the day
793.82 -> where the patient is not on nitrate so usually we'll do it for the greater part
798.47 -> of a day and then take it off take the patch off
801.05 -> or have a nitrate-free interval okay let's talk about hydralazine hydralazine
812.089 -> is simply a vasodilator and that's obviously going to cause the blood
819.38 -> pressure to go down so it reduces a blood pressure by causing vasodilation
824.149 -> more than it does vino dilation the the problem I guess that you should know
828.62 -> about hydralazine is it needs to be given four times a day
832.22 -> qid it can be given IV or Pio and it can't be given in combination with
837.769 -> nitrates as we mentioned in congestive heart failure patients especially in
841.04 -> african-americans seems to do pretty good the one thing that you should know
845.12 -> is that if you give it for too long you can get a lupus like condition which
855.44 -> goes away with withdrawal so it does go away they may test you for that on
863.839 -> boards if you've got a patient who's got hydralazine so the thing about
867.44 -> hydralazine is is that a vasodilator you can expect if it's going to cause
871.579 -> vasodilation what's the body going to do as a result of that it's going to see
876.62 -> that there's more volume so you might notice that your heart rate will go up
880.94 -> and you also may notice that you retain fluid so some things that you may need
889.1 -> to add to the patient who you're starting them on hydralazine is
892.55 -> something that will slow heart rate down like a beta blocker and if the retaining
898.73 -> fluid you may need to add something like a diuretic
902.56 -> okay so just be aware of that okay so let's talk about minoxidil minoxidil is
912.709 -> a vasodilator it actually hits potassium channels causing the hyper polarization
918.709 -> of the cell making it less likely to vasoconstrict
921.61 -> what you see there in minoxidil is also hair growth so it's used topically so
928.94 -> just be aware that if it's used as a blood pressure medication
934.579 -> that it can cause hair growth especially if it's used topically obviously it's
938.839 -> it's indicator for male pattern baldness but it's going to drop blood pressure I
943.459 -> find that it's very helpful in some my end-stage renal disease patients if we
951.049 -> can't get the blood pressure under better control however I would I would
954.319 -> not go to minoxidil without a nephrologist involved and just be aware
958.819 -> that minoxidil is kind of one of the last things that you would go for I
962.059 -> don't see it being tested that much just be aware of its other indication so last
965.989 -> one I want to talk about which is a nice medicine is spironolactone now spine
974.54 -> relax own is a diuretic and as such we probably should have talked about it
980.239 -> during the the first lecture that we did and if you haven't seen that lecture I
984.619 -> would recommend that you look at it the reason why I left it here is it kind of
987.739 -> stands on its own a bit as you recall the nephron the proximal convoluted
993.709 -> tubule you've got the loop of Henle collecting tube you'll remember in the
1000.699 -> distal convoluted tubule you have a sodium potassium pump where you've got
1004.029 -> sodium being reabsorbed and potassium being dumped and that would be
1009.97 -> stimulated by a hormone called aldosterone if you don't remember that
1016.449 -> look at the adrenal gland lecture that we've done i remember just go to med
1020.049 -> cram videos and you can see all the lectures that we've done but remember
1023.35 -> aldosterone is a steroid hormone secreted from the zona glomerulosa of
1027.549 -> the adrenal cortex spironolactone is a very similar-looking structure that
1032.889 -> blocks that and therefore inhibits this kind of action in the distal convoluted
1038.559 -> tubules and it's a diuretic in that case it's a potassium sparing diuretic as
1043.329 -> well so you're going to get not potassium necessarily going up
1048.51 -> potentially but not going down as much as the other diuretics would now the
1054.1 -> thing you should remember about spironolactone is that it is indicated
1057.639 -> in CHF in patients with New York Heart Association class three and four who
1065.83 -> have an ejection fraction of 35 percent or less okay so they did a
1073.72 -> trial back in 1999 that was reported in the rails trial the trial was actually
1077.86 -> discontinued early due to the unexpected benefits there was actually a 30%
1082.51 -> reduction in the risk of death and a 35% reduction in hospitalization for the
1087.25 -> patients that were receiving spironolactone and so it's it's good to
1092.56 -> use this in a patient with congestive heart failure and this kind of goes
1095.32 -> along with everything else in congestive heart failure
1098.08 -> seems as though everything that raises potassium is good so beta blockers raise
1102.64 -> potassium are good ACE inhibitors raise potassium are good spironolactone raises
1109.21 -> potassium it's just kind of a nice way to remember everything so congestive
1113.62 -> heart failure now what about the side effects
1115.36 -> obviously hyperkalemia is something you've got to watch for the other thing
1119.29 -> that they looked for and we've got to be careful of especially in these patients
1122.77 -> with congestive heart failure is the creatinine so if these patients have a
1128.2 -> crack knee that's worse than you know three three and a half things of that
1131.95 -> nature you've got to be very careful with that so acute renal failure is
1137.19 -> something you've got to watch for there's also something else that you've
1141.01 -> got to watch for and that's gynecomastia okay so if they've got gynecomastia that
1149.44 -> could be a result of the spinal a stone again probably because it is a steroid
1153.76 -> hormone blocker and so when you when you block those hormones you allow the
1159.4 -> gynecomastia to occur well now fortunately there's a new
1163.51 -> medicine that's sort of a new version of Spira lactone called EPL e r e and o and
1172.84 -> a pleura known this doesn't cause the gynecomastia the sexual side effects
1179.2 -> because it's a little bit cleaner it's specifically this a player known is
1183.82 -> specifically indicated for the reduction of cardiovascular death in patients with
1187.78 -> heart failure and congestive heart failure dysfunction within three to 14
1191.83 -> days I'm going to acute myocardial infarction so post mi with congestive
1198.07 -> heart failure in the Ephesus trial this lowered the risk of death and never
1204.519 -> needed to treat of 41 to save one life which is pretty impressive so that's
1209.35 -> something else to think about and keep in the back of your head that if you're
1212.559 -> looking for spiral lactone without the gynecomastia think of a player known
1217.48 -> it's relatively new medication but also indicator for congestive heart failure
1221.159 -> so we've talked about in a hypertension we've talked about what defines it what
1226.659 -> the indications are for treating it and again I want to emphasize that all of
1230.23 -> these things can reduce blood pressure but you want to match up what the
1233.47 -> patient's diagnosis are with the right type of medicines to use so that you can
1239.35 -> maximize the benefit and minimize the side effects and I think that's what
1245.08 -> they're going to be testing you on on the test and knowing the side effects so
1248.38 -> please go ahead and look at some of the other lectures and we will continue
1251.799 -> makes very much for joining us
1257.21 -> you
1262.55 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgMfZVEWQd8