Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Blood Pressure

Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Blood Pressure

Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Blood Pressure

What is blood pressure and how is it a risk factor for heart disease? It is the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system and is the measured by two numbers: systolic and diastolic pressure. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, often known as “the silent killer” if can go undiagnosed for years. Healthy lifestyle changes are the best way to lower your blood pressure.


1.266 -> What is Blood Pressure?
3.2 -> As blood circulates through your body,
5.066 -> it exerts pressure against the walls of your arteries.
8.033 -> That pressure is what is measured with a
9.4 -> blood pressure device.
11.5 -> Blood Pressure is measured by two numbers.
13.9 -> The top number is called Systolic and measures the
16.533 -> pressure in your arteries when your heart is pumping.
19.333 -> The low number is called Diastolic and measures the
21.734 -> pressure in your arteries when they are resting and refilling.
25.166 -> High blood pressure is something you need to avoid in order to
27.533 -> keep your heart and arteries healthy and clear of any
29.7 -> cardiovascular disease.
31.9 -> Blood pressure is always best measured at rest.
34.4 -> Ideal blood pressure is 120/80.
37.3 -> Your blood pressure should be less than 135/85 in the comfort
41.333 -> of your home, and less than 140/90 elsewhere.
45.734 -> If you suffer from diabetes, your blood pressure should
48.033 -> always be lower than 130/80. If your numbers are consistently
52.066 -> above these targets, you should consult your doctor.
56.133 -> It is very important to take your blood pressure following
58.333 -> these easy instructions: Sit comfortably in a chair that
61.633 -> offers good back support.
63.467 -> Uncross your legs.
65.133 -> Place the proper size blood pressure cuff
67.133 -> on one of your arms.
68.8 -> Put your arm on the arm rest so that the blood pressure cuff is
71.233 -> at the same level as your heart.
73.333 -> Relax for 5 minutes and do not talk.
76 -> If you have time, take your blood pressure 3 times.
78.8 -> Discard the first reading and average out the
80.5 -> second and third readings.
82.4 -> Keep a log of your readings for your doctor.
85.433 -> The trouble is, high blood pressure
87.233 -> isn't always noticeable.
88.934 -> Sometimes called "the silent killer",
90.633 -> people can go years with high blood pressure and
92.967 -> never know they have a problem.
94.934 -> High blood pressure makes your heart work a lot harder than
96.934 -> normally, and causes added strain on your artery walls.
100.567 -> Over time, this can contribute to the buildup of plaque,
103.133 -> restricting blood flow throughout your body,
105.1 -> which can lead to coronary artery disease.
108.1 -> If the artery becomes fully blocked you could
110.2 -> have a heart attack.
112.133 -> So, what are all the health risks associated with
113.834 -> having high blood pressure?
115.633 -> Stroke, heart attack, heart failure, dementia,
119.233 -> kidney disease, eye problems, erectile dysfunction.
123.667 -> Having a health professional check your blood pressure is
125.633 -> a way to find out if you might have high blood pressure.
128.333 -> But logging your home blood pressure will also allow your
130.767 -> doctor determine if you have high blood pressure.
133.667 -> There are numerous devices recommended by Hypertension
135.734 -> Canada that allow you to measure your blood pressure at home.
139.266 -> Be sure the device has a logo indicating it
141.867 -> meets the standards of Hypertension Canada.
144.667 -> Discuss with your doctor to learn which device is best
146.6 -> for you and how to use each of them properly.
149.667 -> If diagnosed with high blood pressure,
151.533 -> your doctor will have you focus on these three areas of
153.467 -> lifestyle change in order to help lower your blood pressure
156.3 -> to a healthier level:
158.066 -> Quit smoking.
159.734 -> Exercise 30 - 60 minutes a day most days a week.
163 -> Eat more fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit daily.
165.9 -> Choose lower fat milk products, whole grains, lean meat,
169.7 -> fish and poultry.
171.5 -> Limit sodium intake to no more than 2000 mg a day.
174.633 -> Cook more at home and eat less processed foods.
178 -> In some cases these changes are not enough and medications
180.8 -> will be needed to help combat high blood pressure.
183.734 -> If you have any questions or would like to learn more,
185.7 -> help is just a click away.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG17qcXYxYQ