Sex and relationships: physical effects of stroke
Sex and relationships: physical effects of stroke
0 -> [Music]
6.879 -> you may now have a physical disability
9.12 -> after your stroke
10.24 -> which will affect the way that you move
13.12 -> after your stroke
14.639 -> you may have muscle stiffness or muscle
17.199 -> weakness
18.8 -> you may now be incontinent
22.08 -> you may be fatigued there's a range of
24.48 -> physical problems that someone can have
26.48 -> after a stroke
27.68 -> that can then go on to impact on their
30 -> level of intimacy
31.039 -> and their sex lives such as arm or leg
33.84 -> weakness
34.559 -> or fatigue can be a really strong issue
36.96 -> because fatigue
38.559 -> limits the amount of effort you can put
40.879 -> in for a sustained amount of time which
42.96 -> is usually required
44.399 -> to maintain some sort of sexual
46.16 -> relationship so identifying that as a
48.48 -> problem then gives you a goal to work
49.92 -> towards for your recovery
52.32 -> derrick and i did speak about
55.44 -> it as time was going on
59.92 -> and how we both felt and i asked him
63.359 -> if he had the urge
66.88 -> obviously because he weren't
70.56 -> affected like i was
74.72 -> um and he said yes
78.96 -> he did but he never
82.08 -> pursued it because he was frightened of
85.439 -> hurting
86.72 -> me or me having another stroke
91.28 -> you may also find that you now have a
93.439 -> lack of sensation
95.2 -> and this can affect your sex life
98.88 -> my body had got no
102.24 -> no feeling to being torched
106.159 -> or anything like that
110.88 -> um and that went on
114.24 -> for a good 18
117.84 -> months but for one reason or another
121.28 -> we're angie
122.88 -> and then she can't feel one side and she
124.88 -> can't move and then she can't feel
127.36 -> this side and then she's uncomfortable
129.44 -> and then i'm uncomfortable
131.28 -> you know you know you try something else
133.12 -> and you try something else and then
134.56 -> after a bit you just think let's just
135.92 -> have a kiss and go to sleep
137.76 -> it might be the best thing to finish
139.12 -> night off with if you have high blood
141.44 -> pressure
142.16 -> or a heart condition this too can affect
145.28 -> you when you're having sex
147.28 -> you might be afraid to have sex because
150 -> you think
150.48 -> if your blood pressure rises you'll have
152.64 -> another stroke
153.84 -> but this isn't necessarily the case some
156.4 -> of the medication
157.84 -> you are taking may also affect you
161.36 -> you may become very tired if you have
164 -> diabetes
165.28 -> that can have an effect especially with
167.92 -> males they may find it difficult now to
170.16 -> get an erection
171.519 -> if you have epilepsy you may be taking
174.08 -> medication
174.959 -> which will have an effect on your libido
177.599 -> you may be afraid that having sex will
179.599 -> bring on an epileptic attack
181.44 -> lots of people who have a physical
182.879 -> disability
184.48 -> have issues performing sexual activities
186.959 -> in the way that they did
188.159 -> before their disability usually the
190.239 -> first point of call
191.36 -> is to speak to your gp because they need
194.4 -> to be aware
195.2 -> that this is an issue so that they can
196.959 -> then set the wheels in motion to be able
199.12 -> to help you address it
200.64 -> if your sex life is affected because of
202.8 -> your physical problems
204.48 -> you could talk to your physiotherapist
206.56 -> or your gp
208.56 -> but it's very important that you talk to
210.64 -> someone
211.599 -> it's important for you and your partner
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne9ZbTOsKV4