Angina vs heart attack - know the difference
Angina vs heart attack - know the difference
Leading cardiologist Dr John Gerry Coghlan demonstrates what’s happening when you have angina vs when you have a heart attack, and how to tell the difference to get the right help.
Book a consultation with Dr Coghlan here: https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/doctor/j…
8.3 -> so in a simple chance difficult in a
10.98 -> harsh tacking in Jonah is that in a
13.139 -> harsh tack one has interrupted the blood
15.9 -> supply to the heart for lonliness
17.88 -> that some portion of the heart muscle
19.89 -> has died whereas in angina one is a
23.01 -> temporary or short-term reduction of the
26.279 -> blood supply to the heart to the point
27.75 -> that there is some discomfort but there
31.26 -> is no permanent damage if we think of it
33.87 -> in terms of the vessels of the heart in
35.75 -> a normal person this is what the vessel
38.94 -> looks like they've got a thin layer of
40.649 -> muscle and a lining that is nice and
42.78 -> thin that was coop was exercised very
45.809 -> nicely and you'll have no problem doing
47.969 -> exercise from the heart point of view
50.42 -> over time if one's cholesterol is be
53.399 -> high and smoking the things are
55.61 -> cholesterol or fat can lay down within
58.559 -> the artery and partially block the
60.3 -> artery these arteries can supply enough
62.34 -> blood to the heart when you're at rest
64.47 -> generally but when you try to exercise
66.81 -> there is not sufficient blood getting
68.61 -> through these and that causes discomfort
71.01 -> or tightness in the chest when you're
73.14 -> exercising by contrast when it comes to
76.14 -> heart attacks a tough has formed on that
80.189 -> sash and it's blocked the vessel the
82.74 -> cousin they won't know blood can now get
84.54 -> through to the disc to the muscle beyond
87.09 -> that that territory will die if that is
89.579 -> not relieved so normally we would admit
92.28 -> somebody immediately to hospital and
94.02 -> unblock that vessel with angioplasty and
97.38 -> stent so from a point view of thinking
102.15 -> about ish angina is typically a
104.399 -> tightness in the chest
105.659 -> it comes on with exercise it's relieved
108.63 -> by rest and if you try to keep
111.329 -> exercising it will stop you it usually
113.549 -> disappears in five minutes
114.93 -> by contrast a heart attack which is
117.57 -> clearly much more serious people often
119.67 -> describe as an elephant on chest
121.32 -> they're very compressed
122.82 -> it often comes on when they're doing
124.65 -> absolutely nothing and the pain lasts
126.57 -> longer than twenty minutes whatever
128.31 -> chest heaviness lasts longer imprint
130.92 -> alerts it's time to call an ambulance
133.22 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbxoiB1WGvA