How Salads 2 Your Door helps the busy person eat healthy everyday
How Salads 2 Your Door helps the busy person eat healthy everyday
As back to school time gets busy, one meal prep service can help! Salads 2 Your Door makes nutrition easy and tasty.
0 -> eating healthy is top of Mind during
2.159 -> back to school season but as those
3.84 -> weeknight activities start to pile up
5.52 -> finding those quick nutritious meals can
7.919 -> be difficult salads to your door is a
10.38 -> weekly Artisan salad delivery service
12.24 -> helping the busy person eat healthy
15.059 -> every day so here with a quick and
16.92 -> healthy recipe to back to school we have
19.08 -> hanala broom and field of salads to your
21.48 -> door Pamela thanks for joining us today
23.76 -> yes so I feel like back to school and
26.46 -> even at the end of the summer it's just
27.779 -> we need to focus on eating good foods so
30.3 -> that we can feel good and do the stuff
31.56 -> that we want to do absolutely we have a
34.34 -> protein-packed salad here I like to hear
37.2 -> the protein packed we're all about
38.579 -> getting our protein these and what's
40.2 -> cool about these is actually it's all um
42.42 -> vegan vegetable okay with chickpeas
44.54 -> which are amazing we have roasted fava
48.539 -> beans which I mean you get like 25 grams
51.36 -> of protein in this little are you
53.219 -> serious yes and they are delicious and
54.84 -> they are amazing and then we have all of
57 -> our good vegetables and greens that just
59.76 -> give us all of the vitamins minerals
62.039 -> nutrients like everything we need to
63.539 -> keep our body going doing good stuff
67.34 -> cucumbers and we have some Crunchies
70.799 -> um
71.7 -> with some chips and I have to say it
74.159 -> smells just so fresh and delicious and
76.619 -> that's what's so amazing is that when we
79.14 -> feed our body we eat with all of our
81.18 -> senses yes so when we feed our body good
83.159 -> food that smells good that looks good we
85.86 -> feel Fuller and more satisfied so of
88.14 -> course more from it if it just looks and
89.82 -> smells good and I like that you're
90.96 -> seeing fuel because we are going that
92.28 -> back to school time kids are busy
93.9 -> parents are busy you need that energy
96.18 -> yes and really I think the key's also
99.06 -> having a game plan in mind in other
101.7 -> words we're on the go and sometimes we
103.68 -> don't think about it beforehand so we
105.06 -> just grab what's convenient yes so
107.1 -> knowing in advance of like how are we
109.32 -> going to fuel ourselves yeah good food I
111.42 -> think it is a key to the game and that's
113.22 -> what this is all about salads two door
114.84 -> okay so what would this salad be called
116.159 -> what's the name of this one so this is
117.479 -> actually our chickpea Bowl okay the
119.82 -> chickpea Bowl has a creepy creamy garlic
122.579 -> dressing okay
124.38 -> um we have here we have they're all
127.02 -> actually really unlikely now protein yes
129.239 -> we have this is our Cashew Crunch but
131.34 -> it's okay
132.66 -> um edamame it has egg it has
135.66 -> um quinoa in it yeah and great healthy
138.54 -> fats with the cashews
140.76 -> um that's fat salad we have a feta salad
143.819 -> over there with our spring mix which is
146.34 -> great and we use delicious some apples
149.879 -> oh I love an apple carrots better kind
152.879 -> of fall yes
157.5 -> um and then we have here this is
158.819 -> actually a favorite which always
160.08 -> surprises me it's a pharaoh white bean
162.599 -> salad stuff great leaves and pistachios
165.599 -> oh delicious so take us through the
167.519 -> process how does it work salads to your
169.2 -> door yeah so it's actually super simple
170.64 -> yeah it is we deliver five full meal
173.4 -> Artisan salads on a Sunday evening so
175.5 -> you have one delicious healthy meal
178.5 -> every day of the week no matter how busy
180.54 -> you are yeah um and an interesting thing
182.76 -> that we do is we take out the choice so
184.68 -> I know sometimes we like love a Caesar
187.019 -> salad and that's all we want to eat but
188.58 -> we get tired and bored of it so we have
190.86 -> a rotating menu that is customized to
193.319 -> each customer's preferences so if you
195.36 -> don't like tomatoes or onions we will
197.76 -> substitute it for something else so that
199.8 -> you always get something that you love
201.9 -> um but also creating that variety so
203.879 -> that you have we don't repeat more than
206.159 -> once every six weeks we're always
208.56 -> getting something delicious and
210.3 -> different and exciting which keeps you
212.64 -> wanting more yeah it keeps you wanting
213.959 -> more and the thing about these sounds is
215.34 -> they are the protein packed they're
216.54 -> going to be filling it's really going to
218.099 -> be that healthy nutritious meal that you
219.72 -> need for your day and how easy it comes
221.76 -> on Sunday you have it all lined up for
223.14 -> the weekdays ready to go brilliant plan
227.159 -> thank you so much for joining us today
229.08 -> salads to your door you're going to want
230.58 -> to take a look at your screen here and
232.2 -> you can use the code KSDK to get a free
235.019 -> smoothie with your salad that's going to
236.64 -> be through August 20th so you have until
238.5 -> Sunday so get on that because we all
240.54 -> could use a smoothie as well so again
242.28 -> their website their phone number all
244.2 -> that information go back to school
246.72 -> feeling fueled thanks again
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naLNq44HoCI