Living with Hypertension
Living with Hypertension
Wallace, Bobbie and their physicians discuss the difficulties of living with hypertension and the road forward.
8.7 -> Wallace: I went into the emergency room for
another problem.
12.5 -> I had chest pains and I went in for that,
16.17 -> and once I found out I was in there for
chest pains it just turned out to be
20.36 -> gas in my chest but
21.74 -> they told me I had, I was a diabetic and I
25.27 -> had hypertension too so I didn't know until I went in for
29.21 -> another reason.
Bobbie: I kept complaining of a headache.
32.659 -> To my neighbor and my neighbors said
36.6 -> after two or three days of this headache
that I should probably go to emergency and
41.429 -> have it checked out, which I did.
43.499 -> Come to find out how I had
47.35 -> high blood pressure and
50.739 -> I was pretty young. I was either 26 or
27 years old.
55.739 -> Wallace: I was in disbelief but really
60.39 -> once you know my mother has it,
grandmother had it
64.03 -> grand daddy, you know uncles...I was in disbelief that I
68.95 -> didn't wanna believe that I had too.
Bobbie: My family was there with me.
73.72 -> I was very happy they were there and
when they left
78.26 -> I began to, I think worry a lot
81.2 -> because I don't want to be left alone.
84.87 -> I end up having a stroke that night
which I didn't know until
88.88 -> the next day because they took me
to the neurologist
95.35 -> and he confirmed that I had had two
99.42 -> Dr. Clarke: Probably the most important tip to
get somebody who's just been
102.899 -> diagnosed with hypertension
104.08 -> is that I it's it's
107.45 -> a manageable disease. It's not a death
110.64 -> You're going to have to make some
113.689 -> lifestyle changes which tends to be the
most difficult for patients do is
117.89 -> lifestyle changes.
Dr. Meyers: Quitting smoking,
120.06 -> cutting back on alcohol use if you use
123.549 -> Making sure that your sodium
126.92 -> the sodium content in your diet is low
130.03 -> sodium or salt can really contribute to
high blood pressure
133.9 -> Dr: Williams: One of the things that we do when we talk to
our patients about eating a low salt diet
137.86 -> is we have a diagram where we kinda show them what are considered lower sodium foods
142.319 -> moderately sodium foods
143.799 -> and high sodium foods I don't tell
'em always
147.16 -> just avoid the high sodium foods but
those are the things they have to be
150.4 -> careful of and limit how much of those things they have.
Wallace: I don't use salt period.
155.54 -> yep no salt whatsoever for me. So the food that I eat is
160.72 -> no salt. Like I said, the only salt or sodium I end up eating is if I
165.43 -> open up a can of something.
Bobbie: I try to eat
168.959 -> the right foods.
172.86 -> I...salt is not good for me,
176.319 -> for anyone with high blood pressure so I
try to stay away from the salts.
180.95 -> Away from the fats because you have
184.43 -> your kidney, your cholesterol everything
is outta whack when you're doing wrong
189.659 -> and I love those wrong things that are
not right for me so
193.939 -> I'm doing the best that I can right now with
196.969 -> my foods.
Dr. Meyers: So I'm telling somebody they have an illness
201.59 -> when and they have no symptoms.
205.169 -> And so it's hard to
209.15 -> make it a priority when there's a
hundred other things going on in your life.
213.6 -> Dr. Clarke: You can be completely asymptomatic. You can feel
217.189 -> fine. You can feel great and
220.25 -> you can be a ticking time bomb, just
223.409 -> I think whenever I hear about somebody
you know
226.68 -> I was feeling great then all of a sudden, I had a stroke.
Dr. Williams: African-Americans experience higher blood pressure rates
231.4 -> we don't know always know why. It tends to be more genetic. It runs stronger in families.
236.56 -> a higher salt diet, not being able to get
241.06 -> the healthy foods, fruits and vegetables,
fresh meats that other communities
245.889 -> may get. You know we don't always know
248.97 -> what the answer that question is.
Dr. Meyers: For um
252.009 -> hispanics as well as
african-americans, their risks are higher both
255.54 -> of having hypertension and the
complications from hypertension.
259.659 -> I don't think you really can prevent
high blood pressure especially if it's genetic.
263.1 -> If both of your parents have it if
266.229 -> all your grandparents have it and all your
brothers and sisters have it, you
270.25 -> probably will eventually.
271.56 -> unless you're really lucky, end up with high blood pressure so
275.509 -> genetics plays a huge role.
Dr. Meyers: In addition to those risk factors, we also talk about
280.759 -> the risk factors
282.199 -> if you have high blood pressure and
these are the ones that put you at
285.669 -> higher risk
286.68 -> of developing complications from the
high blood pressure
290.08 -> so heart disease, kidney failure, stroke
293.65 -> and those are the ones that we just
mentioned that put you at higher risk of
297.75 -> getting high blood pressure
299.3 -> but also cholesterol having high
302.599 -> also make the high blood pressure more
dangerous for you
305.75 -> as does having diabetes. Having
diabetes and high blood pressure
310.34 -> together don't just
311.43 -> add on their effects, they actually multiply
their effects.
Dr. Clarke: Eating a healthy diet
316.219 -> maintaining a healthy weight and
320.639 -> I have seen patients that have done
these things and had a
325.25 -> a severe family history, a long family
history of hypertension and have been able to
330.6 -> stay off blood pressure medicine for a longer period of time
334.9 -> then they probably would have if they had, if
they were overweight
338.13 -> if they weren't exercising if they were
eating a high sodium
341.19 -> meal.
Wallace: Watch out for it, for one thing.
344.3 -> Like I say, it can be hereditary or
349.08 -> the way you live your life could make
you become
353.12 -> ...you know, have high blood pressure.
356.979 -> Bobbie: I've experienced the high blood
360.24 -> and it is not an easy task.
363.969 -> You have to really be
367.219 -> careful with what you eat.
370.31 -> Be able to, be very
373.58 -> honest with yourself and take your
medicine. Do not be a
377.01 -> doctor to yourself. You must
381.689 -> take it seriously.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7VZicQAUOw